Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 372: "8 claw fish"

At the dinner table, the chat continued.

Jiang Yu and Su Yehao have lived together for a long time, and they are friends of Zhao Yimeng and others.

From childhood to adulthood, although the conditions of Master Jiang and his wife were "average", they dealt with rich people all day long. Over time, the girl's horizons naturally broadened.

Anyway, there is no need to worry about food and drink at home. If you don’t talk about private business jets and super yachts, you should have almost everything, so there is no need to envy anyone.

If she didn't calm her mind, she would not be able to survive in Donghuang Rose Middle School in her early years, so He Shaolin's self-imposed "higher than her" was actually not harmful to Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu didn't care much about these foreign objects.

Recently, she even wanted to replace the Porsche 911 given by her father with a MINI or a Volkswagen Beetle that is easier to park. Usually, the monthly expenses are not more than 2,000 Hong Kong dollars. Since eating and living, the daily expenses are even less.

Seeing that Su Yehao didn't want to talk about business, Jiang Yu helped to change the subject.

From which restaurant in Hong Kong City is delicious, she jumped to her cousin He Shaofan, and then chatted about the experience of studying in the United States.

The food has been served, and the three of them ordered seven dishes and one soup.

As the boss, Su Yehao is of course fast in serving food. It is rare to find that Jiang Yu, a light bulb, can come in handy. He is only busy eating, occasionally making jokes, and never mentioning business matters.

Look at He Shaolin who has been holding back.

He Shaofan's cousin is undoubtedly a smart woman.

At first, I didn't realize that something was wrong, but gradually I realized that Su Yehao was by no means a scumbag.

When she noticed that Su Yehao had been deliberately avoiding the topic of business, she wisely didn't mention it any more, and raised her glass to drink from time to time.

to be honest.

There really isn't much room for cooperation between a startup and newly acquired industry leader ICQ.

He Shaolin originally wanted to advertise the Bumblebee instant chat software she invested in on ICQ to attract some users. Obviously, she wanted to take advantage. Now that she realizes that Su Yehao is not stupid, and the relationship between the two parties is not that good, then she is stupid to keep mentioning these things, so as not to make people dislike...

Drinking is Jiang Yu's weakness.

To drink Lafite tonight, Su Yehao brought it out from the house. It wasn't until she saw her face turning pink and her tongue that she spoke that she remembered that the alcohol was a little high.

He picked up the wine glass and looked at it.

Sure enough, the alcohol content of 12.5% ​​is much higher than the rosé sparkling wine she usually likes to drink.

Patting Jiang Yu's back at this moment, Su Yehao didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Okay, let's drink less, you don't see people's face turning red or heart beating, eat more vegetables and press down, so as not to go home and hold the toilet and throw up."

Jiang Yu has always been addicted to vegetables, so how can he easily bow his head.

She touched her face and only said: "It's okay, I drink easily on my face, I don't drink too much at all!"

"...Then you drink less and take a sip. My aunt sent it, it's definitely not cheap."

Su Yehao's words were considered to have stabbed Jiang Yu's hornet's nest.

It's right to think about it. She was a shield who did her best, but she was demolished by her accomplices. How could she not be angry?

Fortunately, knowing that the occasion was wrong, with his hand under the table, he pinched Su Yehao's waist with precision, Su Yehao immediately realized the seriousness, and immediately changed his words: "Okay, just drink whatever you want, it's rare to be happy, and occasionally have a drink. Pretty good too."

He Shaolin has a high emotional intelligence. After listening to this, she smiled and said, "Yes, Miss Jiang, you should drink less, it will be hard to get drunk. I usually like Macallan whisky, it seems that I am not easy to get drunk, otherwise Master Su, the two of us. Have a drink? Just let Miss Jiang feel free, and sometimes I like to get drunk when I encounter troubles."

At this moment, Jiang Yu was still not drinking enough.

When she suddenly realized that it was not good for He Shaolin to get drunk, didn't it give a certain big radish a chance to take advantage of the emptiness, her tone immediately softened, and she said:

"Brother Hao still has to drive, so I... Drink less. I'm not bothered. It's just that I haven't drank for a long time, and I overestimated my alcohol intake."

After he finished speaking, he covered his mouth and burped quietly.

Meal etiquette is taught in junior high school etiquette class. Jiang Yu was almost full and went to the bathroom to put on makeup.

My head was a little dizzy. During this period, I took out my mobile phone and sent a text message to the little girl who was far away in the UK, saying: "Alarm level 1! There is a beautiful woman who asked him out for dinner while you were away. Fortunately, I was witty. Come out!"

At this time, it is still morning in the UK.

Nangong Tian happened to see it, and quickly replied to the text message - "Who dares to touch my brother Hao!!?"

"Don't worry! Monitor the whole process, everything is under control! Let's talk after eating!!"

The friendship between girls is so reliable.

This is tragic, Su Yehao didn't intend to steal the fish, but he was sold by Jiang Yu.

After sending the text message, Jiang Yu staggered, smiled in front of the mirror, and touched his face with his hands, it was hot to the point of being hot.


It is a taboo to give up the idea of ​​talking about business today.

Su Yehao said that he was not familiar with Qiu Yaohe, who had sold BP machines. Of course, He Shaolin would not use Qiu Dashao as a stepping stone, but just to get to know each other, make new friends, and finish the meal peacefully.

As for the needs of cooperation, she may have to find another way. She felt that some blood would be necessary.

He Shaolin underestimated Su Yehao's vigilance against competitors. After all, she is someone who has seen the "Thousand Regiment Wars", "E-commerce Wars", "OTA Wars", and "Online Car-hailing Wars". How painful is the price of the Seeing Qiu Yaohe taking 200 million Hong Kong dollars to go to Silicon Valley, it is obvious that he hopes to have a big fight.

Otherwise, Su Yehao wouldn't be hostile to He Shaofan's cousin before eating. Uncle Qiu greeted him during the New Year and said he wanted him to help. In fact, not only did it not work, but Su Yehao started early. Be prepared.

Therefore, it is impossible to help. Even if He Shaolin took out 100 million US dollars in cash and put it in front of Su Yehao, and asked him to put the advertisement of the Bumblebee instant chat software on the ICQ chat software, he would not agree... Unless this instant chat software The software is really bad, hopelessly bad.

Otherwise, any help provided by Su Yehao today may become a reason for him to regret in the end.

Because he knew how big the interests were, since He Shaolin hit Su Yehao with her idea, she was destined to return without success.


Su Yehao drank some red wine and handed the key to the bodyguard. He took Jiang Yu back to Dalangwan by car.

It was fine when he left Tao Tao Ju, but when he was on the road, Jiang Yu was drowsy and rested his head on his shoulder.

When I got home like this, I even talked to the little girl who "just happened" on the phone to talk about the meal just now, and the little girl was completely relieved.

No way, ally Jiang Yu lost contact and could not be contacted, so he had to make a phone call in person.

When he got home, Su Yehao supported Jiang Yu, who was swaying from side to side, and escorted her upstairs to the room.

It's only nine o'clock at night.

When he came to the bed, ready to put Jiang Yu on the bed, called the nanny to wipe her, and changed into pajamas.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Yu suddenly attacked and dragged him to the side of the bed.

Immediately afterwards, the girl was like an octopus, using both hands and feet to entangle Su Yehao...

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