Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 410: buy people's hearts

The latest website: Nikaidou Hongsuke, the former president of sk2, became the vice president after Nong Qingying airborne.

The Procter & Gamble Group also established a position similar to the chief operating officer in the company before, and the power is also greater than that of Nikaidou Hongsuke, who is the president.

Therefore, Nong Qingying's airborne does not affect the company's internal power structure, and the former president is not considered a demotion.


With the resale of sk2 to Su Yehao and Nong Qingying by the Procter & Gamble Group, Nikaidou Hongsuke's power has become a little bigger, and the funds that can be used have become more. In terms of personnel appointment, Nong Qingying also gave him a lot of autonomy. right.

When it comes to business minds, Nong Qingying is actually smarter.

She deliberately avoids breaking the "ecological balance" within sk2, and has been trying to catch the big and let go of the small.

After all, it is the Japanese who know the Japanese market best, and she is mainly responsible for overseas markets. In the past two months, she has just established the Southeast Asia and Greater China market areas, recruiting more than ten employees from Hong Kong City and Treasure Island, and the Korean market is dominated by The current Tokyo headquarters is in charge of development.

At this moment.

The vice president of Nikaidou Hongsuke said a lot in Japanese, and the translator was responsible for relaying it to Su Yehao.

The content is probably that the company is in a transition period and the future is bright. Everyone should respect the new boss, and double pay for the company in the future.

In the end, he also asked Su Yehao to say a few words to encourage the employees.

In Su Yehao's opinion, this scene is a bit second-class, the cultural atmosphere is different, and it is difficult to adapt to the lack of contact, but even Nong Qingying joins in the fun and applauds, looking forward to the speech of Su Yehao, the major shareholder, he still catches the duck on the shelves, ready to say a few words .

Facing the gazes of dozens of people, Su Yehao took a deep breath.

He told:

"Everyone should have heard that my main business is not in the field of skin care products. The reason why I am optimistic about this company is that people in Hong Kong City strongly recommend this company's products to me, which makes me realize sk2 It's a very good company, and it's worth investing in to make it bigger and stronger!"

After speaking, waiting for someone to translate, deliberately paused for a while.

These remarks are obviously a fight for chicken blood, and the corner of Nong Qingying's mouth is upturned. It is she who recommended sk2 to Su Yehao, but she just wanted to win the agency.

After the translation was finished, Su Yehao continued:

"I don't want to mention anything else. Your work is already very hard, and all I can do is to provide you with money, promotion opportunities and better benefits. Next is the company's expansion period, and I will choose to add more. Investment, maybe $50 million, maybe $100 million, by then…”

Seeing that the translation could not keep up with the rhythm, he paused and waited.

Listening to the enhanced tone of the translation, Su Yehao continued thinking while thinking of being interesting:

"Our company will compete with the world's top skin care brands, and sell products to the United States, London and Paris, which means that there will be a large number of management positions, which will increase in salary and get commissions. As long as everyone works hard, everyone present can become a Winner!"

After the translator finished speaking, the eyes of the employees who were standing upright in front of them began to glow.

As the company grows, countless opportunities will inevitably emerge. They can understand what Su Yehao means. Even many old employees who have worked for many years are also active in their minds and want to seize the opportunity to move up.

It doesn't matter if they don't understand the language, Su Yehao can see that he has mobilized their enthusiasm and said:

"It's rumored outside that Japan has been silent, and in the era of loss, maybe some companies are like this, but our sk2 has only just started. When I bought the company, I was in a hurry. Today, I will give you a welcome gift, later Each person will be given 100,000 yen, and another 500,000 yen will be given on Christmas Day, plus a month's salary, as long as you work hard, you will have what you want."

Wait for the translation to finish.

Nikaidou Hongsuke raised his hands and shouted "Long live!"

Then he bowed again, saying that meeting such a boss is not a pity to die, and so on.

I am afraid that I am often flattered by others. The vice president of Nikaidou Hongsuke is also a good player in flattering himself.

Nong Qingying counted the number of employees, and asked in a low voice: "The production factory also pays according to this standard? Your method of winning people's hearts is really simple and direct. There are more than 100 people in total, and 100 million yen is probably only 100 million yen. It's gone."

"During the expansion period, you can't save money. They are all good employees..."

Su Yehao was bowed and shouted long live by dozens of people. At this moment, his heart was feeling dark.

Go to other countries, you can not see this scene.

100 million yen, converted into US dollars, is about 700,000 US dollars, which is not enough to buy half a supercar. If it is spread evenly on everyone's head, you can get about 5,000 US dollars.

The windfall is not small.

Give employees money in Silicon Valley, even more, and they just feel they deserve it.

In private, he even thinks about the incompatibility between effort and return, and complains about this and that with the union at every turn. When it’s time to get off work, he runs faster than a rabbit. Occasionally working overtime feels like killing them.

The more he found out why Bai Nong Qingying said he was like a queen, he also experienced the happiness in it.

Perhaps it was because other companies squeezed too hard. The on-site employees were so happy, and the management did the same, mainly because they felt that the future was promising and the rewards were sudden.

Happiness isn't something that comes out of comparison.

No need for Su Yehao to say more, the vice president Nikaidou Hongsuke took advantage of the opportunity to start a lecture, secretly poking at Su Yehao and Nong Qingying's flattery, so that they could seize the "once in a lifetime" opportunity and work hard for the company. Contribute, strive to create a first-line skin care brand comparable to L'Oreal and Estee Lauder, and repay the appreciation of Su Yehao and Nong Qingying...

Finding the rewards so useful, Su Yehao had a new idea.

Back in the office, I began to discuss with Nong Qingying to take out some shares about 5%, to stimulate the executives, and to expand the company to a certain scale before it takes effect.

Only the right to dividends, resignation or abdication is automatically recovered, and the dry shares that can be used to reward others are equivalent to becoming a partner of the company.

Although it is evenly distributed to several key positions, each person can't share much, but it is very attractive and shows his status.

sk2 is currently valued at around 8 billion yen, and a 5% stake is just right.


By stimulating executives, they can contribute more to the company and have the opportunity to achieve healthy competition.

If executives want to keep their positions, they must do their jobs well. Others want to be promoted, but they must also work hard. With other incentives and punishments, they can inspire employees to fight.

Figuratively speaking, it is the carrot that attracts the donkey to pull the grinding wheel...


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