Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 479: Google again

When I first came to Silicon Valley, the jet lag was reversed.

In the middle of the night, I have no sleepiness, and I have been watching movies at home until more than three in the morning.

After watching "The Great Clash of Heaven and Earth", what impressed Su Yehao the most was that if Hong Kong films kept holding on to a small cost and didn't give up, most of them would be finished in the future.

This is not to blame for those film and television companies, mainly because the market is small, and the highest box office of the entire Hong Kong City is only 40 to 50 million Hong Kong dollars, and the nutrients in the soil are not enough.

The movie viewing market in the mainland has not developed, it is like a backwater, and in the international market, there are cultural differences, and it is difficult to develop.

Those Japanese people were smarter. By acquiring Hollywood film and television companies, they disguised themselves as wolves to find meat to eat. Although Su Yehao could do the same, it was too expensive.

Now Xiao Nizi and Jiang Yu are busy preparing for the entertainment company, and his support is limited.

There are ways to save money.

The most economical approach is undoubtedly to build a men's and women's team, let a bunch of handsome guys and beautiful girls sing and dance, try TV variety shows and dog blood dramas, and copy the three treasures of "car accident, amnesia, and incurable".

It doesn't matter how good your ability is. To select and train a group of stars, one must be eye-catching and the other must be likable. Basically, that's fine.

If you change the way that the Korean entertainment industry will play in the future, there may be a chance to make the Hong Kong entertainment industry popular for another 20 years. The ceiling of the entertainment industry in Hong Kong City is too low, but it can develop towards Southeast Asia and East Asia.

South Korea's population is not large, and the export entertainment industry is not doing well.

Moreover, compared with it, Hong Kong City is now an entertainment center in Asia, and its advantages still exist, but it is boring because of the immutable model, and now it is a bit green and yellow.

The heavenly kings have gradually passed the peak of their influence, and the goddesses are also getting married, getting old and getting old.

The whole environment is going downhill, and there is an urgent need for transformation and renewal.

Before going to bed, she took more than ten minutes to help Xiao Nizi think about the development direction of the entertainment company. At the same time, she also considered asking Jiang Yu to help out and take some shares to be a little boss, so as not to think about it when she was free.

There are four girls around.

If everyone is pestering Su Yehao, then they don't have to do anything all day long, keeping them busy a little bit will be conducive to a harmonious life...

I slept until eleven o'clock in the afternoon before getting up.

After going out for a seafood meal, I went to the Yanwen Group headquarters in the afternoon to find the executives of icq and tvt, and had a meeting.

The content of the meeting revolved around the listing of the company and the troubles it faced in the short term. Everyone sat down and chatted. Many new executives saw the big boss Su Yehao for the first time today.

I only knew that I was young before, and when I really saw the deity, I realized that it was almost like a freshman who just entered the school.

As long as the company goes public, everyone here can make a fortune.

So age doesn't matter at all, Su Yehao can bring them rich, this is a proper and good boss, and the atmosphere during the meeting is called harmony.

In general.

The flow of talent between big companies in Silicon Valley is not great.

On the one hand, it is because of the existence of competition restrictions, and on the other hand, it is also because of the establishment of an "anti-poaching alliance" between major companies in Silicon Valley.

In the early years, they dug each other too hard. In the end, everyone found that they had no good life, and the labor cost increased a lot. Many projects lost their supervisors, and the beneficiaries were only these part-time workers.

So everyone sat down to discuss, and gradually came to a tacit understanding. The cost of job-hopping between employees is too high. Unless there is a good opportunity, or even a little salary increase, it may not be able to attract them to move.

This time.

icq and tvt merged to form the Yanwen Group and went public. Even the front desk of the company, the cleaning aunt, the security guard at the door, etc., can get a certain amount of reward shares.

Anyway, a total of 3.5% of the total share capital was distributed, and it was given to everyone. Of course, Su Yehao was willing to send a favor. Maybe after the news spread, he could get a few pieces of news praising him.

The employees became shareholders, creating a new bond with the company, and the cohesion immediately surged into the sky.

Almost everyone is a shareholder, and they are all banned original shares. Whoever dares to drag the company back is not an enemy of other colleagues.

Earlier on the icq side, there was still some sloppy atmosphere of yang and yin.

Since it was rectified and linked interests with credit, things have gotten better recently.

The CEO of icq, smiling constantly at the meeting, was a "boss" and offered suggestions for the next development, such as solving the problem of image compression technology as soon as possible.

The more compressed the image, the faster the upload and download speed.

It is said that this is the update that users most hope to appear. Many icq users use the "Nearby People" function to ask netizens to meet offline, resulting in many tragedies that want to cry without tears.

Due to the impure motive of understanding, users certainly hope that the more photos of each other, the better. Broadband is still a niche new technology, and more efficient image compression technology can really come in handy and increase users' interest in the company's products. Sensitivity.

Anyone who can become a senior executive can pick any one at random, with more education and management experience than Su Yehao.

He talks less and listens more at the meeting, and makes decisions when he encounters good suggestions...


The auction starts at 7pm.

After the meeting, Su Yehao didn't rush to San Francisco, and went to the Google headquarters first.

Compared with when it first invested last year, Google has changed a lot now. The number of employees has increased to more than 200 people, and it has rented a two-story office building.

A set of servers purchased from Oracle is worth more than ten million US dollars. It is supported by Su Yehao. The development speed is quite fast. small team.

Compared with the original houses, it can be called a shotgun for a gun.

When Larry Page learned that Su Yehao was coming, he came to meet him in person, inspected in the open office area, and introduced the specific tasks of each project team.

At that time, Google was acquired by Su Yehao as a whole, and only some shares were given to Larry Page and Sergey Brin, which will be kept until Google goes public and will be diluted.

Compared with the previous anti-link companies, the current valuation of Google has soared to about 70 million US dollars.

These founders, how can there be any dissatisfaction.

It is enough to develop seriously, no longer need to moan all day long for some investment funds, the whole person is much more relaxed, and the face is bright.

At this moment.

Su Yehao asked, "We are expanding here, is there any news from Yahoo?"

Larry Page nodded and said, "Of course, they won't accept our ads, and they prohibit talent from jumping to us and affect a group of VC managers."

"...That doesn't matter. Yahoo is so large, so it shouldn't pay too much attention to us for the time being. As for funding, I'm all paying for it. Those venture capital firms have no chance to invest."

Su Yehao found a computer and tried to search for the keywords "San Francisco, Christie's auction". The response speed was very fast. The first one was the official website of Christie's auction house, followed by the news of the upcoming auction tonight.

Broadband has been rolled out in Silicon Valley, especially in the headquarters of this kind of technology company, and it is strange that the Internet speed will be slow.

Now the top communication technology is all piled up on this side of Silicon Valley.

Google's headquarters is not far from Cisco's headquarters, while Qualcomm's headquarters is in San Diego, California.

Last year, Su Yehao planned to visit Qualcomm, but he was too lazy to go out and gave up.



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