Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 456: draw flatbread

An appointment to meet at six o'clock in the evening.

Academician Ni Danan arrived at 5:40 with a student of his own.

He was nearly sixty years old, with a briefcase in his hand, wearing a brown suit, glasses on the bridge of his nose, gray hair, and looking polite.

It is said that the phase comes from the heart.

Mr. Ni's temperament made Su Yehao feel very comfortable. Coupled with the influence of preconceived memories, he immediately reached out his hand after meeting and said politely, "Academician Ni, right, hello hello! My surname is Su, Su Yehao."

"Hello, Mr. Su's Mandarin is very good. I'm sorry for being late. It's hard to get a taxi after get off work, and the road is still blocked."

Mr. Ni said with a kind look on his face with a smile.

Looking around, I saw many bodyguards, and at first I thought that Su Yehao was really sharp.

After thinking about it again, I think it makes sense. After all, I came from a wealthy family. There have been many rich people who have had accidents in recent years. Of course, they can't be alone like ordinary people.

Hearing this, Su Yehao said with a smile, "No way, it's still early before the appointed time. I also came to see the restaurant under the plan of partner Chu Jun, so I arrived early. I often come to the mainland to do business, and I can't speak Mandarin. Specially practiced."

After some courtesies, he shook hands with Academician Ni's students.

Said to be a student, he is also about forty years old, with sparse hair on his head, and his name is Zeng Guangpei.

Hearing this name, Su Yehao instantly remembered that Chu Jun had mentioned that it was Zeng Guangpei who contacted Chu Jun, and then they met today.

Thinking of working with Mr. Ni in Liangxiang Group, Zeng Guangpei's ability is probably not too bad, and he is thinking about digging the R&D team under his own hands, so Su Yehao is also very polite to him.

Chu Jun had just gone to greet the other guests. Now, as the host, he ran back to greet them with a smile and went to a box in the backyard to take a seat.

The floor of the box is paved with old bricks, and there are landscape paintings on the walls, as well as the four characters of "deep accumulation and thin hair" written by dragons and phoenixes.

The environment does not say how high-end, but it looks more comfortable.

After chatting.

Su Yehao took the initiative to talk about business affairs, with a smile on his lips, and asked, "I have heard about Mr. Ni's unsatisfactory work in Liangxiang. Recently, I also want to enter the PC manufacturing and sales market, and there is no other way at the beginning. , it must be mainly based on procurement and assembly, but I am different from Liangxiang Group, my appetite is a bit bigger, the personal computer business is only second, and the main thing is to seize the upstream and downstream markets."

"...What are the upstream and downstream markets?" Mr. Ni grasped the key points and hit the nail on the head.

"Upstream is mainly chip foundry, and then R&D and design. After all, if I invest a huge amount of money to design it, and finally get suppressed, and there is no factory for me to produce it, wouldn't I have to stare blankly? With the temper of Intel's companies If you can really do this kind of thing, it involves interests, and you can’t do it too much, so trying to find a way to win the lithography machine and OEM production in the early stage is more important than research and development itself in my opinion.”

Everyone wanted to do something practical, but Su Yehao didn't go around in circles, and then explained:

"As for the downstream, the main thing is to cultivate a large enough Internet user group, and at the same time to promote the development of informatization, my Internet company, including instant chat, portal websites, social platforms, office software, online games, etc., can be sent to Useful, and the money I earn can continue to be invested in research and development. Unlike some people, my eye sockets are too shallow. The upstream components of personal computers and the downstream Internet ecological chain are very profitable, only the assembly and production link. It's a little bit mean, just a small fight."

This sentence, even if it was heard by Chu Jun, was enough.

Chu Jun was worried that Mr. Ni, who had worked in Liangxiang for more than ten years, would not feel comfortable, so he spoke out and said that "the profit of hardware manufacturing is not higher than 5% to 10%, and the domestic informatization development level will be raised by lowering the price". The statement was moved out as it was, and took the opportunity to praise Su Yehao's foresight.

Thinking of the disagreement between the two sides in terms of development concepts, Chu Jun also gloated over the misfortune and added: "Once Mr. Su's product goes on sale, the first unlucky group will be Liangxiang Group, which is also considered a bad temper."

Mr. Ni smiled happily, waved his hand and said:

"It doesn't matter if there is no evil, but lowering the price of computers will indeed help to popularize personal computers. I have tried the broadband high-speed network that will be launched in China this year, and the Internet speed is not generally fast. What is lacking most now is the computer, the price It’s too expensive and others can’t afford it. I once persuaded some people to focus on the stock price, fearing that the stock price would also drop if the profit decreased, so they ignored me.”

It doesn't matter what he said, his expression looked quite happy.

A gentleman who specializes in technology can't hide things in his heart. Just like conflicts with some people, he can calm down on the stage. Right is right, wrong is wrong, even if it is mixed with amazing benefits, it is a big right and a wrong. You can also ignore it in front of you.

Su Yehao smiled and continued:

"If you want to find your own way, how difficult is it? I think you know better than me, Mr. Ni. I have thought about it in the past two days. The first step is to produce and assemble computers. At the same time, I also invest in the production and development of lithography machines, etc. Companies with key technologies, strive to achieve chip foundry as soon as possible.”

"Recently, I was helping the Midi Group, which my father invested in, to find reliable mobile phone production technology. My subordinate told me that Qualcomm plans to sell the mobile phone R&D center because it plans to concentrate on communication technology and chips. I will not be allowed to eat alone. If I want to, I will inevitably be suppressed by my colleagues, so it is very important to make a choice.”

"Assembly and foundry are only the first step, and it is likely to wait until later to find another opportunity to develop chips, mainly low-end microchips, which are similar to Qualcomm's goals. This thing occupies a relatively large market share, not There must be no backward chips used in computers. In the future, various terminals will be the mainstream. They are used in washing machines and TVs, and they are also used in mobile phones. It is difficult to eat a fat man in one bite..."

These aspects, Su Yehao thought carefully in advance.

Mr. Ni's idea is a bit idealized, focusing on research and development, not thinking about commercialization, and only asks: "What about the operating system, has Mr. Su thought about investing some money to fight with Microsoft in the arena? ?"

"...It's not difficult to develop an operating system, but how to build an ecosystem around it. Even if it is actually made, how many people will use it is the key."

A chip and an operating system were the main points of disagreement between Mr. Ni and the boss. Su Yehao had guessed beforehand that he might ask.

Showing a smile at this moment, Su Yehao shook his head and then told:

"Competing with other people on other people's tracks is twice the result with half the effort, so why not change the path? Technology is developing so fast, in a few years, maybe a new operating system can be installed on mobile phones, and even refrigerators can be connected to the Internet. Besides working and playing games, who still uses a computer. Also, I'm actually eyeing Apple, but I don't have that much money for the time being. It has a complete computer operating system, but it's a pity that it took twenty or thirty years~www.readwn .com~ The ecology hasn’t developed yet, let alone us…”

Mr. Ni is a big bull.

Ordinary people stand on the first floor, he may stand on the fourth or fifth floor.

And Su Yehao's height was as high as a dozen or 20 stories, so it was unrealistic to talk a bit like bragging and not writing drafts.

Originally, Mr. Ni thought that if he could secure a sum of money, it would be enough to do chip research and development and operating system research and development. Unexpectedly, Su Yehao was interested in chip foundry and microchips.

Looking at the operating system, it is more like drawing an unrealistic pie.

However, in the eyes of the old gentleman, Su Yehao is still remarkable, with more advantages than disadvantages.

After all, after searching for so long, except for this 20-year-old hairy boy, others dare not even invest, and occasionally encounter some two fools, open their mouths and ask if they can make a computer chip production line...


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