Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 416: home office

As the news of Su Yehao becoming rich spreads.

Although he didn't care much about it himself, there were some new changes in his life after all.

It should be because someone has been paying attention to him for a long time. In the early morning of the second day after returning to Hong Kong City, brokerage managers, bank financial advisers, representatives of law firms and consulting companies, as well as reporters and paparazzi flocked.

At the entrance of the originally deserted Dalangwan villa, a long line of cars suddenly stopped, and forty or fifty people surrounded the entrance, all to see Su Yehao.

Security guards and bodyguards were responsible for maintaining order. When Linda Yun drove in through the gate, reporters took pictures through the car window.

After all, Linda Yun is very beautiful, and it is impossible to guarantee that she will not just take a shot and catch a big news.

Anyway, I used a digital camera, even saving money on film, and finally a new rich man appeared in Hong Kong City. He was young, rich, famous, handsome, and talented. All kinds of factors combined. , as long as it is news about Su Yehao, most of them can get attention.

Since Su Yehao suddenly broke into the "Top 10 Richest People in Hong Kong City" at the beginning of the month, the old news that did not receive much attention last year has also been turned over by the media.

For example, when I was in Donghuang Rose Middle School, I sang a chorus song and wrote two songs, which were bought by the king-level singer.

In addition, there are rumors of marriage with Zhao Yimeng of Donghuang Group, as well as the creation of TAT, the investment in WPS office documents, the acquisition of land in Taipa Island, the acquisition of the original Donghuang Rose Garden Hotel and Donghuang Century Plaza, etc.

These messages have received varying degrees of attention.

Su Yehao is indeed famous.

At the beginning of the month, he was in California, USA. People tried to contact him, but they were always in vain.

It was hard to find out that Su Yehao had returned to the port city, and these people ran over all at once. The interview is an interest, and cooperation is also an interest. Just like the whales are always surrounded by some sucker fish, if you are lucky, you can eat some food scraps. Enough for a meal.

The current Su Yehao is a big whale in the eyes of others. It is not surprising that some people pay attention to him, but it is strange that no one cares...

Park the Beetle in the parking space.

Linda Yun wore women's formal clothes, got out of the car and stepped on high heels, and walked into the villa all the way.

When she entered the door, she glanced at her watch. At 7:30 in the morning, it was still early before working hours. She was about to make a cup of coffee to take a break when she unexpectedly found that Su Yehao had already woken up and was drinking porridge and reading a newspaper in the restaurant.

"Hey, getting up so early? What's going on at the door? There are so many people around in the morning."

After Linda Yun finished asking, she took out a thick pile of documents from her briefcase. After staying in Silicon Valley for so long a few days ago, there was a backlog of less important affairs in the port city, and some procedures needed to be handled by Su Yehao himself.

Su Yehao put down the spoon, sighed and said:

"I don't know either, they came early in the morning, and they couldn't get out. It seems that I went to the Fulinmen Hotel for dinner last night, and the news of my return has already spread. Those guys are really gossipy. "

"I want to cooperate with you. The troubles of well-known wealthy businessmen are really enviable."

Linda Yun finished speaking with a smile, and continued: "I went to your assistant's office yesterday, and they asked me to bring these to you and put them in the study?"

"Well, I'll see you later, Linda, help me get to the door, let them go after registering, and I'll take the initiative to contact you if necessary. There are so many people at the door, after meeting one by one, you don't have to do anything today. Well, it’s still clean when you live in Silicon Valley.”

"What about the reporter? I saw the TV station's interview car."

"Let them go back first, just say I just came back and I'm tired."

Su Yehao likes to read newspapers, but apart from business matters, he doesn't want to be gossiped by the media all day long.

Linda Yun nodded with a smile on her face, and said, "Okay, I guess it will be fine in two days. When the heat passes, they should be able to stop..."

In fact, some people are worth meeting, but Su Yehao is not in the mood today.

After going out for so long, I finally relax at home and don't want to waste time for these trivial matters.

He handed over the task of chasing people to Linda Yun, and asked the nanny to help make a cup of Longjing. He went upstairs to wake up Nangong Tian, ​​who was still sleeping late, and went to the study to turn on the computer.

After checking the mailbox, I found that the brokerage consultant reminded that AOL and Netscape had reached an acquisition agreement and planned to acquire Netscape for 4.4 billion US dollars. Because the Netscape browser also developed the search engine business, the appraisers thought it was likely to A certain impact on Yahoo.

Su Yehao opened his account and read it, and found that Yahoo's market value fell by 2.7%. The negative impact of this level was negligible. He only felt that AOL really had deep pockets.

The newly acquired Google continues to have Larry Page as CEO.

Larry Page sent an email to Su Yehao at night, asking when he could be drained from ICQ and TVT.

Su Yehao only replied: "After the product is perfected, the current database will collapse, come on."

There is an entire Pacific Ocean in between.

Counting the jet lag, Larry Page should be going to bed, and he doesn't expect a response in time.

in addition.

Danielle Kenning, who was driven by him, also began to adapt to the position of Google's operating officer.

She sent an email to Su Yehao, saying that she planned to make Sergey Brin the chief technology officer, and in view of the current situation of Google, she had drawn up a development plan, which was full of long and detailed writing.

I glanced at it... and sent it to the assistant's mailbox, so that someone could help translate it into Chinese.

I am afraid there are tens of thousands of words, and you can understand them while looking at them, but it is very tiring, so it is better to put them on hold for the time being.

Su Yehao's employees often think that it is difficult to find him as a boss. Over time, they have developed a good habit of self-reliance, and they are responsible for handling small matters by The major matters are summarized in his assistant's office.

It all depends on Su Yehao's mood to ask when he can get an answer.

It was only in 1998 that Su Yehao, the boss, had already realized "working from home", trying to do the least amount of work, but earning profits in billions of dollars.

It took a few minutes to process the email quickly, and continued to be busy signing the documents brought by Linda Yun. Before starting, I briefly browsed it, and tried to be aware of the development of each company.

After brushing her teeth and washing her face, Nangong Tian trotted all the way in her pajamas, came to the study, hugged him, sat on his lap, and asked, "I don't have class today, do you have any other arrangements?"

"No, are you okay?"

Su Yehao, who was very empty yesterday, is now full of energy, not panic at all, and dares to take the initiative to provoke Xiao Nizi.

Nangong Tian held his hand and smiled: "Oh, in the morning, don't move. You slept like a dead pig last night. It's too late to regret now, don't move me."


The TAT chat software just logged in suddenly popped up a message with the note "Xiao Batian, Technical Director of TAT".

Nangong Tian didn't know why. After reading it, he smiled and said, "This employee of yours is so interesting. He actually uses a woman's avatar. Could it be her girlfriend?"

for a moment.

Su Yehao was about to break out in a cold sweat, but fortunately he chose to stabilize his hand, this "Xiao Batian" was not Jiang Yu.

Fortunately, Jiang Yu didn't use his own photos, so he couldn't see anything.

He hurriedly hugged the little girl and got up, changed the subject and said:

"I don't know, do something meaningful with me first. Did you find out during dinner last night that my mother seems to like you very much and praised you several times."

"Hey? Is there any? Let me down first, I haven't locked the door yet..."

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