Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 444: Game Development Department

You may have to worry about snacks in the future, but you don't have to worry about it for the time being.

After Su Yehao finished chatting with the CEO, he invited several executives to chat informally.

Three times five divisions two have done the work of soothing people's hearts, and promised that as long as the weekly active users exceeded 700,000 a year ago, an extra month's salary will be paid as a bonus.

It's only mid-January, and the Spring Festival is still a few weeks away.

With the current scale of TAT, 700,000 weekly active users is a bit difficult, but as long as you plan some small activities, such as signing in to send space accessories, sending rare seeds to the farm, you should be able to do it.

It's like finding a reason to give them benefits. In fact, it doesn't matter if the number of people is a little smaller. Su Yehao has already greeted the CEO. After the Spring Festival, make sure that except for interns, P&G, front desk, security, etc., the minimum annual salary of other employees must reach 80,000 yuan to maintain the company's advantage in attracting talent.

80,000 RMB is nothing in Silicon Valley, almost one-tenth of the average salary in Silicon Valley.

However, in Pengcheng, it is definitely a high-paying income. Migrant workers on the construction site can only earn seven or eight hundred yuan after working hard for a month. Ordinary office workers may not get seven or eight hundred yuan.

In Silicon Valley, although the income is high, the consumption is also amazing.

In terms of actual purchasing power, that is to say, until next year, the regular employees of TAT can buy about three square meters of commercial housing in Pengcheng with a monthly income.

There is no need to ask why Su Yehao is so generous, and suddenly raised the average salary of Internet companies.

The reason for asking is to buy horse bones for a thousand dollars. It is expected that there will be a large talent gap in the company this year. Su Yehao hopes to bring all the top Internet talents in China to his own hands.

Instead of raising wages slowly, it is better to do it all at once. The big deal is that wages will increase slowly in the next few years, as long as you make sure that they are a bit higher than your peers.

Relying on his wealth and wealth, Su Yehao is really not afraid of burning money now...

I found a computer and tried to play the games developed by the company such as "Happy Landlord", "Super Earth Tank", "Huanxilianliankan", "Happy Xiaoxiaole", "TAT Gold Miner" and other games. Some of the ideas were created by Su Yehao. Some are provided directly, some are thought of by the employees themselves, and some are purchased directly with money.

One after another, the company has accumulated more than 30 mini-games, most of which are web versions. It is no longer technically difficult to jump to the web page from the game interface of the personal space.

After searching with TOT, I found two popular games in the mainland recently, namely "Legend of Sword and Fairy 98 Tenderness Edition" and "Swordsman Love", and then Red Alert, etc., mainly single-player games.

Speaking of "Swordsman Love".

This game is also related to Su Yehao, because it is a product of Yinhai Group, which was launched as early as 1997. The game company is called Xishanju, which is one of Yinhai's subsidiaries.

As early as February 1996, Yinhai also completed the first business simulation game in the mainland, called "Zhongguancun Apocalypse", which simulates reality very realistically, including stocks, loans, research and development, and even digging.

The year before last, "Swordsman Love" was released, and in the end, only more than 30,000 sets were sold, and even the cost was not recovered. Therefore, Su Yehao has always paid no attention to Xishanju, a subsidiary of Yinhai, and only knows that there is such a small company.

Until last year, the general environment of mainland computer games was not very good. In order to develop the Yinhai portal website, Yinhai, which received the financial support of Su Yehao, changed the game and made it into a small online game for free download.

Unexpectedly, the effect is surprisingly good, and it can be said that Yinhai has also tasted the sweetness of making games.

The market is surprisingly small, and the bullets have to fly for a while.

Compared with the so-called "big production", Su Yehao still prefers to play his own company's small games, especially the TAT farm. Those with internet access can steal vegetables, and those without internet can also play on a stand-alone computer and grow vegetables by themselves.

It's a pity that Jiang Yu seems to be eyeing his vegetable garden, and he comes to look at it from time to time.

But that's okay.

Maybe that girl was just harassing him for nothing, trying to attract attention. Su Yehao had already experienced from her that she was cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

There were always employees who came to chat with Su Yehao, so he didn't chat with Jiang Yu to avoid revealing his privacy.

Besides, "TAT technical director Xiao Batian" or something, is now at the TAT headquarters, and there is no such person in the company. Once the news spreads, Jiang Yu was found by the technicians, and he died on the spot.

Thinking of this, Su Yehao casually chatted with people about the importance of protecting user privacy, especially for himself and his friends, be sure not to leak the chat content.

The real technical director of the company, who is only obedient in front of him, immediately agreed.

It's okay not to remind, but after reminding, Su Yehao is even more worried. What if he offends a certain employee and gets overturned on the table?

Thinking of this, Su Yehao planned to register an ICQ account in private, and usually bicker with Jiang Yu and the others online...


After brother Xiao Ma finished chatting with Su Yehao, he was always confused.

Not long after Su Yehao left TAT, he was called to the office by CEO Lin Wei, saying that he planned to integrate various game development teams and set up an online game development agency subsidiary, and asked Xiao Ma what his thoughts were.

In a daze until now, what can Xiaoma think?

Facing Lin Wei, after holding back for a long time, he had an idea, saying that he would follow Su Yehao's intentions to inspect popular foreign games and try to make a plan as soon as possible.

Lin Wei doesn't know why Su Yehao is optimistic about, but after reading the information, he found that he had the experience of being a supervisor, so he was at the starting line anyway, so he was relieved and let him try it first. , you'll get a promotion when you're done.

Originally, Lin Wei thought TAT's work was easier, but after talking with Su Yehao, he found that the little boss had great ambitions, and now he was also aroused by the idea of ​​climbing up.

Just thinking about how to win the mainland market, he didn't care about Brother Ma at all. After chatting a few words, he asked Brother Ma to prepare first and make a development plan for the online game department.

Brother Ma, who is completely inexperienced in games, is both excited and worried.

I am completely inexperienced in things like learning from others.

As soon as Su Yehao left TAT, he immediately put company affairs behind him.

In a relaxed mood, I took a car to the World Garden Community where more than 100 apartments had been invested, went directly to the property, and asked someone to ask why the migrant workers had conflicts during their stay.

"Ultimate Chaos"

Although the staff of the property was worried about annoying Su Yehao, they finally met Su Yehao, the main owner, and they still grieved for the other owners, saying that there were more than 1,000 foreigners living in, and the impact was particularly great.

I learned that there are 20 or 30 people living in a suite, and there are more tenants than tenants when commuting to and from get off work.

Su Yehao was embarrassed.

After all, I still underestimate the black heart of the foreman. I am afraid that the people under his control will be stuffed into the sixty houses he lent to his father... Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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