"If you tell me to go, I'll go, so I'm not very embarrassed?"

Jiang Yu was habitually stubborn.

But she looked at the blank paper in front of her, she had no idea about the direction of the paper, and instantly softened, adding: "Unless you promise me, help me think of the beginning of the paper, and provide me with some data. I wanted to write about you and me. My dad's travel company, but there are too few people in its headquarters, and it feels like the American company you acquired is more suitable."

Su Yehao immediately agreed:

"No problem, it's just a paper. If Nangong Tian hadn't gone to Oxford University to exchange ideas, how could such a good chance to get a meal will get you. As long as I don't let me suffer, even if I send you to the United States, I can study in the company for a few days. It's all right."

Hearing these words, Jiang Yu's troubles don't need to worry in an instant.

She looked at Su Yehao with a suspicious look, and asked, "Yesterday Nangong just set off, and asked me to help you look after you. Tell me honestly, why did a woman call you to eat just after she left?"

Oxford University is about to hold an economics academic forum. The professor of Hong Kong University originally wanted to ask Su Yehao to join in the fun, but Su Yehao was not interested, and then he cheapened Nangong Tian.

She happens to have a high school buddy who is studying at Oxford University in the UK.

It was only a four-day meeting anyway, plus the time spent back and forth, and only a week outside.

Su Yehao also helped them arrange a private business jet. Anyway, it was the number of free leases given by the bank, so don't waste it. It was considered a favor to the professors, so as not to fail to graduate in the future.

With no ghosts in his heart, no guilt in being a thief, Su Yehao spread his hands and explained calmly:

"Don't talk nonsense and wronged me. He Shaofan's cousin and my father's friend, Uncle Qiu's son, seem to be doing business in Silicon Valley together, and they are in the same industry as me and want to cooperate. You know, my business is so big, The scale of users is far ahead of the peers, so I can cooperate with them without any loss? That’s why I decided to bring you and act according to the circumstances. If it’s just a meal to get acquainted, it’s fine. If you focus on my technology patents or the market, then you pretend to be My stomach hurts, I'll take you away."

"...Do you still have dinner?"


Caught by Jiang Yu's strange attention, Su Yehao was speechless for a while.

She thought about it for a while, and then asked again, "How about we discuss a password first. If you say the password, I will pretend to be uncomfortable, but how should I pretend to have a stomachache?"

"Why don't you ask me? Just lie on the table with your stomach covered, and leave the rest to me for a few days every month."

Su Yehao was inexperienced in human relations.

I just feel that being asked for help is a very troublesome thing.

From this point of view, he usually reduces his contact with the circle, which is not a wise decision. When doing business, he is afraid of borrowing money, relatives, and guarantees. No matter which business is involved, it will be a headache.

It’s not good to be too human, so sometimes it’s not human, but it’s actually more like a form of self-protection. It’s hard for bad people to make a fortune.

Just like his father, who can spend millions of dollars to build a grave and build an ancestral hall in his hometown, but all his distant relatives who came to seek refuge with him are turned away. This year, when he cleared customs and went home to burn incense, he didn’t even say hello. After burning the paper money, he left. .

Being a hard-hearted bad person is more comfortable than being a good bad person. The former is comfortable, but the latter is unavoidable and sullen.

Just now I learned that He Shaofan would also go to dinner, so Su Yehao took precautions in advance, so as not to let his cousin down from the stage and affect the relationship between the two...

Xiao Nizi was not at home. She just arrived at Oxford University and sent a text message to report that she was safe.

Two female bodyguards were specially hired to follow her. Su Yehao was not worried about her safety. At this moment, he put the new pet radiant tortoise in the yard and let it walk by itself. This thing is much easier to keep than other pets, it is neither noisy nor dirty.

Looking at the Japanese hippos again, before the summer vacation started, they were given to the zoo and donated 100,000 Hong Kong dollars as food expenses.

Mainly because the little guy is not so cute when he grows up, he can eat and pull, and he is very attracted to flies.


That night.

Su Yehao drove a Ferrari and came to the Tao Tao Ju restaurant for Yin Liuli.

There are more than 40 tables in the restaurant, and the management is still the responsibility of the people in the mainland restaurant, so you only need to keep an eye on the accounts, and Yin Liuli doesn't need to worry too much about the rest.

When going out to eat, Jiang Yu specially changed into a small skirt, pale gold, high heels, and a ball head.

At this time, she accompanied Su Yehao and took the elevator up from the underground parking garage. While looking around, she said, "This is also developed by Zhao Yimeng's family. It's really rich, and there are projects all over the place."

"Well, if Donghuang hadn't developed so many new projects, it wouldn't be so unlucky now. It's a typical example of a big step. If there were no other shareholders to hold back, this level would have been passed smoothly. It is better to sell all the shares to start a new business, maybe it will develop better in the future.”

Su Yehao had been here before, and he walked towards the restaurant lightly.

In recent years, Donghuang Group has invested more than 20 billion Hong Kong dollars in the real estate industry, most of which have been invested in Hong Kong City, and the area of ​​Hong Kong City is so small that it will inevitably create the illusion that Donghuang assets are everywhere.

With the real estate industry falling and falling again, the voices of bottom-hunting in the past two months have begun to increase~www.readwn.com~ The evidence to the end is directly reflected in the stock prices of listed real estate companies. Most of the rebounds are above 15%. The beat is also starting to warm up.

Thinking about it this way, Su Yehao suddenly felt that he should speed up his pace and buy the Donghuang Century Plaza building. If he could borrow money, he could even buy the Donghuang Garden Hotel in Central.

He only has land in his hands, and he doesn't even own a high-rise building in his name. Under the premise of not worrying about the occupancy rate, the net profit rate of investing in hotels is quite high.

In the first half of this year, a total of more than 300,000 tourists entered the city through the channel of Ganghao International Travel Company. In the future, they will be able to divert traffic through the Internet channel. It is indeed suitable for investment in hotels as supporting facilities, and real estate appreciation can also make money.

Immediately decided to talk to Zhao Yimeng, when he brought Jiang Yu to Taotaoju, greeted the manager, and sat in the reserved No. 8 box.

Not long after, she saw He Shaolin dressed in a red dress and wearing a red dress, holding a Hermes handbag, pushed the door and walked in.

When He Shaolin saw Jiang Yu, her movements were obvious.

This time she finally made sure that Su Yehao had no idea about himself, otherwise why would he bring the girl over, and couldn't help but tease: "Master Su is really affectionate, the women around him are more beautiful than the other."

Su Yehao laughed awkwardly. He really wanted to cover her mouth so as not to mention Yin Liuli, so he asked, "Where's He Shaofan?"

rice ball reading

"He... has a stomachache. I couldn't tell you when I contacted me just now."

As soon as He Shaolin finished speaking, Jiang Yu's heart moved slightly.

Looking at the woman's well-dressed appearance, and thinking about how He Shaofan happened to be uncomfortable, I always felt that there was something strange in it.

Jiang Yu is just simple-minded and not a fool. He glanced sideways at Su Yehao, wondering if he should give Nangong Tian a tip to warn him...

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