Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 367: full tourism

Time has come quietly to August.

After being appointed as the interim CEO of TVT Network Company, Roger Cruyff, who was recommended by John Zhou, handed over to Su Yehao a military order that the weekly active users exceeded 700,000 and the daily active users exceeded 450,000 by the end of the year.

There are several reform measures, one is to link bonuses and benefits with performance, the other is to move to an open office to work, the third is to further expand the recruitment of talents, opening up the channels for recruiting from Stanford University, and the fourth is to wait for product upgrades. A quarter of the $10 million advertising and marketing budget will be spent on media and public relations.

In addition, around the TVT instant chat software, it is also trying to acquire news websites, online forums, e-mails and video games, etc., and strive to increase the daily active users to 3 million in one fell swoop next year, and the price is at least 60 million US dollars. Budget.

Seeing that the newly recruited CEO is so fierce, what reason does Su Yehao have for not agreeing?

Although it takes a lot of money, as long as the money is spent on the edge, there is absolutely no need to feel distressed. If TVT's daily active users exceed 3 million, the valuation will be at least one billion US dollars.

It is different from the half-dead ICQ today. The cost of acquiring customers is decreasing, and it has found the direction of realization, that is, members-virtual products-games-advertising. Although it has not yet been realized, it can sell to investors that "it will make money in the future" "the concept of.

After reading Roger Cruyff's report, and then looking at ICQ, which has been drastically rectified by McKinsey Consulting, there are many executives who have recently contacted Su Yehao to express their loyalty and advice, trying to prove their worth.

Su Yehao could see that he was only suitable for helping to find the general direction, doing logistical work, and actually managing those companies, the result would be very bleak.

This is mainly because of its own ability, which does not match the scale of the increasingly large enterprises. It is okay to toss a small start-up company, but managing thousands of people will become confused and blind, neither understanding nor knowing.

Seeing that his company suddenly became well-organized, he felt that even if he went out on his own, it would be difficult to reorganize the company in such a short period of time.

Moreover, as a big boss, it is very offending when you end up in person, and it is easy to use too much force to have a counterproductive effect.

This made Su Yehao more and more believe that his idea of ​​controlling the entire company by manipulating professional managers is correct... It's not for the sake of being open-minded and lazy.


After the summer vacation, continue to return to Hong Kong City.

Living in the mansion on Dalangwan Road, it is called a comfortable, annexed yard. The construction team is busy, and has begun to build a small European-style castle on the hills dug into the lake.

Every day you spend money like water, but fortunately you earn more money back.

On the Nasdaq side, the stock price has been rising all the way. Cisco and Amazon have all opted for stock splits. Even Yahoo, which has just been split at the beginning of the year, the board of directors is considering "five shares for three shares", or continue to "one-for-one". ”, thereby reducing the stock price and further increasing the liquidity of the stock.

With the increase of users, cost reduction, and attracting a large number of advertising customers, in addition to Amazon, which focuses on e-commerce business, the performance of many Internet companies has doubled compared with the same period last year.

Cisco, which Su Yehao holds a heavy position, has also won a large number of orders, and its performance has continued to rise.

Under this circumstance, Su Yehao became addicted to speculating in stocks. Then, the financial reports for the first half of the year were continuously announced, and the third quarter had a good start. In the last week, he earned more than 70 million US dollars, and a large amount of hot money poured into the Nasdaq. push the stock price higher.

It is too difficult for other traditional industries to make money, and a new round of opportunities has finally emerged. The myth of making wealth spreads all over the world, which is of course very tempting.

Su Yehao really doesn't have to worry about making money.

August 6th.

Jiang Yu, who finally stood up as a woman, was wearing a newly bought swimsuit and was cooling off with Nangong Tian in the swimming pool.

Su Yehao was standing by the window of the study room on the second floor, drinking the Happy Water from the Fat House, and talking on the phone with Master Jiang about business.

On the other end of the phone, Master Jiang told him: "The summer vacation in the mainland is long, and the people who come to Hong Kong City for tourism are almost crowding out the customs clearance port. The hotel knows that the business is good, and they also play tricks to increase the price. The group of tourists who booked before only only If I can continue to live, the profit will be reduced by a lot, and my heart is bleeding."

Doing a freelance business can only earn some handling fees and service fees.

What can really make money is traveling with a group, and throwing aside the expenses of attracting customers from the mainland, the gross profit rate can be about 20%, and accommodation accounts for the bulk of the expenses.

Su Yehao was still a little impressed by these data.

Continuing to stare at Jiang Yu, he suddenly felt that it was strange to talk to Master Jiang while looking at his daughter, so he simply sat down at the desk and said with a smile:

"Earn a little less money, but you can still make money. The big deal is to make a shout. Others temporarily increase the price, but we don't. This comparison shows that our company is more conscientious, and the reputation of the tourism business is the most important."

After Jiang Shiye became the general manager of SIPG International Travel Co., Ltd., it was like a second spring. He suddenly regained his youthful passion. Recently, he has been wandering around the company all day.

He waited for Su Yehao to finish, and then explained:

"I mean, do you want to add more money and open a few more affordable hotels? Now the housing prices in Hong Kong are low, and many houses cannot be sold. If they are packaged and rented back, there should be a market. No one realized that there would be so many mainlanders before. People come to travel, and the market is bursting all of a sudden, even if you sell fish eggs on the roadside in Tsim Sha you can earn 100,000 yuan a month!"

Hearing this sentence, Su Yehao thought about it carefully and felt that there was at least 20 years of tourism bonus period, and it was very safe to invest in the hotel tourism industry.

Even if he doesn't care much about the hard-earned money, who doesn't like earning too much? Anyway, he doesn't have to worry about it himself, so he said, "With the strength of the company, I shouldn't be able to borrow too much money, right? If I refinance, wouldn't it? All your shares are diluted."

Knowing is knowing, Master Jiang couldn't say stupid things like asking him to borrow interest-free loans, he only told:

"I've calculated that if I borrow 15 million from the bank, I can probably get 500 to 700 more rooms, and it's enough to live in comfortably. Ninety percent of tourists just want to save money and buy the money. stuff, and the rest take it slow."

"...Don't be slow. I will find a suitable building these days, buy it directly, and open a few more hotels myself. At that time, we will work together to make money together, and try to get it done before the winter vacation."

Su Yehao just happened to feel that the housing price in Hong Kong City had fallen to the bottom, and it was very likely that it would rebound next.

Compared with the high point of the previous two years, the average house price in Hong Kong City has dropped by about 60%, especially those old and young, no one cares at all.

In addition, the bank contacted him from time to time and asked him if he wanted a loan. If he came back with a few office buildings with empty gloves, he could earn both the room fee and the appreciation of the property. force.

It is a good thing to kill three birds with one stone. By the way, you can spend some money to have fun and satisfy your desire for consumption.

When Master Jiang heard Su Yehao say that he opened a hotel by himself, he immediately smiled and said, "It's alright, in this kind of market, opening a hotel will definitely not lose money, and we still have stable customers. After a few years of earning money to buy a property, the rest will be It's profit, which is much better than giving money to others..."

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