Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 288: half point

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The Central Pier is relatively busy, with many large ships docked.

The night scene on the shore is fascinating. In this era, there is no similar scene in the mainland. Even the famous Lujiazui looks dark at night, only the Oriental Pearl is lit.

The sea breeze is soft and the temperature is suitable.

Foie gras cooked by a French chef with a hint of lemon aroma, served with a caviar salad and served with ice cream for dessert.

Being used to eating big fish and big meat, this French meal was relatively bland to Su Yehao.

Zhao Yimeng's alcohol intake is average.

At this moment, she was holding a wine glass, and the rosé sparkling wine showed a very charming color under the yellow light.

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Staring at the wine glass, Zhao Yimeng said with a smile, "Do you know that you are so annoying."

"Huh? Are you provoking you?"

"I mean when I was in school, I clearly had bad grades and liked to play, why did I become so good after I got into business. And there are people who like you very much, no matter what, they will never give up on you, clearly a playboy. ."


For a moment, Su Yehao also thought that he was confessing while drunk.

However, Zhao Yimeng quickly gave the answer and said: "I am the guide Gong Tian, ​​and Jiang Yu has always liked you. When Donghuang Rose was in school, although Jiang Yu said she hated it, as long as you were there, she would Always peeking at you."


Su Yehao probably knew this as well, and sighed with emotion: "I can't help it, I'm too good. Whether my grades are good or not is not the same thing as whether I'm good at business. There is actually a set of secrets."

Zhao Yimeng asked interestedly, "What's the secret?"

"Read more, read more newspapers, eat less snacks and sleep more."

"...Tsk, it's hard to believe that among the group of people I know who are similar in age to us, you are the best." Zhao Yimeng spat out.

Su Yehao smiled, shrugged and said:

"Just get used to it. If nothing happens, this is just the beginning. You will become more and more desperate in the future. Unless you hug my thighs, it will be difficult to keep up with my pace. A few days ago, I went to the beauty spot my dad just invested in. Land Group, signed a gambling agreement with the management, and they entrusted me to be responsible for the management of idle funds, as long as you are willing, I don't mind being a little tired, and help you Donghuang get some blood back."

Zhao Yimeng looked at him, blinked his eyes and asked tentatively, "Are you being so good to me?"

"Don't be sentimental, although I don't mind you throwing your arms around, but I will also take the benefits. It's 30,000 to 50 million Hong Kong dollars. Play stock options, earn half the money, and I'll pay for the losses myself."

Su Yehao's tone was calm.

He also knew about the problems on the Donghuang Group's side and had nothing to do with him, but subconsciously, he always had a special affection for Zhao Yimeng.

Maybe it's because of his desire, or maybe it's the influence of the obsession that he had left in the past. Anyway, it's just a trivial matter, not even trouble.

Recently, I have seen many beauties of all kinds, but the number of shots is very few.

Although he is fussy, he is not the kind of unrestrained. He heard that Linda Yun encountered a bad situation before, and he also chose to reach out and give it a hand.

Speaking of Linda Yun, she has decided to take over the job of life secretary. The annual salary is set at 360,000 Hong Kong dollars, and she will officially come to work on the 1st of next month.

Seeing that Su Yehao mentioned "throwing his arms and hugs", Zhao Yimeng felt more at ease.

Based on what she knows about this guy, she really doesn't belong to the kind of benevolent person who is kind and charitable.

Knowing that she wanted to cooperate, she thought for a moment and asked:

"Talk about it carefully, how to cooperate? If it's only 30 to 50 million Hong Kong dollars, I can reach out to my parents and get the money."

"You pay for yourself? It's okay, it's just that you transfer the money to me, and I will manage it for you. After the agreed time, if you lose money, I will make up the principal, but if you make money, it's half and half, very simple..."

After listening to Su Yehao's words, Zhao Yimeng frowned and said, "Even if you only earn 5%, you still need half points? It's better to buy private equity."

"Of course not. If the profit exceeds 15%, the extra money will be shared."

Su Yehao didn't say that in the agreement reached with Midea Group, this figure was twice that of it, and he also promised to cover the bottom line according to the bank's interest rate.

They only split the account in half, but for the Midi Group, as long as the profit exceeds 30%, Su Yehao directly takes it all, which is almost the same.

If Zhao Yimeng nodded in agreement.

Because you are going to use money and leverage to play stock options in the U.S. stock market, your profits and losses will be magnified. It is not difficult to make a profit of more than 15% in one year. If you add ten times to twenty times the leverage, maybe it will be quite profitable. .

As I said before, the accident happened to the Donghuang Group, which had a little impact on the Zhao family.

It was only tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars. Zhao Yimeng could make the decision himself. He immediately went to the bow and called his mother. After a few minutes, he gave Su Yehao an answer and was willing to give it a try.

Raised a glass to celebrate the smooth cooperation, and continued to sit and chat for a while.

There are not many areas of intersection between the two sides, and the topic is mainly focused on business.

Before leaving, Su Yehao also asked Zhao Yimeng to help find a shop suitable for operating the restaurant, and sent someone to discuss cooperation with Tao Tao Ju Restaurant. He already had some ideas. After the joint venture, he planned to give the restaurant shares to Yin Liuli as a birthday gift...


Fishing, playing speedboats, staring at the company, accompanying the I was relaxed all day, and a few days later, Zhao Yimeng put 50 million Hong Kong dollars into the KOKO venture capital account, and was immediately transferred to First Quanye Securities is handed over to a special person for management.

According to Su Yehao's request, the money was used to invest in Yahoo and Amazon respectively, and continued to try to play options.

The so-called stock option refers to that the buyer of the option obtains a right by paying a certain fee to the seller, that is, the right to buy or sell the specified amount of the specified amount to the option seller at the agreed price at the agreed time. stock.

It is equivalent to paying some deposits, locking a batch of Yahoo and Amazon stocks in advance, and using less principal.

The restructuring of the Midea Group has not been completed for a while, and the funds are temporarily unavailable.

Nangong Tian, ​​who holds the position of producer, has established a film and television company with the assistance of Su Yehao, named "Little Hippo Films".

The two mobile manure machines in the house have successively killed a lot of valuable koi, and they were temporarily sent to the open space to be developed. In fact, Su Yehao wanted to donate them to the zoo, but Xiao Nizi liked it very much.

The formation of the crew went very smoothly. Dou Jiafeng made a short film and successfully persuaded Nangong Tian to help him speak and let him serve as the director.

As for the male and female protagonists, unknown newcomers are used.

Under Su Yehao's suggestion, Uncle Da became the head teacher in the script, and spent more than a dozen stars to make cameo appearances.

Besides, Su Yehao rarely intervenes.

It's rare for Xiao Nizi to find a career she is really interested in, even if she spends 10 to 20 million yuan to play with her, it doesn't matter, just be happy...

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