Popular recommendation:

The snow is a little heavy.

Living in the hot spring club is comfortable, and I am not in a hurry to go home.

I ate hot pot that day, roasted whole lamb the next day, watched TV and took a bath, wrapped in thick clothes and went out to enjoy the snow.

During this period.

Mr. Ni contacted Su Yehao and said that as long as the promised research and development funds were in place, he would be willing to change jobs. There were a total of 17 people in the initially determined small team.

The number of people is a little more than Su Yehao expected. From this, it seems that the research and development may not be paid attention by the company. Otherwise, how could it be possible to pry so many corners.

Just some R&D personnel, Su Yehao can afford it.

While Mizzi agreed, she also asked the family office to hurry up and find a place to set up a research and development center, where to directly buy real estate and use it as the company headquarters.

For the specific preparation details, Su Yehao does not need to be responsible for it personally, and Gangcheng has already arranged manpower to come over.

Not only that.

He also persuaded Chu Jun to have a good year first, and then come out after the year to help him stare at the preparations for the personal computer assembly and sales company.

Looking for someone to do things, the money should not be less.

Maybe it was because he was idle at home for a long time, or maybe he was moved by the annual salary of 2 million yuan. Anyway, Chu Jun did agree to Su Yehao, and went to Xiaotangshan with his wife and children, and met to discuss specific tasks while soaking in the hot spring.

The main thing is to first ask Mr. Ni's team to design several computers with different configurations, and plan the production line at the same time, and then Su Yehao finds someone to be responsible for purchasing outside.

The overall planning was handed over to Chu Jun first.

You don't need to worry too much about this job, you can use it well, coordinate all the links, and build a company framework.

Su Yehao also promised to look outside to see if he could find a suitable computer OEM assembly company. It is best to buy a few production lines first and produce some computers for low-cost dumping to test the waters.

As long as the hardware part is handled well, and the software is directly equipped with Microsoft, you don't have to worry too much.

I have to say that Chu Jun is indeed a bit skilled. At a glance, he can see that he can take the road of Internet cafes. He plans to produce some high-quality and low-cost computers to sell to Internet cafes. He will make the logo bigger and look better. At that time, it will be equivalent to every entry into Internet cafes. Internet users can try out the company's products in person, and the core concept of development is cost-effectiveness.

Taking advantage of the relatively small number of netizens and the brand of Liangxiang is not yet popular, Su Yehao is also preparing to promote it online through TAT, TOT, WPS, Yinhai portal, etc., and strive to expand the brand to be created in one fell swoop.

Of course.

The premise is that production capacity and sales channels must be in place first.

Doing a physical business is definitely a bit more troublesome than investing money. The Spring Festival is approaching, and there is no way to complete the production before the New Year. The first task is to find a venue for office production and register the company.


Came to the mainland at noon on the fourth day.

Su Yehao packed up and set off for the airport.

The assistants collected a lot of information and waited for Su Yehao to look at it. The headhunting company also helped him contact Zhang Rujing. After communicating by phone, both parties wanted to go to the mainland to establish a wafer foundry.

However, because the above promises to provide certain financial support, Zhang Rujing prefers to start his own business instead of continuing to work for others.

Su Yehao hadn't thought about what kind of bargaining chip he should prepare, so after a short contact, he was in no hurry to win this one, and planned to see if there was a suitable acquisition target before that.


This time I went to Sijiucheng.

The time when I was really busy with business was not even half a day in total, and at other times it was like traveling.

After soaking in the hot springs a few times, his skin became white and tender. When Su Yehao returned to the international airport on Lantau Island, he felt very relaxed and comfortable.

Taking a private jet in the Mainland, the convoy cannot drive directly to the apron.

However, in Hong Kong City, there is no such thing. Just as his Rolls-Royce was about to leave the airport, a police car suddenly appeared and forced them to stop.

Immediately after.

Two Asirs, one Madam, got out of the car and knocked on his window.

After they showed their police IDs, Su Yehao opened the car window and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, bulletproof car, the car's windows can't be fully opened, what's wrong with stopping me?"

A sir in casual clothes told: "Master Su Yehao, you don't need to get out of the car, just take this bullet-proof car when you go out recently, it will save us a lot of trouble."

Su Yehao asked in confusion, "What do you mean? I'm in danger?"

"Yes, we found a lot of information related to you in a recent smuggling case, so there is reason to suspect that you or your family and property may have become the target of some gangsters. But you are in a bomb avoidance car. , and with so many bodyguards, plus there will be an assault vehicle to protect you, there should be no problem in terms of safety."

After introducing himself, the surnamed Ye said that he was the senior inspector of the heavy eucalyptus team of the Hong Kong Island Region, and asked Su Yehao to come to them to make a record to understand the situation.

It's very interesting to watch police and gangsters in TV dramas, but it hurts when you really encounter this kind of thing.

Nangong Tian couldn't help complaining: "Someone is eyeing Brother Hao, but you didn't notify him in advance. You knew you would stay outside for a few more days, and you'd be fine when you catch someone. How dangerous it is now."

Seeing Xiao Nizi's dissatisfaction, Ye Sir looked embarrassed and explained:

"Escape is not always the way, those people are from Malaysia, we haven't caught it yet~www.readwn.com~ If Master Su is willing to cooperate, I believe it will be broken soon, as one of the ten richest people , I paid special attention to it this time, with the configuration of your bomb avoidance vehicles and bodyguards, you should be fine."

"You also said that it should be, the risk is still very high..."

Nangong Tian continued to complain, she didn't want anything to happen to Su Yehao, and she would be confused if she cared about it.

Su Yehao was not so nervous, so he comforted her and said, "Forget it, no one wants to encounter this kind of trouble. If someone stares at me and I won't come back, then I may have to stay outside for the rest of my life. Find more bodyguards, and also remind my parents. Do you have any arrangements over my house?"

Ye Asir and others originally came to see Jiang Yu and Nangong Tian sitting next to Su Yehao respectively, treating him like a playboy.

However, when he heard Su Yehao speak for them, he instantly felt a little more favorable.

The policewoman surnamed Chen nodded and explained: "We have already arranged manpower to keep an eye on your house 24 hours a day, but it would be best if there are more reliable bodyguards in there. As for your family, mine Colleagues will be responsible for the notification, do you know who you have offended recently?"

After Su Yehao recalled, he said to them:

"There is inevitably friction in doing business. I have a lot of business, but apart from financial management and investment, I seldom ask myself personally. But if I accidentally offend someone or implicate me, I am afraid it is possible. I am a lazy person. I don't like to cause trouble, so I shouldn't have any enemies."

Chen Asir smiled and said:

"I'll take a closer look when I get back to the police station. I think it's more likely to ask for money. Since the incident with the eldest son of the Li family, many people want to imitate..."


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