Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 405: ...what about ambition?

Latest website: Larry and Sergey were taken aback when they heard Su Yehao's question.

After they looked at each other, they all felt that the super-rich was really scary and the news was surprisingly well-informed.

Larry Page explained:

"It seems that you have already investigated our company, don't you? I like the word googol, ten to the hundredth power, which represents the massive resources in the Internet, but when I registered, I found that it was used in 1995. So, combined with our technology, we named the company Anti-Link.”


Su Yehao suddenly realized and nodded.

To say that there was a 70-80% possibility that this company was Google, and now the possibility has soared to more than 90%, because Larry Page makes him feel familiar, and they also wanted to use the name googol.

I vaguely remember where I saw it, saying that googol was useless, and then I used google.

In any case, since the patented technology of this anti-linking company is quite good, in Su Yehao's opinion, there is potential for investment. He stretched out his hand and greeted, "Sit down, I was not at home this morning, and I found someone to analyze your algorithm. I feel a little bit. Meaning. Actually, I also have a search engine company called tot.”


Larry Page looked at Sergey.

After Sergey Brin thought about it, he shook his head calmly, saying that he had never heard of it.

Su Yehao saw their small movements and said with a smile:

"It's just a small company with about 300,000 monthly active users. It is developing in China. People are used to using Yahoo. If there is no advantage, it will be difficult to compete with Yahoo, right?"

Larry Page was speechless for a moment.

He only knew that Su Yehao owned tvt and icq instant chat software, and was also the seventh largest shareholder of Yahoo.

Suddenly learning that Su Yehao's "small company" has about 300,000 monthly active users, which is more than ten times more than the monthly active users of their anti-link search engine, and frustration flooded into my heart.

The gap between them is like a moat.

Both Larry and Sergey are well aware of this.

Both of them belonged to the techie category, taller than short, and Larry Page, an American, was a little better socially than Sergey Brin from Moscow.

Therefore, going out to look for investment and other jobs, all led by Larry, bring Sergey to find comfort, so as to avoid stage fright.

After organizing the language, Larry replied to Su Yehao:

"That's right, so we're going to you today, hoping for your help."

"I know that both tvt and icq have recently acquired startup teams such as games and news forums, obviously intending to monetize the huge user base and convert them into actual income. Online chat software cannot place too many advertisements, which will affect In terms of user experience, the virtual goods business does not seem to be going well.”

"If our two companies can cooperate, you will have one more revenue-generating performance growth point, and our anti-link company can also grow rapidly through your user group, which is a win-win..."

After all, after staying in Silicon Valley for so long, I have been thinking about starting a business.

Larry Page noticed Su Yehao's recent movement. The owner of the Iron King Kong game company they knew had sold the entrepreneurial team to Su Yehao. This undoubtedly shows that icq and tvt are trying to sell huge user resources. In terms of utilization, it began to pay attention to revenue.

The tech nerd is just not good at socializing, and can enter Stanford University to study for a Ph.D. in computer science, and his mind is still quite smart.

Su Yehao took two bottles of beer and handed them to them respectively. While touching the bottles to drink, he looked at the girl dancing with the iron pipe on the stage and asked:

"How do you plan to cooperate, sell the company directly to me, or get financing from me? You know, the initiative is on my side. Once you fully promote you... anti-links, there will be a chance of millions of dollars in the short term. Users, based on the cost of attracting traffic, may be worth millions of dollars, and this will affect my interests at Yahoo."

Like he said, Larry Page can think of the problem.

Now that Yahoo is the dominant one, and Su Yehao is the seventh largest shareholder of Yahoo, if a competitor develops, it will definitely have an impact on Yahoo.

Although Larry doesn't think that his anti-link company has the ability to wrestle with Yahoo, but when he wants to come, Su Yehao will definitely be excluded by other people in Yahoo, and may even be marginalized.

This is the result of guessing Su Yehao by imagination from the point of view of ordinary people.

In fact, Su Yehao didn't get involved in Yahoo's specific management work at all. He didn't even participate in the shareholders' meeting. It was just an investment. Once he made enough satisfactory profits, he would immediately cash out and run away. There was no entanglement of interests at all.

But Larry Page didn't know this, and asked: "You mean that if the shareholding ratio is too low, it is not worth supporting us?"

"...Yes, if it is acquired by me, it doesn't matter to promote the anti-link search engine with all my strength, but if you only want me to hold a small amount of shares, it will definitely be me who will suffer."

Su Yehao thought about talking to a smart person, just to feel comfortable, and continued to laugh:

"To be honest, the full value of your backlinks can't buy icq's three-day advertising space. Of course, since we have the idea of ​​​​cooperating with each other, I think we can talk first and reach a condition that satisfies each other."

Larry and Sergey, both felt very distressed at the moment.

Occasionally, I hear that investors have given too much, which makes entrepreneurs feel distressed. They did not expect the same thing to happen to themselves.

Because the size of the company is too small and the funds or resources obtained are too large, it is necessary to allocate a large amount of equity. At that time, it is very likely to lose the right to speak, resulting in the founder team being cleared out.

It's like having a child raised by oneself to be sold by oneself, which is of course a headache.

Sergey opened his mouth at this moment and asked tentatively, "Mr. Su, if you buy our anti-link company, how much are you willing to pay?"

This question made Su Yehao think for a few seconds.

Feeling that if the bid is too low, he might lose his chance, he quickly stretched out **** and said:

"For two million dollars, your technology may be of little use to me, but it's not worth that much in my opinion. There are many companies that want to replicate Yahoo's successful model, and maybe there are products that are more powerful than your algorithms, I The reason why I am willing to pay two million is mainly because I am optimistic about your ability, as a computer doctor from Stanford University, and I know search engine technology very well, it is the talent I need."

After Larry and Sergey heard it, they were very excited, and they both drank and overwhelmed their shock.

Before starting a business, they lived a hard life, worried about failure and bankruptcy. The first time someone admired their product and gave an "amazing" high price, I was so happy.

It's just a small company with a few thousand users. Su Yehao is willing to ask for two million is undoubtedly a lot, which is about twice as much as their psychological price.

Larry Page couldn't help but ask: "The founder of Iron King Games is our friend, and it is also his suggestion to go to you. If we agree to your acquisition invitation... can we continue to work in the company? "

"Yes, how much salary can you offer us?" Sergey also asked.


Su Yehao was stunned after hearing this, his performance was different from what he imagined.

Originally, I thought it should be a tug of war, saying something like "I can't lose the management of the company", or "Sorry, I'm only willing to accept financing."

What about dreams?

Entrepreneurial ambition to succeed?

Why did you start talking to yourself about salary and benefits...


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