Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 419: Jiang Yu's proposal

Jiang Yu.

It has always been a typical example of people who are still addicted to vegetables.

After resting for a while, she calmed down a little.

After tidying up again and sitting down on the sofa in the living room, Jiang Yu suddenly asked, "It's hard to get back to the port city, not staying with Nangong at home, what reason did you find for slipping out today?"

Su Yehao was slightly stunned, thinking how fast this girl changed her face.

Although she was right, when he went out, he did find an excuse to talk about business, but at this time, even if he was swollen and made a fat man, he would not admit it, only said:

"You don't know my status at home, why don't you find a reason to tell her to go east and never dare to go west?"

Just finished.

Su Yehao sat next to her, put his arms around Jiang Yu's shoulders, and said with a smile:

"Don't put so much pressure on yourself all day, as I told you, even if you don't think of a good solution right now, anyway, if one day you are exposed, you can blame me at that time, and it will never be implicated. You. Nangong has mentioned it more than once before, saying that she wants to be a big woman, otherwise you will be wronged a little bit, she is already a few months older than you."

"Who wants to be your second concubine? It sounds like you're being bullied all day long. It's so pitiful. I'm just learning the way of life of a bad woman and looking for you to kill time."

Jiang Yu insisted on being tough.


Since she returned to Hong Kong City a few days ago, she has been thinking about how to get along with Su Yehao, and she has also thought about stupid ideas such as getting out in time.

However, Su Yehao is not only her only boyfriend, but also her only man. He has liked it since childhood.

How can it be so easy to deal with it freely, just walk away.


Hearing her words, Su Yehao raised his eyebrows and exaggeratedly said, "No way, you don't want to be responsible for me? A ruthless woman, see through."

Knowing that he was joking, Jiang Yu was still stunned, and gave him a head with a pillow, and said softly: "You are the big radish! ... Actually, I thought of a more feasible way, from the TV series. Inspired."


After being confused for two seconds, Su Yehao reacted immediately and suddenly realized that he asked her, "You mean dealing with the relationship between us?"

"That's right."

Jiang Yu gritted his teeth, and at this time he went out of his way, explaining:

"Let's find an opportunity to bring Nangong Tian to the bar together. When you drink more, it's best to get drunk together. If it is disguised as an unintentional mistake... It should be easier to accept, we must not let her know, we have already It's this kind of relationship, I really feel sorry for her."

The so-called "unintentional loss" gave Su Yehao some inspiration.

Although Jiang Yu said vaguely, he still understood the general meaning, that is, an accident was artificially fabricated.

At that time, he has an excuse, Jiang Yu no longer has to bear the guilt of stealing people, maybe there is a chance to be confused, and the three of them will live under the same roof.

Thinking of this, Su Yehao's eyes began to light up, as if he saw the door to a new world.

As Jiang Yu said.

Setting up a bureau to deal with Xiao Nizi, I am really sorry for her, but the two powers are the lesser of harm, and it is better to clean up the relationship with Jiang Yu by accident than to suddenly tell Xiao Nizi in the future.

After all, it was just an "accident", maybe you can recognize it by pinching your nose?

When he looked at Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu suddenly became nervous. She felt that she was very bad, and her whole person became bad, and she quickly said: "Forget it! When I didn't say it, I must have been obsessed... It's all your fault!"

Su Yehao interrupted her and said calmly:

"No, no, this idea is worth pondering over. You are usually stupid, but your little brain is so bright. It really is near Zhu Zhechi. I have been nurtured by me, and it is immediately different."


Jiang Yu rolled his eyes and said angrily:

"Hey, before I went to see you in Silicon Valley, I was so happy every day. I either ate or slept, and I often had sweet dreams. Now that I haven't slept well for a week, my friends say I'm a lot of haggard, and I can't be happy anymore."

Seeing that Jiang Yu was so entangled recently, after so long, he was still at the top of his head.

Su Yehao also felt very uncomfortable.

Unlike Yin Liuli and Nong Qingying.

Jiang Yu couldn't cross the threshold in her heart. If she didn't solve the problem for a day, she couldn't get along with Su Yehao calmly for a day.

This girl is too upright, otherwise she wouldn't be idle, she often mentions Nangong Tian in front of him and asks for trouble.

He considered Jiang Yu's proposal. There are a lot of doorways in it, and he needs to plan carefully.

Combining "Hiding the Sky and Crossing the Sea", "Taking Fish in Troubled Waters", and "Chen Cang in Darkness", it is best to match it with a "bitter meat plan".

Meditate for a while.

Su Yehao was serious at this moment and told Jiang Yu:

"It would be too deliberate for me to ask you to go out. Find a chance to ask her out, or wait for her to ask you out to play. Then find a lively bar, you will naturally get drunk, and you stay at my house to rest. There is no turning back arrow, I will take the blame again after the event is completed, and the bite to death is just an accident."

Jiang Yu didn't have much opinion, especially when it comes to such a big event.

After listening to this, she looked serious and said with a guilty conscience: "I definitely can't mention it, otherwise how will I behave in the future? By the way... Back then, were Ximen Qing and Pan Jinlian, like us now, conspiring to do these shameful things... …”

"Can't you say something nice?"

Su Yehao almost choked, he was speechless.

After discussing it for a while, he realized that something was wrong.

Listening to Jiang Yu's meaning, it seemed that he was just trying to get rid of the burden, and he didn't want to carry the little girl in private and come out to meet him.

Therefore, with the meaning of breaking the jar, I even prepared to be scolded by Xiao Nizi in advance, and then took advantage of the situation to draw a clear line with him.

This made Su Yehao a little confused.

I thought that Jiang Yu came up with such a method to be able to be together in public, but I didn't expect to have the idea of ​​a werewolf jumping fiercely, just for peace of mind.

It's hard to understand Jiang Yu's thoughts, it's like a silly thing that an honest, kind and good girl would do...


Jiang Yu, a pistachio, has recently become Xiao Ai.

Affected by Su Yehao's mood also plummeted, and he finally remembered the existence of a few bad friends.

leave the mountain.

Halfway through, I called Buck Yajun and asked him to call He Shaofan and Bamboo Pole to find a place to eat at noon.

He wanted to drink some wine, chat with friends, and adjust his mood.

Sandwiched between the girls, everyone has her temper.

Su Yehao was worried that Jiang Yu's troubles would break the tacit understanding between him and Xiao Nizi, and the consequences would be unpredictable.

Compared with Jiang Yu's lenient confession, in fact, based on Su Yehao's understanding of Nangong Tian, ​​he always felt that Xiao Nizi might instead hope they would keep it a secret.

Just like this year of love, it's good to be happy and happy when we get along.



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