Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 399: calm and peaceful

The latest website: The two have known each other since they can remember, and they have a good impression of each other.

There is only a layer of yarn in the middle, and it will break when you poke it.

Staying in the hotel, I can't help but think wildly, so Jiang Yu offered to take a walk on the street.

At around 8 o'clock in the evening, they drove to the Avenue of Stars and picked out "The Truman World" in the movie theater, which had been showing for several months.

Jiang Yu was not feeling well, it was better to sit than to walk.

At this moment, she was holding a popcorn bucket and drinking Coke in a daze. She didn't know how much thought she put into the movie content on the screen.

Su Yehao saw this.

I always feel a little sorry for this girl, like pushing someone into a fire pit.

Seeing that Jiang Yu was so depressed, he was not in the mood to watch the movie. Besides, he already knew the plot of "The Truman World", which was similar to what he had seen in his previous life.

After half push and half, the relationship between the two sides has become like this.

Su Yehao himself was deeply surprised, he didn't expect Jiang Yu to acquiesce before.

As long as she was a little stronger, she would definitely not go against her wishes just now. However, Jiang Yu didn't object before, but now he is so entangled, which makes Su Yehao sigh and feel it is necessary to talk with her.

Before, I didn't want to rashly provoke a good girl like Jiang Yu because I was afraid that she wouldn't be able to accept her own pace of life.

Although two people like each other, it's not just about liking to live, there are a lot of messes and troubles.

this time.

Su Yehao grabbed Jiang Yu's hand and whispered, "Don't be unhappy, I'll take responsibility for you. Now that we've come this far, it's better to keep a close eye on it."


Jiang Yu was shy and didn't dare to look at him. He stared at the screen and said in a low voice, "I'm fine, but I'm a little confused. Just let me think about it for myself."


"Yes, now I'm mainly afraid of having children. I haven't graduated yet. If I do, how can I see my parents? I'm responsible for something, it's just nice to say, I won't believe your nonsense, anyway, I don't Maybe marry me."

When life encounters a major turning point, it is inevitable to think more.

Su Yehao was speechless.

After holding it for a long time, I only dared to avoid the important and let it light, and said, "Then I will take you to a chain pharmacy later. Having children at such a young age will indeed disrupt your life plan. Be careful in the future, it will definitely be fine. "

"In the future? Dream about you. Before, you were just a ghost. If you are not careful, you can't prevent it. I will continue to draw a clear line with you..."

Cooked duck, only the mouth is tough.

Jiang Yu was deliberately fierce, but in fact, Su Yehao heard that there was no deterrent at all.

Following her intentions at such a time, she was really kicked in the head by a donkey, holding hands and continuing to watch the movie, scratching her palms with her fingers from time to time.

Similar small movements made Jiang Yu feel so embarrassed that his earlobes became hot.

Watching the movie diverted some of her attention, and soon she was less nervous. The ostrich mentality was in trouble, she just wanted to hide the relationship between the two...

After watching the movie.

I went to the pharmacy first, and then went to a nearby bar.

After three glasses of cocktails, Jiang Yu was so drunk that he couldn't stand still, and said that he was under a lot of pressure.

Of course, Su Yehao knew what the so-called pressure meant.

When he got back to the hotel, he didn't leave her alone this time. After Su Yehao helped to change and wash himself, he slept next to her that night and continued to be used as a pillow by Jiang Yu.

After the girl fell asleep, she was not as quiet as she seemed on the surface. She liked to be like an octopus, wrapping her hands and feet around people.


I fell asleep unconsciously, without a dream until dawn.

After getting up in the morning, there was no one around, Su Yehao came to the living room wearing a nightgown and found Jiang Yu holding a milk glass, sitting by the window basking in the sun.

"Morning, where is my suitcase? Have you decided where to go?"

After Su Yehao asked, he followed the direction of Jiang Yu's finger and saw the handbag he brought yesterday in the wardrobe at the door of the guest room.

When she caught a glimpse of this guy changing his clothes like no one else was around, she snorted and said, "Last night... we didn't do anything, did we? Why am I so tired."

"It's already like this, do you still worry about me taking advantage of you?"

Su Yehao went to the bathroom, brought toothpaste and toothbrush, leaned against the door, and said happily:

"It should be because of a hangover. If you drink too much, you will feel uncomfortable. Last night, a foreigner tried to talk to you, but I drove them all away. The bar here is really messy. If you come to study, you should be careful. It's better Find two female bodyguards to accompany you."

Casting a blank eye at him, Jiang Yu said, "If you weren't here, how could I go to drink by myself? I'm really pretty, and there are people who talk to me abroad?"

"Is this something to be happy about? Maybe I want to take advantage of you because you are drinking too much. In the future, you are not allowed to drink with anyone other than me."

Brushing her teeth, Su Yehao tapped on her head.

It could be seen that when he woke up, Jiang Yu was in a much better mood.

After cleaning up.

Go to the restaurant downstairs for breakfast first. Linda Yun stayed in Silicon Valley to do her business, and no one helped arrange the schedule.

Fortunately, the hotel provided entertainment services. Jiang Yu wanted to go to Disneyland, and Su Yehao immediately arranged it and asked the hotel to buy a few VIP tickets.

Before leaving, let out harsh words and play with her until she has a good time.

Jiang Yu remembered, it was probably revenge, he took Su Yehao on the roller coaster twice, and threw one of his shoes off. The staff searched for more than half an hour before they found it.

In addition, Su Yehao was asked to change into Donald Duck-shaped clothes. She was Snow White and asked someone to take pictures.

When you come out to mix, you always have to pay back.

She used to bully Jiang Yu a lot, but she finally seized the opportunity to win several times. She stayed from ten o'clock in the morning until more than four in the evening, and then went to visit the landmark signs in Hollywood and had dinner nearby.

It can only be said that the feng shui turns, and the one who gets bullied at night becomes Jiang Yu.

To say that it was only Zhu Bajie eating ginseng fruit yesterday, she finally felt so boring, but she didn't understand until today why when they lived together before, Nangong Tian always liked to take the initiative to pull Su Yehao and drill into the master bedroom.

Sure enough, it's interesting...

The next two days.

Apart from going out for dinner, Su Yehao and Jiang Yu stayed in the hotel.

The white bodyguards guarding the door just felt helpless about this. It was comfortable, but it was too boring.

On the evening of the fourth day in Los Angeles, they found that Su Yehao's face was beginning to turn pale, and some bodyguards joked that Su Yehao would wink at them if he was kidnapped by Miss Jiang.

Giving pays off.

At least after "one mistake and another mistake", Jiang Yu's guilt has eased. Although he still feels sorry for Xiao Nizi, he is no longer so entangled.

Occasionally in the state of being a thief with a guilty conscience, he also took the initiative to urge Su Yehao to call Xiao Nizi, and told her not to mention her finally calm.

The good days have just begun. Jiang Yu's vacation is over, and he actually has to return to Gangcheng to prepare for the final school test.

He was reluctant to let her go back, but Jiang Yu had a stubborn temper. He bought a plane ticket in private, and Su Yehao couldn't persuade him. He originally planned to go with her, but Jiang Yu only asked him, "What about after you go back?"


After you go back, you lie to me.

Neither can we go shopping together openly, nor can we meet every day, as crazy as the last few days.

After rationality prevailed, Jiang Yu offered to calm down for a while. If he really wanted to be together, then he would find a solution at that time.

In this regard, Su Yehao couldn't give any better advice, so for the time being, she can only go as she pleases...


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