Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 325: nightlife

Jiang Yu would feel embarrassed to swim alone in his newly bought swimsuit.

But when Xiao Nizi also rushed upstairs, changed into a black bikini and jumped into the swimming pool, Jiang Yu calmed down again, and accompany her to lie on the inflatable bed, smiling and chatting about her experiences in the United States.

As soon as I got home, there was such an eye-catching scene. Su Yehao lay generously on the beach chair by the swimming pool, staring straight at the two of them, feeling that the tiredness of the long journey had been swept away.

You will feel tired if you lose more than you lose.

But this time, he not only successfully acquired ICQ, but also attracted more than 400,000 users to TVT for more than half a month. In addition, he encountered a small bull market and made a total of more than 200 million US dollars from the stock market. Feeling at ease.

Options and futures continue to maintain high positions, rising and falling after a sharp rise in the last week, and generally showing an upward trend.

Options have an agreed delivery date, and new contracts are constantly changing. There is nothing to fear from small pits and small fluctuations in the short term. Funds from all over the world continue to flock to the Nasdaq market. So Su Yehao is no longer worried about putting his capital into it, so he can control it and don't be greedy, just leave enough reserve funds.

A sneak peek at Jiang Yu is eye-catching.

Jiang Yu probably knew about this, because she quietly raised her chest and raised her head, which should be silently refuting Su Yehao's ridicule in the early years.

How should I put it, it is true that she has changed from a little girl to a big girl. Although it is not an exaggeration, there is a sense of beauty on the curves everywhere.

Su Yehao smiled happily and began to close his eyes to rest.

He has no plans to go to the United States again in the near future, and he has to go back to the work and rest habits of Hong Kong City. At this moment, he is already dozing off, but he insists on thinking about things and does not let himself fall asleep.

[First release on this site, fastest update]

There are many things to consider. .

For example, the development of the TOT search engine and portal websites in the mainland now has more than 70,000 daily active users and more than 160,000 monthly active users, which are doing quite well.

WPS, which previously focused on the research and development of office document products, while actively expanding the market in Greater China, has also begun to develop into portal sites. Its positioning is probably similar to that of Sina. It is preparing to develop social networking sites.

In addition, there is the ICQ instant chat program that has just been acquired. Su Yehao asked the employees of this company to download TVT. After a period of trial, no one felt that there was any problem with the development strategy focusing on TVT. Those programmers themselves They all feel that ICQ is too outdated, and there is no social function of TVT.

Before returning to Hong Kong City, Su Yehao had referred to Facebook's template and asked them to try to develop in terms of graphic and text sharing.

It takes some time and a lot of money to upgrade the product, so his new boss invested another 20 million US dollars and accepted interviews with several media.

At least in the Silicon Valley area, Su Yehao is not a big or small celebrity. Some people will take the initiative to say hello while walking on the street, and some people will come to seek investment with projects, so the matter of KOKO Ventures going to Silicon Valley to set up a branch has already been done. can be put on the agenda.

As for the idea of ​​moving ICQ to the's just an idea for the time being. It depends on the company's future situation and whether there is enough money on hand.

If the cash flow in hand is sufficient, Su Yehao feels that it is the same whether or not to go public as soon as possible.

Many startups are now lining up to enter the Nasdaq Stock Exchange. Even if it is ICQ's turn, it is very likely that the original stock has not been lifted by then, and the US Internet bubble may collapse first. Some money is made in the market, but the shares held will be reduced accordingly, which is not worth the loss.

On the whole, everything is developing in a good direction, which also allows Su Yehao to continue to maintain a leisurely state.

His calmness was built on a solid material foundation, even if he owed hundreds of millions of dollars in loans, it would not affect Su Yehao's quality of life in the slightest.

Debt and debt are two different things.


Originally, I wanted to sleep until after dark, and adjust my biological clock back as soon as possible.

But in a daze, Su Yehao lay directly on the beach chair and fell asleep. When he woke up, it was already dark, the lights were on in the outdoor swimming pool, the blue water was sparkling, and the yard was also brightly lit. Wild monkeys were trotting along the grass and somehow broke in.

Look at your watch, it's past eight o'clock in the evening.

Su Yehao lifted the blanket on his body, scratched the mosquito bag on his elbow, and walked into the room speechlessly.

Jiang Yu was in the living room, holding a book of Qiong Yao's novel, crying to the brim, wiping his tears with a tissue while watching.

Su Yehao, who was puzzled by the style, didn't feel how pitiful her appearance of pear blossoms and rain was so pitiful, he raised his foot and kicked her leg, complaining, "No one called me, there are a lot of mosquitoes this season, where's Nangong?"

"She went upstairs to sleep a long time ago. She called you a few times and you didn't wake up. I just sprayed mosquito repellent outside the day before yesterday. How can there be so many mosquitoes."

Jiang Yu waved his hand impatiently, and added: "Go away, don't disturb my reading."

After Su Yehao heard this, he could not laugh or cry.

I always feel that after raising fish for a long time, the pond will be occupied by fry.

In the past, Jiang Yu was a little self-conscious about relying on others, but as he got used to it, he has let go.

He looked down and saw "Han Zhu Ge Ge" written on the cover.

good guy.

Su Yehao lay directly, put his feet on Jiang Yu's stomach, and said with a smile, "You should go away, this sofa is suitable for sleeping, I like it here."

Jiang Yu, who only wanted to read books, was too lazy to argue with him for the first time in the world. He even turned a blind eye to Su Yehao's feet and just pouted.

Be quiet for a Su Yehao stopped provoking her and went upstairs to see the little girl. She had already fallen asleep with the air conditioner on. It was a fragrance.

Go to the study and turn on the computer to check the data. After being bored for a while, he simply sent a message to Nong Qingying and asked where she was now.

Knowing that it is in the upper wind and the water, I simply slipped out the door after cleaning up.

It was only after nine o'clock, and the nightlife had just begun. I picked up Nong Qingying in the middle of the mountain, drove to Lan Kwai Fong, and found a bar to sit.

Knowing that Su Yehao has serious business to do in the United States this time, Nong Qingying didn't blame him.

Seeing Su Yehao staring at a white girl wearing a hip-packed skirt at the moment, Nong Qingying joked, "Look, my eyes are about to fall out. After so long in California, I haven't seen enough canaries? Or else? I'll go first, so that you can strike up a conversation."

Su Yehao smiled awkwardly, and said to her, "No matter how good your figure is, how can you be good? Actually, I fell asleep again and was dizzy from the noise. I wasn't looking at others at all, I was just distracted."

"Oh, or forget it, and accompany you to eat something?"

"Then have a drink first. A glass of wine is a few hundred dollars. It's very expensive. Don't waste it."

Su Yehao dozed off.

Suddenly, someone patted him on the shoulder, and when he turned around, he realized that it was his friend He Shaofan.

He Shaofan and Nong Qingying met only a few times, and he still had a little impression of her. After greeting her with a smile, he said to Su Yehao, "This is very boring, he didn't even call me when he came out to play, and now he was caught alive by me, he must Punish yourself three cups first."

"I just came back from the United States today, what a coincidence."

These old friends like to play and love nightclubs. The probability of encountering them in Lan Kwai Fong is extremely high, which is not surprising.

Su Yehao dozed off and continued to speak: "It's fine to drink alcohol, but I was caught alone, bad luck, I admit it, I'll pay the bill tonight..."

Chapter 325 Nightlife

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