Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 493: How to lead a wolf into a room

Harbor City.

In recent days, Nangong Tian listened to Su Yehao's arrangement and started tossing the preparatory work for the film and television entertainment company.

She rented an office building in Central, and contacted headhunters to start recruiting people, mainly screenwriters, producers and other behind-the-scenes staff. By the way, she also arranged for people to go to South Korea to investigate, to learn how to create an idol group of handsome boys and girls, and cultivate new people from scratch .

Don't guess, this is of course Su Yehao's opinion.

March 5th this day.

Xiao Nizi and Jiang Yu came to the company together. Since they had to wait for Su Yehao to make up their minds, the entertainment company has not yet given a name. They just went to the furniture city yesterday and bought some office supplies, flowers and plants, and the like. Please come to the cleaning staff to do a full cleaning.

The office building on this floor was previously the office of a foreign trade company, with an area of ​​about 900 square meters.

At the end of last year, the company was cold, and it was vacant for more than three months before being rented by Xiao Nizi. The building management not only took the initiative to reduce the rent, but also waived the property fee for half a year.

It can be seen that the economy of Hong Kong City is indeed not very prosperous.

There are also many film and television companies that have closed down. Some popular TV dramas have also been cut off, or replaced by newcomers with cheap pay. As long as they are willing to spend money, it is not difficult to recruit some capable talents.

At this moment.

Nangong Tian chose an office with the best view of the Victoria Harbour and instructed others to move the desk away and throw it away.

Jiang Yu asked her curiously, "Hey, why do you throw away a good table? Don't you like this style?"

"It takes up too much space. I want to rearrange it and put two new desks to share the same office with Brother Hao."

After listening to her explanation, Jiang Yu rubbed his arms and said with contempt, "Goosebumps are about to get up, do you want to be so clingy that you even sit together at work?"

Xiao Nizi smiled happily, and continued to tell: "There is still a place next to it, why don't we put a table for you? At that time, one to the left and one to the right, two Dharma protectors."

"I don't want it. When others come to see it, they will think we are secretaries."

Jiang Yu smiled and said again: "Then I'll choose the office next door, and arrange for me an oversized desk, it's better to be domineering, like the one in Ahao's father's office, I'm afraid it is four meters long, mahogany Forged, carved with patterns."

She was referring to Father Su's office.

When Master Jiang was still working under Father Su, Jiang Yu often went to hang out in the headquarters building of Sihai International Group. Of course, he knew very well what Father Su Yehao's office looked like. The decoration style was very luxurious and domineering.

Xiao Nizi had also been there, and she shook her head decisively when she heard the words: "No, this way, Brother Hao and I seem to be watching the door for you, and we will go to the furniture store in the afternoon, and then you can choose by yourself... "?

There is something to do, and the day will not be too boring.

There is nothing to do at the University of Hong Kong. With the support of Brother Hao, Xiao Nizi can go to school or not. The last time she went back to school was last year.

Many professors and deans of the School of Economics and Business Administration are now consultants hired by Su Yehao, occasionally assisting the family office and giving some business advice.

With this relationship, and the president of the University of Hong Kong is playing the autumn wind from time to time, he even hoped that Su Yehao would recruit more graduates, they would definitely have no problem graduating together.

As for Jiang Yu, the idea of ​​continuing to study is also not firm, so when Xiao Nizi greeted her a few days ago, she immediately agreed to help and jointly prepare for the establishment of this film and television entertainment company.

The topic changed.

Jiang Yu suddenly said: "In a blink of an eye, Ah Hao has been in the United States for a few days. I don't know when he will come back this time. When he sees the blond beauties all over the street, he must be overjoyed. You have to be careful. Let's go, many white girls who like to exercise have a really hot body, and even I envy them when I see them."

After listening to the little girl, she immediately smiled and said, "Aren't you in good shape? I like dancing so much, I haven't seen you..."?

Before she finished speaking, Jiang Yu covered her mouth.

Nangong Tian is also very bad, with a trick, sticking out his tongue and licking Jiang Yu's palm.

In an instant, Jiang Yu retracted his hand like an electric shock, and said in revenge, "Ah, I just went to the bathroom, it seems that I forgot to wash my hands."

This time it was Nangong Tian's turn with black lines all over her head.

Standing by the floor-to-ceiling windows, you can look out at the outer Tsim Sha Tsui and Yau Ma Tei on the other side. After the fight between the two, Nangong Tian continued:

"Brother Hao loved freedom since he was a child, like a wild horse running wild. Although he has put away his temper a little in the past two years, I can't control him alone. You have to help me control him a little more. Now Hao My brother has made a fortune, and his business is so big. Every time I hear other girls mention him, it seems like they want to eat him alive. Such a man is so good, even my mother said that my situation is very dangerous, as long as he With a wave of his hand, the girl who is willing to be with him can walk from Stanley to Taipu, turn a corner and then go to Lantau Island."

That is, when the two were alone, the little girl spoke her heart.

How could Jiang Yu not understand what she meant, recalling the incident in the Maldives, he couldn't help but feel hot, embarrassment is good for exercising his toes.

Reaching out and patted Nangong Tian's shoulder, Jiang Yu comforted him and said, "A man like a creature can't be controlled, just like my dad occasionally sings, but my mom pretends not to know, and says that the more pressure you get, the more you rebound. Ah Hao is so kind to you, it's definitely no problem."

Nangong Tian smiled and then said:

"This film and television entertainment company will select beautiful girls to form a team in the future. I'm a little worried about what to do if a wolf is brought into the house."

Jiang Yu didn't worry about this, and smiled: "You are the boss, whoever dares to have unrealistic thoughts, then sweep her out of the I think it's better not to arrange Ah Hao's office. In case he has an excuse to come here often, we can manage this entertainment company."

The two together.

In a few words, Su Yehao was removed from the company.

There are female stars in Hong Kong City, gossip and gossip are flying all over the circle, and the reputation is not very good. It is no wonder that Jiang Yu and Nangong Tian feel that they should be on guard and reduce the chance of Su Yehao and them.

It's not that the two have no confidence in themselves, it's just that the enemy is too cunning to guard against.

The poor future members of the girl group were clearly targeted by the two bosses before they joined...


at the same time.

Su Yehao was in Lin'an.

He originally planned to send Jack Ma and leave, but Mr. Ma warmly invited him.

Thinking of taking Yin Liuli for a walk along the way, it wouldn't take too long anyway, so Su Yehao half pushed and escorted him off the plane to the city, ready to go to the West Lake and have a meal on a painting boat.

Mr. Ma was very enthusiastic. On the way to the West Lake by car, he suddenly asked:

"Mr. Su, my friends have always admired you. Today I am the host. How about asking a few friends to eat together? Have a couple of drinks. I heard that you like Maotai. There just happens to be a box at home. Let my wife deliver it directly to the restaurant. ."

Su Yehao took it for granted that President Ma was referring to the group of backbones under his hands, and agreed indifferently.


Wait until a group of people meet.

He was shocked to find that there were more than a dozen people, most of whom were middle-aged and elderly.

Su Yehao listened to their self-introductions. They were all official people. They greeted and shook hands with him one by one, which made him a little confused.



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