Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 477: Segmentation and platform advantages

The latest website: The listing of Yanwen Group is temporarily stuck in the approval process.

Judging from the current news, there should be no problem, just wait patiently.

This time, the four market makers that Su Yehao found were Goldman Sachs, Lehman, Morgan Stanley and Blackstone Group. Among them, the Goldman Sachs team led the IPO and was extremely experienced.

What the Yanwen Group should do here is almost done.

At this stage, pressure is placed on Goldman Sachs Group. Once the listing fails, Goldman Sachs will have no money to make. Instead, it will have to pay a certain amount of liquidated damages, which will definitely take a lot of effort.

In fact, with the scale of the newly formed Yanwen Group, as long as he does not commit suicide, he will almost certainly be listed on Nasdaq.

An "old-fashioned leader" in the instant chat industry, icq, plus the upstart TVT in the last year, this combination is enough to attract people's attention. The more than 20 million active users alone have attracted investors' attention. There is no road show yet. Attract a large number of potential investors.

According to Roger Cruyff, the Japanese Softbank, the UAE Sovereign Fund, the Norwegian Sovereign Fund, the US Fidelity Fund, etc., have sent people to contact them, conduct on-the-spot investigations, and understand the next steps of the Yanwen Group. development plan.

Except for SoftBank.

The other three companies mentioned by Roger are all well-established capital whales. They are much more powerful than the predators. They involve tens of millions of dollars in funds. Before investing, they specially send people to visit the door for research, which is a routine operation. .

Long-term strategic planning is extremely important for an Internet company. Only by finding a correct path can there be room for growth in the future.

Stay in the small bar and drink beer.

At this time, Su Yehao asked, "They sent people to investigate, what was the result?"

John Zhou is full of smiles. He hasn't seen him for half a year and is a little rounder. After he gets rich, he looks much younger, and he is in good spirits when he is happy.

He told Su Yehao: "It goes without saying that, of course, I am quite satisfied with our plan! Boss, you are worried that we will take a detour, so you arrange for McKinsey consulting firm to conduct a survey every quarter, and you spend a lot of money, but it is definitely not in vain."

CEO Roger also nodded and said:

"Yes, based on the actual performance, the strategic plan that suits us has been clear. We are an instant chat software, the advertising business is not as good as the search engine, and the game business is not as good as a professional game company. Previous boss, you suggested to develop into the online shopping industry, evaluate I also found that the funding gap is too large, and I can't compete with eBay, Amazon and other professional companies in the niche field."

"It seems that you can make money in everything, but the fact is that you are not proficient in everything. Those companies often divide specific customer groups and make money from them, thus reducing potential customers. The advantage of our company is that it has a wider coverage and has two tens of millions of active users.”

"Once you enter a specific industry, you will have direct competition with them, and cooperate with these companies to attract customers for them, build a platform, make money from these companies through value-added services, and take the opportunity to invest in some potential companies. , does not involve specific management.”

Knowing that Su Yehao's English level was so-so, Roger deliberately slowed down his speech rate, and tried his best to speak correctly.

John Chow opened his mouth at the right time and added:

"Yeah, Amazon has cooperated with us and has put more than four million dollars in advertising this year. It's too hard to enter the segment in person. We serve these Internet companies, and we're just sitting at home waiting to make a fortune. Those who sell oil know Our ambitions have been saying, yes, good."


As the boss, Su Yehao was a little confused after hearing this.

After pondering for a while, Ke Ke realized that during his absence in Silicon Valley, he might have overlooked some important document - the strategic plan given by McKinsey & Company!

according to his habit.

Of course, he thinks that direct investment is better than building a platform. After all, he knows which companies have the opportunity to grow and develop in the future.


After listening to the two of them sing and talk, Su Yehao suddenly felt that instead of letting the Yanwen Group make enemies on all sides, it seemed better to focus on building a platform.

Figuratively speaking.

If Yanwen Group does online shopping, will Amazon still send money to advertise? Isn't it equal to the enemy?

So does Yahoo.

icq and tvt themselves are not search engines, so they are willing to place advertisements and use Google's rising platform to curb Google's development.

However, once the Yanwen Group and Google are bundled, I am afraid that Yahoo will also decisively give up cooperation and avoid sending bullets to potential competitors.

Even if Su Yehao is a shareholder of Yahoo, it is useless. After all, he is only a minority shareholder in Yahoo, and he doesn't have much right to speak.

Su Yehao realized that he almost entered a misunderstanding.

At first, I always wanted to use the traffic of instant chat software to drain traffic for my own products. This is indeed profitable, but it means giving up a big cake and personally curbing the development of Yanwen Group.

The Internet companies on the Silicon Valley side have already completed the segmentation, which is different from the situation in the mainland.

If they all learn the development model of penguins, it is almost equivalent to digging their own graves, and it is easy to cause public anger and be surrounded and suppressed.

It took a while to figure out the initial idea.

Su Yehao took a sip of wine and said:

"...Yes, continue to follow your rhythm. You can't lose the online game, and you can also make some new products, such as video websites."

It seems to be a trivial strategic positioning, but it may involve tens of billions, or even hundreds of billions of interests in the future.

Su Yehao maintained a cautious attitude.

More and more, I feel that building a platform, helping third-party Internet companies through their own traffic, and making money by providing various value-added services is a very clever new direction.

When I thought about going home, I called up the McKinsey document and took a serious look.

icq and tvt have developed in the field of instant chat and social platforms. The disadvantage in the past has always been that they cannot find a profitable direction. They seem to be able to do everything, but they are not proficient in everything.

However, this also seems to be a natural advantage.

I have seen giants such as Penguin and Aba play cross-border and monopoly, and naturally think that they can copy. Now, let’s take a look at the giants on the Nasdaq, which one is the easiest to mess with?

If you want to cross the border, you can only aim at the emerging fields that have not been paid attention to. If you recklessly lose the cake of others, the ending will probably not be too good.

Gradually figure out the key.

Su Yehao realizes that it is difficult to create an Internet ecological chain in the world market, but this does not prevent him from investing in other companies.

Take the independent Google, for example, spend money to advertise in the Yanwen group, this is no problem.

However, Google can advertise, and it can't exclude other colleagues from the outside, which is equivalent to leveling a bowl of water to avoid the fear of others.

However, if someone develops into the instant chat industry, no matter how much the Yanwen Group suppresses it, it seems that it is not an exaggeration. It is just a legitimate business competition, and no one can fault it.

Dimly lit in the small bar.

John Zhou, who was watching the girl dance, did not notice anything unusual about Su Yehao, and continued:

"Video websites have always been studied, but unfortunately the internet speed is too slow, the processors are too rubbish, and Intel's new model will not be released. Now that high-speed broadband is being promoted, video websites should have the opportunity to become a new opportunity."

Roger also said:

"There are ready-made companies in video websites, and you can just buy them directly. If it can develop, it is really suitable for our company. It can provide users with richer services, shoot images by themselves, and can also be used for social networking."

Taking a deep breath, Su Yehao said:

"I seemed to be a little too greedy before, but you guys have done a good job. After the listing, I will communicate with the board of directors and provide an option incentive plan. Recently, I will focus on developing the main business, and suspend acquisitions and unnecessary investments. According to your ideas, cooperate with other Internet companies and focus on advertising and game business..."

After talking for a while, the topic turned to other things, chatting about gossip about other Internet companies.

Today's Silicon Valley has a lot of money, and there are many strange things. For example, after a company raises money, it is not busy expanding, but first buys land to build apartments for employees, and some people frantically cash out and spend millions to call female stars for dinner.

Yacht dealers, private jet dealers, have set up shop near Stanford University.

In addition, it is said that the most beautiful night hotel workers in Los Angeles and San Francisco have also come to Silicon Valley to do business, because they know that the people here are very rich, and they are willing to tip.

Entrepreneurs open their mouths to talk about market share, but turn a blind eye to revenue data.

There are successful entrepreneurs who throw out a concept and can quickly make tens of millions of dollars with ppt, and investors are also crazy about it.

Due to the emergence of so many rich people in the process of making wealth, the housing prices in Silicon Valley have been rising again and again.

The Atherton mansion that Su Yehao bought has now doubled in price, and it can sell for at least 10 million US dollars. It covers an area of ​​more than 8,000 square meters.

If he wasn't used to it, Su Yehao would want to buy low and sell high to make a fortune, and then buy it back at a low price after two years.

Overall, the exaggerated atmosphere has been highlighted, and a shopkeeper like Su Yehao, who is dedicated to development and growth, is relatively pure.

The word nouveau riche is not inconsistent with many Silicon Valley entrepreneurs.

In any case, the stock price has been rising, and hot money has been pouring into Nasdaq. Learning to draw a good pie is even more important than how to make the company profitable.

in this situation.

Su Yehao also wanted to join in the fun. He planned to wait until the listing and try his best to push the stock price to see if there is no chance to find a bad guy and cash out a sum of money.

Since the market is so crazy, he feels that the current price seems to be a bit low. The final price is usually determined on the last day of the IPO, and there is still a chance to change it slightly.

Compared to last year, the atmosphere in Silicon Valley has changed a lot.

Even sitting in the bar, through the floor-to-ceiling windows, you can often hear the roar of the supercar outside, and the quietness of the past is gone.

As a vested interest, Su Yehao has no time to cast aside others.

He only hopes that the market will continue to be frenzied. It is best to finish this year's vote, be happy and salted fish for seven or eight years, and no longer have to worry about lack of money to invest...

------off topic-----

I went back to my hometown today and checked the nucleic acid on the way. I was blocked for four hours. Sorry, I will wait for the next chapter and I will publish it after the revision.


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