Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 385: Shun Shui Favor

Nangong Tian went to the UK to exchange for a week, and couldn't wait to return to Hong Kong City as soon as it was over.

I endured no contact before, I wanted to give him a surprise, but when I got home, I found that Brother Hao was not at home.

Su Yehao, who was accompanying Yin Liuli in the casino, immediately rushed to the port city after receiving the news. When he returned to Dalangwan, he unexpectedly found that the Bank of China's President Peng was here, and was being entertained by the little girl, sitting in the living room drinking tea.

I have met with President Peng several times, and the cooperation has been very pleasant.

Rubbing the little girl's head, Su Yehao sat down with a smile and asked President Peng first, "Why are you here all of a sudden, I was outside talking to people about business, and I almost made you go away in vain. "

President Peng smiled and waved:

"It's alright, I'll come over and give you something, Mr. Su. The Tibetan-flavored pork purchased from the plateau, the tan lamb in the Gobi, and the saury in the Yangtze River are all very fresh, and your nanny has already put them in the refrigerator. .In addition, there are some fruit mushrooms and dry goods, thank you for helping me accomplish so many achievements."

A big customer like Su Yehao deserves a little thought from the bank.

All kinds of top-quality ingredients purchased from all over the country are sent to Hong Kong City by plane as soon as possible. Take saury for example, which was just caught early this morning and is one of the famous "Three Freshs of the Yangtze River".

After Su Yehao heard this, he politely said:

"Thank you very much. I haven't tasted fragrant pig and saury. I'll try it at noon today. Just when you came over, I may invest in a Japanese skin care company recently, and I'm negotiating with the Procter & Gamble Group. It could be another tens of millions of dollars in loans.”

"Oh? Mr. Su, do you still invest in this type of business?"

"The people in the venture capital company think that the company has investment value, and it may not be possible for the time being. Let's talk about it later."

In front of Nangong Tian, ​​Su Yehao explained in a vague way.

President Peng's happiness was written on his face, he laughed, and said:

"Thanks, thank you! Today is really the right time. In addition to sending some small gifts, I also want to talk to you today. I plan to arrange the reception and meeting at your Donghuang Garden Hotel. Pulling two meetings, especially an economic exchange meeting, when there are many people, I am afraid that the venue will be reserved."

"What kind of exchange meeting? No problem, I will help arrange it when the time comes, and the price is easy to say."

Su Yehao asked casually, arranging the order in his hotel is a routine operation, after all, the loan is handled by the Bank of China.

It's just a matter of courtesy and courtesy.

"Hong Kong-Guangdong Economic and Trade Cooperation Forum, Mr. Su and your father are both pioneers of investment in the north. I will go to say hello to the organizer, and also go to the exchange meeting to have a look? Mainly to attract investment and deepen cooperation between the two places. Some tax breaks, preferential subsidy programs, etc., look very attractive.”

Seeing that Su Yehao was interested, President Peng added: "There is a Hong Kong City freight terminal company that is going to invest in Shanshou. According to what I heard, it will send hundreds of acres of land as a storage area, and it will be tax-free for many years. ."

"...I'd better not join in the fun. I have invested in too many new projects recently, and my dad is in charge of the real estate business."

Su Yehao shook his head and said.

The north side is currently attracting investment with great strength. In addition to taxes and fees, the advantages in infrastructure, labor costs, and supporting industries are also increasingly prominent.

With the economic downturn in Southeast Asia and the increase in operating and production costs, a large number of foreign capital are turning their attention to the mainland.

The mighty era has come, but this kind of business, which is mainly based on low added value, has little to do with Su Yehao at present.

President Peng mentioned it casually and didn't say more.

After chatting for a while about the Guangzhou Sihai International Cultural Tourism City project, Su Yehao realized that Dad's loan procedures have been completed. A total of 1.6 billion yuan has been loaned from three banks, and Bank of China has provided 850 million yuan. .

I haven't had much contact with my dad recently.

Su Yehao only knew that some time ago, the Cultural Tourism City project had been approved. At the price of 1.9 billion yuan, he obtained 3870 acres of land. The total investment is expected to be no less than 5 billion yuan. 900 million in one-off payment.

Compared with the project in Pengcheng, the price of the land is 200 million more expensive, and there is no preferential policy to pay in three years.

It is estimated that some real estate companies in Hong Kong City have not started construction on the land they acquired a few years ago. The intention to speculate on the land is too obvious, so they are stuck and have requirements for the time when the project starts.

If the construction is not started within the stipulated time, the land will be taken away free of charge.

If it weren't for the amount of money that Dad Su invested in, it was so fragrant that many people could not refuse. In fact, this project almost failed, because the Pengcheng Sihai International Cultural Tourism Town has just started construction, it is inevitable that people will doubt that they can't wait to go to Guangzhou. The real intention of acquiring the land is worried that the follow-up investment will not be in place in time.

The full marketization of real estate is still in the process of exploration. It is normal to be careful. Fortunately, Father Su not only financed the Midea Group, but also supported the reputation of the normal development of the Pengcheng project. After all, the Guangzhou project passed without any risk.

As for why it was not paid in installments.

According to President Peng, it was mainly affected by the bursting of the real estate bubble in Hong Kong City. From last year to this year, many mainland developers with insufficient strength went bankrupt, and the final payment for the land acquisition is still in the future. .

In addition, the full 1.9 billion land acquisition funds, even if they are placed in the bank to earn interest, the annual income is more than 100 million yuan.

With the strength displayed by Cosmopolitan International Group, it is indeed a bit difficult to eat two super big projects at one time, and it is suspected that it is reasonable.

in addition.

The idea of ​​adding leverage to acquire land and expanding wildly has only shown a little sign now, and it is a good thing to have stricter supervision.

Problems such as arrears of construction funds, arrears of wages, and running away with money have been revealed in the process of feeling the stones and crossing the river. As the largest real estate project in Pengcheng and Guangzhou, it is inevitable that Dad will be stared at by many eyes. on.

From Su Yehao's point of view, it's enough to get the land smoothly, and the others are just small issues that have nothing to do with the overall situation.

The Nasdaq bubble is growing day by day, and it will only take a year or two to run away. At that time, I will spare some money to help my father. Most of the money will not be a problem, and there will not be too much pressure.


Chatted for over half an hour.

As soon as the forefoot sent off President Peng, Nangong Tian put his arms around Su Yehao and kissed him on the face like a chicken pecking at rice.

When Su Yehao was free now, he asked her, "I didn't even say hello, and I came back suddenly. I was thinking of running to the UK to pick you up and order a few suits by the way."

"Hey, the clothes can't fit? I can accompany you to customize in the afternoon... Maybe I need to re-measure the size." Xiao Nizi looked at his figure and told the truth.

Patting his stomach, Su Yehao said with a smile:

"Forget it, the weather is still hot. After I lose five pounds of meat, I will go shopping for clothes. Do you want to go upstairs and do some meaningful exercise now? Exercise should be timely, and you will not want to move if you delay."

Didn't pay attention around.

Jiang Yu passed by and happened to hear this sentence.

She felt that she was under the pressure that she should not bear at this age, and there was a picture in her head. Suddenly, the corners of her mouth twitched and she complained, "Cough, cough! During the day, you two can stop for a while?"


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