Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 315: new ideas

LATEST WEBSITE: Two days in Yosemite National Park, the scenery is beautiful enough to cleanse the mind.

However, Su Ye was greedy for profit, and only relying on Yosemite could no longer wash him away, and he felt that it was just okay.

Within three days of opening the position, the total profit exceeded US$22 million at the highest. However, with the slight fluctuations on Friday, it fell by more than half all of a sudden. When the market closed, there were only more than US$4 million in profit left.

The bank has not yet determined whether to agree to the loan, and whether it can earn enough funds in the short term is also unknown for the time being.

Thinking to be safe, Su Yehao began to consider the possibility of a merger, which is to use part of the cash plus equity to negotiate with the shareholders of icq company.


Since he can't spend hundreds of millions of dollars, he may lose tens of billions of dollars in the future. In Su Yehao's eyes, no matter how he looks at it, he will feel that it is too much of a loss.

If there are 7 million active users of icq, the possibility of the success of the international version of tvt can probably be increased from 50% to 80% to 90%. Coupled with Su Yehao's reasonable planning, tens of billions of dollars are not all. In a daydream, it is very likely to become a reality.

Once the existing shareholders of icq are introduced, it means that these shareholders will ride on the ride, and Su Yehao does not want to divide the equity too early, which will not only affect the follow-up financing planning, but also have a certain impact on his interests.

After all, in addition to icq's existing users and reputation, he can't help him too much in other aspects. He has neither influence nor funds, and is obviously not the first choice for cooperation.

Wall Street giants such as Goldman Sachs and Morgan, as well as technology companies such as Microsoft and Yahoo, which control the wealth of traffic, are the target groups that Su Yehao hopes to cooperate with.


As for the proposed plan for the merger, it was only prepared in advance, not even the b plan, at best it was a d plan, which was similar to the attempted financing of the e plan.

A plan is of course to find a way to find the funds.

b is through financial institutions, using leveraged buyouts.

c is to temporarily cash out Yahoo stock, and then find a way to pledge the loan after the acquisition is completed, and continue to invest.

The plans have been listed in the small notebook by Su Yehao, and the advantages and disadvantages were also noted. When it was rare to encounter such a shortage of money, he continued to rack his brains to think about how to make a quick sum of money in a short period of time.

I was so calm before because I knew that I could always rely on my parents at critical moments. For example, when I acquired Yinhai Software, don't look down on it. In fact, Su Yehao was making a fuss about it. Mom, ask grandpa to get some money.

This time, however, it was different.

The funds of Cosmopolitan International have been used in Pengcheng Cosmopolitan International Cultural Tourism City and two large-scale projects of financing Meidi Group.

Although the total value of the Hong Kong City Earl Medical Group managed by my mother is quite high, the cash flow is relatively short.

Su Yehao, who can only rely on his own, has once again tasted that his ambition is greater than his own strength, which is quite worrying.

After reading a lot of newspapers, I still can't find a reliable speculator.

Money is never enough...


Adrian of McKinsey & Company took people to tvt's headquarters on Saturday morning for an inspection.

Su Yehao personally accompanied him, and he introduced himself at the moment very self-consciously:

"My company has just started, and its scale is still very small. It only has hundreds of users in the Silicon Valley area. It is in the testing stage, and it can't compare with icq for the time being. In fact, the people of icq first proposed to spend five million dollars to acquire my company. Company, if you have used our product, you will find that it has a relatively mature new social model that surpasses icq in terms of functionality and technology."

Adrian is a small supervisor in the branch, and his performance is usually so-so, so he values ​​Su Yehao's business.

After listening to it, he smiled and said, "To be honest, I have downloaded your product, and my colleagues have also registered after they found it. Occasionally communicate through it during working hours. The experience is indeed quite good."

Su Yehao sat at the newly bought conference table, tapped the table with his fingers, and told:

"I'm raising funds, and I have a little trouble, but I can solve it. Let's try to talk to them recently. I don't know how the progress on AOL's side is going to be solved. It's easy to solve it early."

"Oh? Are you short of funds? Our company now has a financial credit service for customers. It only charges a small handling fee. I can apply for you if you need it."

After Adrian finished speaking, Su Yehao's heart moved slightly and he hurriedly asked, "Leveraged buyout, does your company provide this kind of business?"

"Of course, we at McKinsey have cooperation with many financial companies. A few years ago, I was responsible for helping a client acquire a large number of polystyrene manufacturers, and then reintegrate it and sell it to a third party. In that transaction, the leveraged buyout amounted to a billion dollars.”

Su Yehao nodded calmly.

When it comes to financial business, the United States has long played tricks. Just counting mergers and acquisitions can be divided into five or six ways. In the early years, there was a movie called "The Barbarian at the Door", which described a hostile takeover, which The traditional way of doing business has been "sublimated".

Previously, Su Yehao was more resistant to borrowing from financial institutions other than banks, because not only the interest rate was high, but the repayment cycle was relatively short, and there were greater risks.

However, there is a real shortage of funds. After thinking for a few seconds, Su Yehao asked again:

"Then how much money do you think your company can provide me for this transaction? You know, I'm investing in Yahoo. In fact, I'm ready to liquidate Yahoo's stock and instead make a lot of Yahoo options on the sidelines. It is equivalent to continuing to be optimistic about the appreciation prospects of Yahoo with a small amount of funds, and using the money to buy icq."

Of course Adrian can understand the difference is probably the difference between buying a house and investing in full, and paying a deposit loan to buy an off-plan house.

For example, I originally bought a house with one million in full, but now I sell the house for one million, and only take one hundred thousand as a deposit. The target house is worth one million, and while continuing to enjoy the appreciation bonus, the remaining ninety It can be used for other purposes.

The disadvantage of doing this is that the risks are a bit high, so Su Yehao only dared to make small troubles before, and he still "paid the full amount" to avoid severe fluctuations.

Su Yehao had already calculated that after liquidating Yahoo's stock and repaying part of the loan from No. 1 Quanye Bank, there would still be more than 200 million US dollars left, and if the remaining money was collected from the bank, there would be basically no problem.

If the trouble of money is not resolved, there is no way to let go of the hands and feet to discuss the acquisition with icq.

At this time, he learned that McKinsey could provide leveraged buyout services, and Su Yehao was quite moved.


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