Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 490: son of luck

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Listen to Su Yehao finish.

Jack Ma's heart was almost in his throat.

This kind of feeling is probably the same as the girl he has a crush on suddenly being stared at by a rich and handsome man, and there is a huge gap between himself and this handsome, rich man, and he can't even see the possibility of success.

In an instant, there was only disheartenedness left, and the future seemed gloomy.

Just now, on the way here.

Jack Ma was still full of confidence. He had been thinking about how to convince Su Yehao to invest in his project, and how to keep it a secret so as not to be robbed of his creativity.

It was only now that I discovered that the new market that I thought could be picked up had already been targeted.

What made him even more desperate was that Su Yehao actually expected to invest 100 to 200 million yuan in the initial stage, and the hair on his legs was thicker than his Jack Ma's thigh, and he only had to look up.

In such a situation, how can one not despair.

Su Yehao sat there with a smile, and suddenly noticed that Jack Ma, who was facing him, had the spirit in his eyes darkened at a speed visible to the naked eye, a kind of dazedness that he had lost his goal.

See here.

Su Yehao, who was satisfied with his bad taste, slightly upturned the corners of his mouth, showing a fascinated smile.

In my last life, I sent money to Jack Ma's company a lot, especially on Singles' Day. It was already very miserable, and I even seriously injured my wallet. Of course, I can't let go of the opportunity for revenge.

He clearly guessed that Mr. Ma was here today, probably to talk about something, but Su Yehao deliberately took the lead and spoke out his ideas for entering the mainland e-commerce market.

It's not over yet.

Su Yehao didn't wait for Jack Ma to speak, and then added:

"Pengcheng sent someone to ask me, hoping to develop a trading platform that is convenient for selling domestic products to foreign countries and assisting various manufacturers in the country to do business. It is equivalent to a window to the outside world, and it is also applicable to the inside. Now the mainland has convenient transportation and business. And it is very popular. I consider opening up all the links, and then introducing the experience of eBay and Amazon to provide mail delivery services for individual netizens. Since someone recommended you to me, I feel that with your strength, you are qualified to give it a try.”


After hearing these words, Jack Ma's heart was completely cold.

Originally, I hoped that Su Yehao would only do personal-to-personal or business-to-personal retail business, but unexpectedly, he was really eyeing the big business-to-business pie.

Online shopping is a new thing. Amazon in the United States is currently mainly selling books. It has just expanded into the 3C, toys, and personal products industries, and it is steadily expanding, not to mention the mainland with only more than one million netizens.

What's more, there is still a lot of water among the more than one million netizens. Those who go online every day are called netizens, and those who go online once a year are also called netizens, so simply learning the model of eBay and Amazon is not reliable.

On the mainland side, today's business-to-business, or so-called "B2B" business, is a gold mine that is really suitable for deep digging.


For a moment, Jack Ma also thought about whether he had leaked his entrepreneurial ideas when he communicated with the people from KOKO Ventures two days ago.

However, looking at Su Yehao's meaning, it doesn't look like this.

After all, subconsciously, Ma always felt that a big boss like Su Yehao didn't need to bully him at all.

Moreover, the concept of e-commerce is more popular in the United States. Considering that Su Yehao is also one of Amazon's shareholders, it is normal to want to develop in the mainland.

For example, Mr. Ma himself did not first discover the concept of e-commerce in the outside world, and then found that there was a new blue ocean in this area in China, and then he made the investment, led his team to try to start a business, and came to Silicon Valley to find investment.

Jack Ma just thought that he was unlucky, and really collided with Su Yehao's project.

Take a deep breath now.

Not only regretted that the "girl" he had a crush on was targeted by Su Yehao, but also fortunate that it wasn't after he invested his blood that he found out that Su Yehao had entered the field with hundreds of millions of funds. Not even a boat could be saved.

Once the two sides collided, Jack Ma knew the result without guessing, Confucius moved - it was only a book (lose).

For a long time, he couldn't say a word, and his mood became complicated.

When the assistant brought the teacup, Jack Mallian ignored the polite words of thanks, sighed again, and told:

"There are so many Internet tycoons in Silicon Valley, and you are the one who attaches the most importance to the mainland market. To be honest with Mr. Su, your thoughts are almost exactly the same as mine. I have to admire myself. It seems that I really chose the right path this time. As a capital predator like you, before the competition started, I already wanted to admit defeat..."

From this sentence, it was enough to hear that Su Yehao's momentary tricks hit Jack Ma badly.

It is not the first time that Su Yehao has done it, but just like what he said to Miss Vera in the Manhattan restaurant the night before, if you want to make a fortune successfully, there is a good The team is the most important.

It’s okay to eat most of the cakes, but he can’t eat alone and force others to a dead end, so he left a fixed stake for Larry Page and the others, and never thought of continuing to increase his holdings in Yinhai Network Group Offer low-interest loans out of your own pocket.

this time.

Su Yehao coughed dryly, with a positive attitude, he waved his hand and said with a smile:

"That's why I think you are very powerful. I have a very accurate eye for people. The fortune-teller said that there will be two horses in my life. When I see you, I feel fate. Doing business in the mainland, of course, pays more attention to the mainland.”

Jack Ma was stunned when he heard it, and then he thought that in Hong Kong City and other places, the metaphysics of feng shui was indeed popular.

The most typical example is not the Taoist priest Lin Zhengying.

The actor is so famous now that even seeing him on the streets of Hong Kong City makes people feel unclean around him.

I thought luck was really good.

Jack Ma began to put gold on his face, squeezed out a smile and said, "I also feel that I have a good relationship with President Su. As expected of a wealthy family, his bearing is different from ordinary people, which makes people feel very comfortable."

After listening to Su Yehao, he smiled happily, and talked about business and said:

"My main business is still in the United States, and I have been busy with several other major projects recently. It is very likely that I will go to the mainland to produce and sell computers, and stimulate the growth of netizens through affordable means. I am really busy. E-commerce in the mainland, development There is no doubt about the prospects, I will pay all the start-up funds, and now I just want to find some like-minded partners to start a business Help build a team and handle some trivial matters for me."

Jack Ma listened very carefully and carefully considered every word.

He has been dealing with people in Sijiucheng for a long time, and he always feels that there is a deep meaning in his words.

Before Jack Ma could speak, Su Yehao said with a smile: "Well... I will give you an annual salary of US$200,000 in the initial stage, and if you do well, it will increase once a year. As long as you make some achievements, you will be rewarded with equity. I will give you three start-up funds first. Tens of millions of RMB, and you can still advertise through TOT to ensure your full support for this project, what do you think?"


Chatted for over half an hour.

Jack Ma sat in a Rolls-Royce and was taken all the way back to the hotel by the driver.

The small hotel was so low-end that he didn't even have the embarrassment to ask the driver to park the luxury car at the door, but only said to get off the car in advance to buy something.

The annual salary of US$200,000 completely dissipated his burning entrepreneurial spirit. He had already agreed to work for Su Yehao, and he was going to bring the previous team over.

no way.

Before Jack Ma's idea of ​​starting a business, he was really firm.


Su Yehao gave too much.

Converted to an annual salary of about 1.7 million yuan, who is not dizzy?

Not only asking people to give money, but also asking for money, Su Yehao also promised to give him the position of CEO.

So much so that Jack Ma couldn't refuse no matter what, and he felt a sense of pride in being the "son of luck".

Otherwise, how can you come to Silicon Valley and get a good job with an annual salary of millions. A Silicon Valley super-rich was rushing to make him CEO, but he couldn't stop him!

Melancholy was swept away.

Jack Ma is in a high mood and has a kind of joy that he is about to enter the peak of his life...

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