Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 309: 7 million users

Latest website: In the evening local time, Su Yehao was already dozing off.

After signing the house purchase contract, the deposit has also been handed to the landlord in the form of a check, and the rest of the work is left to the real estate agent. The commission is more than 70,000 US dollars. It is not only responsible for drafting a contract, there are many trivial matters.

I went to the mall temporarily, bought some mattresses, bedding, etc., and had them sent to the new house now.

Lawns need to be mowed, household appliances need to be purchased, gas supply, babysitters, food purchases, etc. are all over the place for the time being, and you can prepare them slowly.

When the master bedroom was simply cleaned up, I realized that I forgot to ask someone to come over to clean it in time, so I finally found a luxury hotel in Palo Alto next door, and Linda Yun was responsible for hiring a professional cleaning team, adding money to let people clean it overnight. The house is tidied up.

After coming to the hotel to wash up, Su Yehao was just about to go to bed when he happened to receive a call from Xiao Nizi.

On the other end of the phone, she asked in a cheerful and relaxed tone, "My dear brother Hao, did you miss me when you went to America?"

"Of course. After inspecting the company today, I bought a house near the company. It cost about 4 million US dollars in total. I can run horses in the yard. I will bring you over to play next time." Su Yehao dozed off. It was already local time. It was about seven o'clock in the evening, and the sky outside the window just started to get dark.

The location of this new hotel is a bit remote, but the environment is quiet and comfortable.

" suddenly had an idea, and just went there and bought a house for four million dollars? What style of house, is it beautiful?" Xiao Nizi asked.

Su Yehao told her:

"The landlord is a German, with brown exterior walls and a dark blue oversized pitched roof. There are three floors in total. The interior decoration is a bit like an English style, mainly walnut. Because it is a new house, it looks very beautiful, and it should be very comfortable to live in. It is comfortable, there is an outdoor swimming pool 15 meters long, the garden is very delicate, and the grass is green this season.”

"Wow, I want to go look for you."

Su Yehao, who was suddenly dumbfounded, hurriedly said: "Didn't we just separate for a day? I haven't found a reliable CEO to help, this time I should stay in the United States for a while, you can come back in a week or two, I live now The hotel and the house haven't been cleaned up completely, and even if you come, I don't think I have time to play with you, and I can take you to New York after a while."

"...Whatever you think of others, it really is a lie, hum."

Habitually coquettish, Nangong Tian continued on the topic and said, "Well, I haven't been to New York yet, and I almost chose to study in New York. I heard that shopping is very cheap and often discounted."

"The discounted amount is not enough for the fuel cost of the plane."

Su Yehao continued to doze off. After being contacted by her, his drowsiness was a little less, so he found IBM's laptop and searched for recent news about Silicon Valley on the Internet to see if there were any good projects worth taking.

Chatting with Xiao Nizi while surfing the Internet.

As expected of Silicon Valley, the transmission speed of the network is much faster than at home. Although the lag is still obvious, it is acceptable. There is no harm without comparison.

Speaking carefully, according to the real estate agent, the neighbor who lives on the left side of the new house is an ibm shareholder who is worth more than one billion dollars.

On the right is an investor, whose worth is also not low. As the most expensive area in Silicon Valley, the wealth owned by Su Yehao is not very bright in the local area. There are also two super-rich people in the community who are worth more than 10 billion US dollars. Those are well-known figures on the Forbes rich list of the world. They are one of the founders of Hewlett-Packard and a major shareholder of Intel.

Staying on the one-third of an acre in the port city, there is always the illusion that the end is about to come to an end.

When I came to this kind of place, I realized that a mountain is higher than a mountain. At least Su Yehao's worth didn't start with "b", even if the whole family added up.

"" level, one billion US dollars, this is the watershed that distinguishes the rich and the super rich. At present, Su Yehao has not yet touched the threshold. He is often troubled by intermittent ambition at home, and he is often idle and has nothing to do. With the purchase of a house in Silicon Valley, he is indeed prepared to stay for a while longer and find his passion for venture capital.

As for business in the mainland, basically you don’t need to worry too much. There are only 800,000 to 900,000 netizens, which is less than one-sixth of that in the United States. Even if they all use the tat instant chat software, the valuation will die. About one billion Hong Kong dollars, I need to let the bullet fly for a while, so I can't be impatient.

During the search for information, I unexpectedly saw news about Qiu Yaohe, the son of Uncle Qiu's family.

In the English-only press release, Su Yehao goes to look up words from time to time. His level is only enough for daily communication, and he is incomparable to a San Francisco resident like Linda Yun. The translation probably means that Qiu Yaohe's company is recruiting people all over the world. Came to America to disrupt the online chat market.

Just look at it, it is clear that apart from about 30 million US dollars, there is no achievement yet, but it does not prevent Qiu Yaohe from bragging first.

Since Su Yehao also made a decision, he plans to open up the international market through the revised TVT, and he will definitely compete with the other party for market share in the future, so the idea of ​​inviting Qiu Yaohe, who also came to Silicon Valley to develop, came out for a meal. The circle was wiped out in the cradle in a blink of an eye.

Thinking of Dad's best friend Uncle Qiu, Su Yehao felt a little stressed.

Mainly because he was afraid that Uncle Qiu would ask him to help Qiu Yaohe's business in order to help his son at that time. Wouldn't this be like handing a knife to a competitor.

The casino city has a strong atmosphere of human relationships and sophistication. The more he thinks about it, the more Su Yehao thinks it is possible. With the idea of ​​taking precautions, he has decided to have a chat with his father when he has time, so that his own father's head will not get hot and he will sell himself if he is not careful. .

There is a lot of news about Silicon Valley companies on the Internet. Some people are developing online music, some people are trying to develop a new generation of data compression technology, and some people have tossed up an online real estate rental and sales website. The valuation has exceeded 100 million US dollars.

There are various projects, but there are still a few companies that are really valued by Su Yehao, such as Amazon, which is scrambling to spend money and tossing, and Cisco, which is desperately grabbing the market share of 3G communications. The search engine business is still dominated by Yahoo, and the king of instant messaging is AOL. , the market value has gone to 40 billion US dollars, far exceeding the icq valued at 300 million US dollars.

The reason why the value gap is so is mainly because AOL has already made a lot of money and has identified the direction of profit, while icq, which has 7 million users, is in a deadlock.

When he was about to turn off the computer, Su Yehao was surprised to find a piece of news that AOL was trying to acquire icq, and the negotiated price was about 350 million US dollars.

It's just tabloid news, covered under a lot of hot news, and if you look for it carefully, there are not many search results.

Su Yehao, who has been thinking about how to develop tat, feels like the second vein of Ren and Du has been opened up for a moment. His eyes are like copper bells, thinking about what it would be like to attract users to tat if he merged with icq. result.

icq could not find a profitable direction, but Su Yehao has already started planning a virtual "t coin" and placing advertisements in his personal space.

If it is really the price of 350 million US dollars, negotiate with the Japanese bank, and there is no chance to get support, which is equivalent to recharging and upgrading, spending more than 2 billion Hong Kong dollars, and purchasing 7 million users...


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