Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 359: marginalized small business

One-handed radish stick, the effect is immediate.

Before the McKinsey team came, Su Yehao went to ICQ and TVT headquarters every day and could clearly see that these employees were much more honest.

Both companies have plans to go public, but they may not be able to catch up with this round of the Internet bubble. The main reason is that even if they are forced to go public, they may not be popular, and there is no time to accumulate.

Considering that there will be chicken feathers everywhere after the madness, the market will probably stop for a few years. Su Yehao is no longer in a hurry to make money in the listing, and continues to focus on riding the wind. He also uses some funds to increase leverage, and watch the Nasdaq index and more. a listed company.

His net worth has risen again and again. Including the valuation of TVT, he has a net worth of about 700 million US dollars, most of which are earned from the Nasdaq market. Taking advantage of the gains brought by the rise in the stocks held, he has made more than 300 million US dollars in the last month or so, which is equivalent to getting back the money from the acquisition of ICQ.

Su Yehao's worth seems to be quite different from that of many super rich people in the technology circle.

But you must know that this is only his achievement in just over a year, which is enough to make people drop their jaws.

In other industries, it is difficult to make so much money in such a short period of time, but in the current Silicon Valley market, there has already been a wave of wealth creation myths.

For example, Bill Gates, whose net worth has risen by more than 10 billion US dollars this year, and Yang Zhiyuan, the founder of Yahoo, also earned about 2 billion US dollars this year.

It's only mid-July, and the hot weather can't overwhelm the wild ambitions of investors. Many startups can get millions of dollars in investment with a single proposal. It's no wonder that TVT's valuation has risen rapidly.

Since ICQ was acquired by Su Yehao and spread the news that it has found a profit point to the outside world, ICQ's valuation has reached about 450 million US dollars, but it has not yet planned to accept financing, so the valuation is just a number.

In recent days, Su Yehao was taken by John Zhou to a small party and met many new friends locally.

Hearing others talk about how easy it is to find money, it's not enough to get 10 million dollars. Investors have to raise 20 to 30 million dollars, which is a wake-up call for Su Yehao. .

Although there is no rush to go public, but by pulling the two companies in your hands as soon as possible, you can take advantage of the market fire and shout around for a financing to come back.

Once the funding problem is resolved, it is estimated that in the next few years, you will not have to pay out of your own pocket and worry about the company's expenses.

Wouldn't it be nice to borrow chickens to lay eggs?

If the skin is thick enough, after the bubble bursts, the valuation falls, and there is still a chance to buy back the transferred shares at a low price, and the difference may be as high as hundreds of millions of dollars.

Thinking of this, Su Yehao found the new interim CEO of TVT, Roger Cruyff, and said with a smile that he would provide him with another 20 million US dollars. In any case, he would find a way to increase the number of users of the product.

Profit points such as membership, virtual goods, advertisements, etc., can also be prepared and launched, and strive to make the revenue data more beautiful.


Sunshine, grass, beach chairs, blue outdoor pool.

July 22nd this day.

Su Yehao was wearing big pants, lying under the umbrella, drinking a smoothie and eating watermelon.

Nong Qingying was wearing a long dress, sitting next to her and looking down at a book, she said:

"Damn it, I'm afraid you'll be busy. Seeing how busy you have been recently, doesn't it mean that you have changed your health? Silicon Valley is so boring, why don't we go back together, it just happens to be my mother's birthday the day after tomorrow."


Su Yehao put the cup away, put his arm under his head, and sighed, then said, "I never imagined that the business I was optimistic about would be so unpopular, and if AOL was removed, no one would compete with me. The delivery effect is also very good, you can't go to the company every day and stay in a daze from work to get off work, right?"

"...Your competitor, wasn't it acquired by you? Continue to compete with AOL for the market."

"Isn't this rushing? Besides, their fee-based chat group is doomed to die. I can't beat them with money. What can I do?"

Su Yehao looked lazy, closed his eyes, so comfortable that he almost fell asleep.

What he called "unpopular" means that there are not many teams that start businesses in the field of instant chat, and I see some occasionally, but they have not yet developed.

Strong is too strong, AOL's total market value is nearly 50 billion US dollars.

Weak and too weak, they are all small teams who don't know if there is a tomorrow.

Under this situation, TVT's life should not be too easy. After coming to the United States for a week, with the blessing of advertising and drainage, TVT's daily active users increased by more than 80,000, and the growth rate is still expanding. Word of mouth has attracted many new users. .

Some users are still robbed from ICQ, which means that the left hand is changed to the right, and it does not flow into the field of outsiders.

The reason why the live chat market has not been paid attention to is because of its dark future. Even a company like ICQ, which has 7 million users, is not worth a fraction of the market value of Cisco and Yahoo. It also burns money to attract users. return.

With this precedent, entrepreneurs can't see it, and investment institutions have also abandoned ICQ, treating it as a niche market that will end at any time.

In fact, AOL's paid group chats alone are also not worth that much money.

The reason why the company's market value is so high is mainly the support of online communities, online news and information services. Now it claims to have 20 million users, and it is very close to advertisers, which makes people feel promising.

In short, AOL is a large group, and the paid chat room that Su Yehao is concerned about is only a small part of its many businesses, and it is worth about 1.5 billion US dollars at most.

The ceiling is here, and the process of attracting users also burns money. It is no wonder that entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley are afraid to do this.

Part of the reason why ICQ has achieved the accumulation of 7 million users with its particularly simple functions is that no one is competing with it, and the space for users to choose is too small. It was so small that there was almost only ICQ before, and recently there is a TVT.

After Roger Cruyff took office, after research, he only found a few suitable advertising spots in his personal space, no matter how many it was, it was easy to be disgusted.

The drawbacks are How to realize it is a difficult problem.

Su Yehao has been sending people to find a suitable game development team recently. At the same time, he also pays attention to search engines, browsers, video software, news websites, etc., in order to find a way to convert the customers accumulated by instant chat software into companies through drainage. income.

There was no clue for a while, Su Yehao was not in a hurry, anyway, investment is the big deal, so he can support him here.

Eighth day in Silicon Valley.

Without the imaginary killing of the Quartet, the company has little life.

After listening to Nong Qingying saying that he wanted to go back to Hong Kong City, Su Yehao also felt that there was no point in continuing to retire here, so he simply agreed to go back together...


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