Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 350: Split issue

The objects in Liulichang are relatively fluid.

Even though there are so many stores, in fact, there are very few real boutique treasures in each store, mainly objects from the Ming and Qing Dynasties, which are of little collection value in Su Yehao's eyes.

Taking advantage of the help of someone around him to identify, Su Yehao collected two more paintings by Qi Baishi, plus a Zhang Daqian's "Heavenly Girl Scattering Flowers", and a Yuan Dynasty Geyao Begonia-style flowerpot, which cost more than 9 million yuan in total.

If you want to bring it back to the mansion in Dalangwan, Hong Kong City, you need to think of a way. If you really can't, you can stay in the mainland. Anyway, you should come often in the future.

In addition, the three pieces of Rongbaotang were also identified as genuine, and they went directly to the bank to transfer them.

Money and goods clear.

Seven collections cost more than 20 million in total.

In the evening, Su Yehao took them back to the courtyard and put them on his desk to appreciate them carefully. He wondered whether Ding kiln and Ge kiln had both, should he gather the old stuff from the other three famous kilns.

Learn to play collectibles by yourself, just have fun and satisfy your cravings.

There are so many objects that have been circulated for thousands of years. I heard that there are hundreds of thousands of items hidden in the Forbidden City. It is boring to buy too many. It is only suitable for hobbies and entertainment.

To say that the appreciation space is not necessarily much higher than that of investing in stocks.

Before I bought it, I always thought about it. I was really holding the big bowl of Dingyao, and I thought that was the same thing. Two or three sets of large courtyard houses in Four Nine Cities continued to be placed on the desk. Su Yehao had already gone to take a bath with Nong Qingying in his arms.

Looking at the atmosphere, it is estimated that it will take a while to wash...

On the fourth day of coming to Sijiucheng. .

In the morning, the designer who knew that Su Yehao wanted to continue buying the house brought an agent to visit him, saying that he had a good house.

Walk for more than ten minutes and go to see it.

I found that it was also in the alley, and it was not close to the lake. The yard was not as good as it is now, so I simply refused on the spot.

On the film approval side, they worked overtime and issued a rectification proposal. Only a few lines needed to be revised, and the dubbing was enough.

So while he was still in Sijiucheng, Su Yehao came to Radio and Television again in the afternoon. The private theater chain had not yet been released. If he wanted the movie to be released on the big screen, he had to ask Radio and Television for help before arranging for a nationwide screening.

At this moment.

Director Zhao, who we met last time, got up and said with a smile after seeing Su Yehao:

"You're here, I've already signed the documents, there's nothing wrong with the approval, and there's basically no need to move it. You mentioned on the phone just now that you want to arrange the screening as soon as possible, right? I'll take you to ask someone, but the specifics are It still depends on how others arrange it, I can't say anything."

"I'm so sorry if you can help, thank you very much."

After listening to Su Yehao finished, Director Zhao said politely: "It's a small matter, I'm not busy now, the domestic films in recent years are of different levels, and they can't attract too many people. With a large number of people, all of whom are waiting to be fed, and it is rare to be able to introduce a new film, it is also a good thing for us.”

"I heard that there are mandatory regulations on the number of films imported from outside every year?" Su Yehao asked curiously.

Director Zhao nodded: "Well, it just started with ten films a year, and there should be a little more in the future. This year's "Titanic" has exceeded 300 million at the national box office and over one billion dollars worldwide. Many directors are terrified, everyone wants to watch foreign blockbusters, if too much is imported, there will be no room for local films to survive, and there is no way to do it.”

Following the other party's topic, Su Yehao said with a smile:

"... It's not bad to have a few catfish in the pond. It's easy to revive the market. Everyone goes to the cinema to be happy. Too much reasoning is always like a literary film, mainly because it can't attract the interest of the audience. I don't think it's necessary. How long will it take for commercial films in the Mainland to develop, and with the market size here, it is relatively easy to develop, even if all the people in Hong Kong go to the movies, there are only a few million."

Hearing this and smiling.

Director Zhao continued: "It seems that you have watched mainland movies, and you have to pinch your nose to admit that no one is really interesting. A "Titanic" invested more than one billion yuan, I really don't know how the money was spent Yes, in our country's annual box office total, no one has a high cost to make a movie."

While walking and chatting, we went down two floors.

When he came to the door of an office, Director Zhao looked inside and saw that a table was empty. He knocked on the door and asked, "Where's your director?"

"Zhao Si, come in and sit down? The director has gone to a meeting. I'm afraid he won't be back until tomorrow."

The short middle-aged man who was talking, wearing a pair of thin-rimmed glasses, looked to the side after talking happily, and was stunned when he saw Su Yehao.

Su Yehao was also stunned.

He knew this middle-aged man, but he was not the one called "Yao Ke" in the yard outside the courtyard where the old roses were planted.

Director Zhao was just about to help with the introduction, when he saw Yao, who had already stretched out his hand with a smile, and said excitedly: "Oh, I've been around your north side street for two days, and I haven't seen you, the little boss from the casino, you Hello! I just bought a flower, why bother Zhao Si's driver to find my office?"

"...Hello, it's such a coincidence that in such a big four-nine city, you can meet acquaintances here. I came here today for something, not to buy flowers, you misunderstood."

Su Yehao had a smile on his face.

Although I wasn't very happy when I bought flowers, and I didn't like the petty nature of the couple in their courtyard, but the movie was about to be released, and those little emotions were not worth mentioning.

Director Zhao was stunned for a moment and asked in confusion, "You two know each other?"

"I've seen it once. I met at the door two days ago. This little boss from the casino is amazing. He rebuilt a courtyard near the Prince Chun's mansion. I heard that it cost more than 20 million~www.readwn. com~ When I went out for breakfast, I saw an old rose in our yard and wanted to buy it and plant it."

Yao Kechang was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth. He thought that he had passed by a windfall, but he didn't expect the mountains and rivers to return to doubts, and just happened to meet again.

Hearing this, Su Yehao immediately guessed that the person in the small yard must have gone to the area near Beiyan Street to inquire about the old rose.

He had mentioned where he lived that morning, and the newly built courtyard was very stylish. He wanted to inquire seriously, and he could always find clues from the nearby households.

After some conversation, Director Zhao left first.

While helping to pour the tea, Section Chief Yao continued to praise: "When I saw you two mornings ago, I knew that you are not ordinary people. Ordinary people are willing to spend 20,000 yuan on flowers. Boss, it's really a coincidence that you met me in this matter."

Su Yehao laughed even more happily, and asked, "Are the flowers outside your courtyard still there? I'm not in a hurry to talk about it, Director Zhao just told me, you guys now have a new model of split distribution, my movie Is it possible to adopt the model of split account issuance?"

The introduction of outside films by means of account distribution is a new rule that only appeared in 1994.

At the beginning of this year, the uncut "Titanic" was released, and the box office was so high that the radio and television side were pleasantly surprised. It not only broke the record, but also caused a wave of movie watching.

Based on the idea that mosquito legs are also meat, many foreign film companies have begun to contact the mainland, and there are regulations on the number of films imported each year.

Section Chief Yao said with a smile, "We are all acquaintances. I will definitely help you if you can. Have you brought the approval documents? Let me take a look at it for you first. I don't even know what type of movie it is. City movies, we happen to have supporting regulations, which is easier than importing American movies..."

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