Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 337: before holiday

Su Yehao's sports cells are just fine, but unfortunately he neglects to exercise on weekdays.

After playing tennis for more than ten minutes, I was so tired that I was out of breath. I sat on the bench and drank mineral water. I took the wet towel from Linda Yun and wiped the sweat off my face.

Hong Kong City at the end of June, the weather is hot.

From the trees on the campus, the sound of Zhizhi kept ringing, and after the end of get out of class bell was heard in the distance, people swarmed out of the corridor of the teaching building.

There are more than 10,000 students and teachers in the entire Hong Kong University. Some choose to live off-campus, and some have already started internships. In addition, the curriculum is relatively scattered, and it is very lively every day, but it will not be too crowded.

The little rookie of the sparring team, also sweating profusely, said respectfully that he was going to class later, and left first with a tennis racket.

Linda Yun stood beside Su Yehao and said in a strange tone:

"You didn't like classes before, and it's the same now. I thought you changed your temper today and didn't expect to come to play tennis. The honorary president of this tennis club was paid for? I saw your bill. , I have to transfer 3,000 yuan to this club every month, this is the first time I have come here this year, so it’s not worth it.”

"Well... when they agreed to invite them to eat and drink, they agreed to let me join the tennis club. They thought that I would come here often to exercise, so I thought it was a fitness card. I didn't expect to overestimate my perseverance. I really am not a sports genius. "

Su Yehao clearly felt that his body was a little empty.

It wasn't much better in the past, and more than a year after the accident, I was squeezed by turns and completely lost the initiative.

It's not just his perseverance that is overrated.

It's no wonder that he usually watched Jiang Yu, a small fry, dangling in front of his eyes, but he didn't dare to make a real shot. .

For a girl like Jiang Yu, once she chooses to take action, she will definitely be responsible in the future... Now she can't stand it anymore, and if she pays an extra portion of public food, she will really die.

Therefore, Su Yehao actually had troubles, and even made preparations in advance that no one would bring it with him next time he went to the United States to cultivate himself.

Linda Yun was not dead-headed at all, and she didn't plan to persuade Su Yehao to "get back when he lost his way" and go to more lectures.

Just by looking at the attitude of those professors and management towards Su Yehao, they expressed concern from time to time, occasionally invited him to attend events, and took the initiative to issue outstanding alumni certificates. No one really cared whether he attended classes or not.

Taking a step back, looking through the entire Department of Business Administration and Finance, you can probably only find a few from the previous roster of alumni whose personal achievements surpassed that of Su Yehao.

Linda Yun seemed to be worried about this boss who made 3 or 4 billion a year, but secretly she almost looked at him with a kneeling and looking up attitude. She also didn't think Su Yehao could learn anything from this campus. .

Although I am usually lazy, I also earn money while being lazy, which is considered a skill.

At this moment.

Linda Yun asked: "Then what are you going to do next? I remember that the tennis club also applied for funds. This summer, I want to hire a professional tennis coach to find a place to train and exercise. It is estimated that it will cost about 100,000 yuan. as a cash cow."

"100,000? If you do the math, it's really a bit of a loss. Usually, I ask the tennis club to advertise for me, and I can't get my money back at all."

Su Yehao simply pondered for a moment, and said in a calm tone, "Find a reason, help me break it, say osteoporosis, or like other balls, and are no longer interested in the tennis club."

As a life secretary, helping the boss with careful planning is one of Linda Yun's jobs.

This tennis club, in her eyes, is like a gym with long-term renewals, but seldom participates, which is obviously an unnecessary expense.

The good feelings of the tennis club members towards Su Yehao were based on material interests, and there was no need to continue it.

The expenses were too small, and no one would think of reporting to Su Yehao specifically, so from last year to this year, only Linda Yun found out from the expenditure details and proposed to discontinue the sponsorship activities.

In a tennis club, if they say it is done, it will be terminated. Su Yehao doesn't care at all.

I went to the bathroom to take a cold shower, changed my clothes and went to the dessert shop to order two ice creams. I sat with Linda Yun and ate while waiting for the little girl to finish class.

The girls at the next table, after recognizing Su Yehao, lowered their voices and talked excitedly, nothing more than saying "really handsome", "big and young" and so on.

After adapting to his identity for a long time, he has long since lost much feeling. Su Yehao ignored the envy in the eyes of others and sighed with emotion: "In the blink of an eye, the freshman year of college is almost over, it seems that nothing has been done, and the time has passed. so fast."

Linda Yun was eating ice cream and said happily:

"You didn't do anything in the first place. If you go to class and write papers like them all day long, time will pass very slowly. It is only after you leave the campus that you understand what time flies, and time flies."

Su Yehao continued: "But in that state, it's because it's too torturous, so it seems like a year. It doesn't make sense to jump in and ask for trouble. Besides, I'm already like this. If I continue to work hard, I will get A+ in every door. How do other people of the same age live?"

"...It's clearly a fallacy, but I admit that boss, you have a point."

"Right, like now, they can look for They say that although I have a good family background, earn a lot of money, and look good, my academic performance is not as good as theirs, and I can't write anything that can be published in magazines. paper."

I ate a big mouthful of strawberry-flavored ice cream, and it was cold from my teeth to my stomach.

Suddenly feeling a little hungry, Su Yehao ordered egg waffles and a bowl of red bean pudding.

He was so bored that he held his chin in a daze. Through the glass, he observed elementary school girls and old school girls dressed in cool and fashionable clothes, and continued to say, "Nangong and Jiang Yu are both on vacation during the summer vacation, I don't know what will happen to them. The arrangement. I went to several places in the first half of the year and found an island to stay for a few days, what do you think?"

After Linda Yun heard this, her eyes lit up and she said with a bright smile:

"Public travel, and it's also island travel, of course I like it very much. Tahiti, Fiji, Maldives, Santoniri and Sicily in Europe, or I will make a few plans, and then you can choose?"

small book booth

"Okay, it's better not to go too far. Go to Thailand to eat prawns and see elephants. Let's play for about two or three days. Don't tell them first, just treat it as a gift."

Recently, I have been busy, and some things can't be rushed. Su Yehao is in a state of emptiness and boredom.

Even if Dad went to Guangzhou to talk about acquiring land, and it was still three or four thousand acres of land, he failed to arouse his intermittent ambitions, mainly because there was already a huge cultural tourism city in Pengcheng. Developed, experienced, numb.

As for the United States, the change of ICQ will take time. At present, it is nothing more than diverting traffic to TVT and investing in entertainment.

It is indeed the big bull market of Nasdaq, with small drops and big rises. With his vision, he can make money by buying everything without thinking.

It just so happened that the summer vacation was coming, Su Yehao didn't really want to go out, mainly to accompany Xiao Nizi for a walk, she prefers to travel...

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