It is not easy to hold Jiang Yu.

This girl doesn't eat hard or soft. If she was a smart girl who could walk down the stairs, Su Yehao would have already succeeded, so why not wait until today.

Hearing this dream, Su Yehao sighed regretfully with the thought of "try it for a chance".


In addition to being beautiful, Jiang Yu's personality is another highlight that attracts him.

If you follow the crowd, like those girls who come over on their own initiative, worldly and vain, most of them won't be so flattering.

So Su Yehao didn't care at all, he just let Jiang Yu sit down obediently and finish the noodles with green pepper and pork so as not to waste it.


Go upstairs to the study, turn on the computer and browse the account information.

The Nasdaq index fell a little, with a small loss of more than 10 million US dollars. When Su Yehao logged in to his email, he found that the newly appointed TVT interim CEO Roger Cruyff had sent an email more than ten hours ago. mail over.

The title of the email was "Beware of Hackers Stealing TVT Accounts, Affecting Company Reputation and Safety". After reading it, Su Yehao felt a sigh of relief, recalling the shadows when he was hacked by Penguin and dominated by mass fraud.

Open this email immediately and check it carefully.

Inside it reads:

"Boss, I set up a feedback and complaint forum. When I investigated user reviews, I found more than a dozen posts talking about the loss of accounts. Some people pretended to be users to break up with their girlfriends, and some people just wanted to tease users' friends. This made me feel safe about the company's products. Sex is deeply worrying.

A successful product must pay attention to security. Only by re-establishing a mature security mechanism can users' confidence in our company's products be enhanced.

In addition, I also found that ICQ has a large number of hacking feedback, which makes me have to suspect that there are omissions in ICQ, so I suggest setting up a security department and recruiting experienced experts to help..."

This email is a bit long, but Su Yehao took it seriously.

Although it is not clear whether Roger Cruyff worked so hard to become a positive person, he has seen this sense of responsibility, and he is deeply gratified.

Account security is indeed the top priority that Su Yehao missed. Before, he had been thinking about how to develop more interesting products, but he forgot to put more effort into account security.

Since the problem is so serious that Roger sent an email to remind him that many users' accounts must have been hacked, this is definitely a negative blow to the company's image.

Sitting in the chair, recalling how QQ did in the early years, it seems that advertising, account theft and other problems have been repeatedly banned.

He took a pen and paper and spent a few minutes sorting out his thoughts carefully. Su Yehao wrote the English email by hand—

"I am very happy that you can find such a major loophole, it seems that Mr. Roger Cruyff, you have begun to integrate into the company, and from the perspective of the CEO, you have seriously thought about the future of TVT.

Before the problem becomes more serious, the establishment of a security department is necessary, and I fully support your idea. In addition, I also have some immature suggestions, I hope developers will make them a reality, including: 1. Bind TVT accounts and email accounts, so that users can recover their accounts through email complaints, in the form of confidentiality issues or independent passwords, Enhance security. 2. Investigate the way hackers steal accounts and solve the loopholes from the source. 3. Set an independent password for product operation, such as deleting a large number of friends, or when sending mass messages. 4. To strengthen the resolution of user complaints, I will approve a special fund of five million US dollars for hiring customer service personnel.

These are just some of my immature ideas, and you need to think carefully about the specifics, such as binding with the device, providing an email verification code to log in to the new device, etc., or tying it through a mobile phone number. All in all, please pay special attention to security issues and hope to see mature solutions as soon as possible. "

After calling Linda Yun to check and correct some words and grammatical errors, Su Yehao sent the email.

By the way, I also reminded ICQ, and sent an email to the CEO of ICQ, asking the other party to send someone to contact TVT to discuss how to solve the problem of preventing account hacking.

After busy.

Linda Yun stood up and asked, "It's rare to see you working in the morning, it's a very difficult trouble?"

"It's a little bit, mainly because it affects word of mouth. It's disgusting."

Su Yehao touched his chin, and while he continued to think, he said, "The development of computer networks has spurred the development of gray and black industries, and Trojan viruses and malicious attacks are hard to prevent, so it seems that we need to invest some extra money to popularize antivirus software. Get up and reduce the risk of hacking from the root."

After saying this, Su Yehao laughed first.

The main reason is to think of Yinhai under my own hands. I originally gave up the idea of ​​letting Yinhai go the old way and become the "Yinhai Duba" antivirus software. Now it seems that I have to pick it up again to prevent it from happening.

Not to mention all cures, but in terms of security, as long as you are willing to spend money, the harm can always be reduced, and it requires the cooperation of users, which is difficult to solve in a short time.

A little hard today.

It took more than 40 minutes to solve the business problem. Most of the time was wasted on typing in person. It was much smoother to ask Linda Yun for help. After all, English is her native language.

The two went downstairs together, Su Yehao thought about making an appointment with his mother for dinner at noon, and by the way, he could visit his grandfather.

So he asked Linda Yun to go out to buy some tea, supplements, etc. Since the old man went on vacation to Australia, Su Yehao hadn't met his grandfather, and only contacted him once when he was buying antiques in Sijiucheng.

The antiques bought are still stored in the bank vault.

It is not a big problem to go through the formalities, but you need to pay taxes when you bring it to Hong Kong City, so you can put it in the mainland for the time being.

In Pengcheng Sihai International Cultural Tourism City, Dad Su helped Su Yehao keep a super villa covering an area of ​​more than ten acres. Construction has not started yet. When the house is built, he will use those old things as decoration. Products, just to avoid tossing back and forth.


She didn't see Jiang Yu when she went downstairs, so she went back to the Hong Kong University to take a class.

Su Yehao drank tea and basked in the sun. By the way, he called Leibus from Yinhai to chat about portal websites and antivirus software.

In addition, I also contacted President Peng of Hong Kong City Bank of China to inquire about recent loan interest rates and exchange rate details.

The Hong Kong dollar in this era is more valuable than the renminbi.

Su Yehao didn't know when the change occurred, but he clearly remembered that the Hong Kong dollar was not worth the RMB.

President Peng invited him to meet and talk face to face.

Su Yehao declined, telling him that he had only one intention for the time being, and that he had not yet reached the stage of the real loan.

In the morning, I was idle and bored, and by the way, I sorted out all the assets. The land of the casino and the Shanghai stock market is just land. It is estimated that the construction will not start until the money invested in Nasdaq is recovered.

He missed the high-level diving of Hong Kong stocks, the myth that is currently happening on Nasdaq. He didn't want to miss it anyway. He started thinking about continuing to play leveraged trading in advance to make another wave from the stock market.

Do not understand finance, forever pain.

Thinking of this, Su Yehao thought about bringing Vice President Zheng Yongwen to join him.

Last year, Zheng Yongwen "just messed around" and helped Su Yehao earn more than 100 million Hong Kong dollars in a short period of time.

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