Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 383: What are you waiting for?

A few months ago, when Su Yehao arranged to open a branch on Fengsha Road in Silicon Valley, he transferred a group of people from KOKO Ventures in Gangcheng.

Here at the headquarters, some more people were recruited.

Lin Youfeng, the vice president, is one of them. The 39-year-old middle-aged man has worked in Singapore for many years and holds a Ph.D. from Paris Business School.

Lin Youfeng thought that he would have the opportunity to show off his skills by joining Yahoo's shareholders and creating the third generation, but he did not expect to rest for more than two months after coming in, and the only task was to help Su Yehao collect some information.

More than a dozen people are guarding the office building of several hundred square meters.

What we usually do can’t be said to have nothing to do with venture capital, but Yinhai Software is independent, and companies with strange names such as TAT, TVT, and TOT also have their own management systems, not to mention the newly acquired ICQ.

The stalls seem to be quite large, but they have achieved results, and they have nothing to do with Lin Youfeng, the vice president. Occasionally, some seemingly reliable projects were collected by Su Yehao. It's just that the company doesn't have enough money.

One to two to go.

Lin Youfeng also learned from other colleagues. He set up a tea tray in the office. He surfed the Internet while drinking tea when he had free time. He browsed forums, read news, and played spider card games. It was cleaner than retirement.

If it weren't for the salary of 20,000 yuan per month, which was credited to the account on time every month, he even felt that Su Yehao had forgotten that this company existed.

I heard that there is also a lot of free time on Fengsha Road in Silicon Valley. I only need to help those companies of Su Yehao to find reliable new technologies and do some chores such as helping negotiate prices.


The fax machine suddenly printed out a copy of the Japanese SK2 cosmetics company's information, and attached the asset evaluation report, which at first glance was the rhythm of financing or acquisition, which made Lin Youfeng very excited.

After grinding, grinding, and grinding the gun, it finally came in handy. Lin Youfeng immediately convened a meeting. Except for the cleaning, front desk, and security guards, there were only eight people sitting in the conference room, which looked empty.

At this moment.

Vice President Lin Youfeng asked people to take five minutes to review the information at hand, and said excitedly: "Let's talk about it, what do you think about this investment project?"

A young girl asked in a puzzled tone: "This is... a new project for us to be responsible for financing? The company doesn't seem to be involved in this area. Most of it is the Internet, as well as tourism and real estate."

"Will someone make a mistake? Our company's machine automatically faxes, and it's not surprising that someone makes a mistake."


Lin Youfeng's expression froze, thinking that it was really possible, and said in his mouth, "It shouldn't be possible, McKinsey Consulting has our contact information, or whoever will make a phone call and ask who wants the information first? "

I finally got a project. When I thought that it might be a misunderstanding, everyone here felt like eating flies.

I'm nervous every day.

To offend people, they are really tired of this kind of work. Before, some colleagues had no plans to work in the United States. They signed up and transferred to the Silicon Valley branch because they were too bored here.

Beidi Pavilion

It is very comfortable to rest for a day or two, and it is also very comfortable to rest for a week or two, and some people have been staying for more than half a year.

All day long to go to work and go to get off work, when my wife and husband ask me when I get home, I can't even tell what I did, which is really torturous.


When the investment director finished contacting McKinsey's staff, he learned that it was Su Yehao's arrangement, and he even asked for a valuation. Everyone's faces began to be filled with enthusiastic smiles, which was a relief.

What are you waiting for?

First focus on the cosmetics market, and actively analyze it.

The tasks that should be explained were taken away actively, and they were quite enthusiastic when speaking. They even talked about trying to contact and forming a team to inspect the SK2 headquarters.

Even though it's just a skin care company, how can it still be picky at this time?

It's good to have something to do.

People who can enter the company have a few brushes. In addition to the entry requirements of a master's degree from a famous school, three years of work experience, etc., some have also been managers of other companies. arrive……

Su Yehao brought Nong Qingying to the company.

Vice President Lin Youfeng showed up immediately and said with a smile, "Boss Su, President Nong, I have received the SK2 materials, and I have held a meeting with them and studied them carefully."

"I just sent it, has this been studied?"

Su Yehao asked in surprise.

Lin Youfeng smiled bitterly in his heart, thinking that the little boss really has a lot of money, and I'm afraid he doesn't know much about the situation of KOKO Ventures.

I really want to complain, just to find something to relieve my boredom.

But this kind of remark is too offensive, and it is easy to be dismissed after eating idle meals, so he said with a smile: "I just took time out and discussed it at the morning meeting. The situation of the company in Japan is not bad. Last year's performance increased by 11%. The previous year increased by 16%, the market is concentrated in Japan, and there is room for development.”

"Well, I heard that their skin care products are okay. The item that Qingying Talk to her about the specific things, and show me the purchased information first."

Su Yehao nodded to the other employees as a greeting.

Today, I raided KOKO Ventures and found that everyone was working hard. This performance made him very satisfied.

Just a coincidence.

If they arrive half an hour early, these employees are either drinking coffee or chatting about gossip, and some people use newspapers and magazines to relieve their boredom.

The current focus of development is on wealth management and entrepreneurship, and the investment in venture capital business is indeed insufficient, mainly because it is difficult to meet start-up companies that satisfy Su Yehao.

Su Yehao came to the office and started to read the investigation report of SK2.

A lot of overviews, business concepts, technical advantages, etc., are not important at all. I turned to the end and found that the total value of SK2 company was only about 43 million US dollars based on the financial report data to establish a valuation model.

He smiled after reading it, and said to Nong Qingying: "It's cheaper than expected. You spend more than two million dollars, and you can only get the agency right. Obviously, it's not worth it."

Nong Qingying hadn't seen the back, frowned and browsed, and said speechlessly:

"Good guy, the agency fee I asked for is almost equal to its net profit last year. Fortunately, I discussed it with you first, and I almost got scammed."

"In general, the brand influence is not strong enough, but the product has advantages and it is worth investing in it. I didn't spend my own money to buy a house, and I still have assets that can be borrowed from the First Quanye Bank, if it only costs 4,000 yuan You can buy it for more than ten thousand dollars, there is no pressure on me, do you want to be the boss?"

Not only did Su Yehao know the brand of SK2, but he also bought it for his girlfriend. He vaguely remembers spending more than 1,000 yuan, and the sales volume is very high.

He is not interested in himself, but it is very suitable for a career, let Nong Qingying practice his hands...

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