Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 501: debt of favor

More than a week has passed in the blink of an eye.

Su Yehao lives in Gangcheng and commands various tasks remotely.

Nangongtian and Jiang Yuzui said that he didn't need to intervene, but in fact they still followed Su Yehao's suggestion, looking for good seedlings of the school flower and school grass level in various schools in Gangcheng, and also arranged for people to visit the mainland and Baodao for investigation.

The method of selecting people has been changed to the scouting mode. Large-scale sea selection is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and the efficiency is still low.

Some people have a bad image and temperament, and they belong to the type of "no drama at a glance". It is strange that they have to waste some time waiting for them to finish the performance in order to go through the scene.

Players who take the initiative to find the door may not be suitable.

But in various middle schools, find a few students and ask who is the most beautiful and who is the most handsome in the school, and the results are generally not too disappointing.

These school flowers and school grass have their own "flow" in the school, and their temperament is often not much different. What Xiao Nizi and the others have to do now is to carefully select the most worthy of training from these handsome boys and girls. A batch of good seedlings.

Maybe it was because he was worried about Su Yehao's fake public service.

After all, Xiao Nizi and Jiang Yu did not agree to his suggestion to find an unknown female star. Even if they did, it would be impossible for him to personally participate.

Just a film and entertainment company.

As long as you're willing to invest your money, the situation can't be any worse.

After spending a total of more than seven million Hong Kong dollars, after winning the filming rights for the adaptation of "The Storm" and "Boys Over Flowers", Su Yehao didn't ask any more questions...

It's already mid-March.

The Yanwen Group finally got the approval with the help of Goldman Sachs Group, and set the first stop of the roadshow in Hong Kong City.

There are a lot of things to be busy with recently.

The computer assembly plan on the mainland is in full swing.

It's easy to assemble a computer, but if you want to mass-produce it, you need to put some effort into management, procurement, design, and sales.

After discussing with Academician Ni and others, Su Yehao and others sent teams to visit Treasure Island and the United States respectively, preparing to acquire a ready-made company, avoid detours, and start production as soon as possible.

There is no shadow of the wafer chip foundry for the time being, but the planning plan of the city of thousands of cores has been released, and it can be brought to discuss the details with Pengcheng at any time.

Mr. Ma convened in Lin'an to develop an e-commerce trading platform. Leibus from Sijiucheng and the others were busy promoting Yinhai blog. These Su Yehao had to ask questions, and they had to help Dad's Midea Group to find reliable sources. Spectrum's mobile phone production solution provider.

Adding up the miscellaneous things, Su Yehao is very busy every day, and he can no longer get off work after checking the stock trend every day.

At the same time as the secret rendezvous with Jiang Yu, he also squeezed out time to meet with Nong Qingying, who came back from Tokyo, and helped arrange for sk2 to go to the mainland to advertise. There are already many advertising companies in Hong Kong City, which specialize in developing If you have business in the Mainland, you don't have to go to the north to discuss in person.

sk2's main fairy water is only three or four hundred Hong Kong dollars a bottle. Mainland customers are getting richer and richer, especially women who are spending money, and they are not soft at all.

The sk2 mainland flagship store on the Bund, since its opening last year, has exceeded 17 million yuan in turnover and is highly sought after by women in Shanghai.

Of course, when comparing profits and expenses, it is still a loss for the time being.

The most important thing is to open the market in the early stage. Even if Nong Qingying loves money so much, it will not be a small account in advertising.

Except for these things.

Boss Ma helped to contact the parent company of Nongfu Spring. Su Yehao arranged for people from koko venture capital to have a chat, and quickly negotiated a cooperation plan of financing 30 million yuan, accounting for 45% of the shares, becoming Qiandao Lake Yangshengtang Drinking Water Co., Ltd. the second shareholder.

This is just a small company with an annual output value of more than 30 million yuan, but last year's net profit rate exceeded 30%.

The reason why he is willing to accept this financing from Su Yehao is said to be because its boss wants to expand production and sell products outside the province as soon as possible.

The net interest rate of more than 30% sounds very high, but in fact, the bank loan of Qiandaohu Yangshengtang Drinking Water Co., Ltd. has not been repaid, and the construction of the pure water bottling plant has also cost a lot of money. In fact, there is not much in the company's account. money.

In this era, Nongfu Spring was not well-known, and it only produced pure water, which had nothing to do with the mineral water extracted from the ground, and the advertising slogan was not the "Porter of Nature".

With the 30 million RMB invested by Su Yehao, it is indeed an opportunity for this company to open up to advertise, lay out sales channels, and break through the fiercely competitive market...


"Son, please do me a favor and give me a good reception. If it wasn't for his father who pulled me back then, there would be no place for you now. This life-saving grace will definitely be repaid."

At this moment.

Father Su's voice came through the phone.

Su Yehao was driving to meet the representatives of the market makers at the Garden Hotel in Central.

Today is March 17, 1999. Tomorrow will hold the first roadshow, followed by Tokyo, Singapore, London, Paris, Los Angeles, Chicago and New York.

As a non-executive major shareholder, Su Yehao didn't need to go all.

Popular locations like London, Tokyo, Paris, and New York are better off showing up in person and getting in touch with potential investors.

Judging from the enthusiasm shown by the Nasdaq market for Yanwen Group, the successful issuance is almost a certainty, but if more investors are attracted, there will be a chance to push up the stock price.

Several market makers also strongly suggested that Su Yehao should accompany the road show team and go to more places.

The car was a Lamborghini given by his aunt. It ate dust in the garage for more than half a year. If the bodyguards hadn't occasionally helped to run it in, the brake discs would have been rusted.

With a slightly resentful tone, Su Yehao said:

"Dad, it's not that I don't want to help. I've been really busy recently. My company is about to go public. It's not like you don't know."

"I don't care, anyway, he has already sent you his flight number, even if he sends a driver, he has to pick him up for me. I am in Sijiucheng for a meeting with people. If I really can't find time, how can I ask you to help me? ."

"...Okay, okay, tell me your name, I'll arrange someone to pick you up, and invite him to dinner in the evening, okay?"

After perfunctory, Su Yehao hung up the phone.

Linda Yun sat in the co-pilot and asked interestedly: "Your dad just mentioned the grace of saving life, what's the matter?"

"Back then, when he smuggled into the boat and capsized, he was floating in the sea holding a sampan. He was met by someone's yacht, rescued him, and helped bring him ashore. Later, the family immigrated to Europe, and I heard a few words from my dad about the specific situation. I don't know much either."

After Su Yehao finished speaking, Linda Yun suddenly realized.

She asked, "It's really a life-saving grace, how are you going to receive it, and I'll arrange it for you?"

"Well, I took time to have a meal at night, and asked if I had anything. I would come back when I came back. I actually contacted my dad. It should be something to ask for."

Su Yehao looked calm, and then said:

"Let him live in my hotel, and then you can take a look for me first. You can help me with small things, but if it's too troublesome, forget it. The old yellow calendar twenty or thirty years ago, as an old fox like my father, always feels It's kicking the ball to me, this kind of debt is the most troublesome..."


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