Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 504: pull you 1

"Are you talking to your dad, it seems very serious."

After Su Yehao hung up the phone, Nangong Tian asked him curiously, pointing to the resume just now, and continued: "And this young man doesn't seem too handsome."

shook his head.

Su Yehao smiled and said:

"My dad asks me to do something, no problem. As for this young man from Chang'an, he seems to be called Ling Xiao, right? I think he is more eye-catching, and it is the same as Tang Bohu's principle of ordering Qiuxiang, even if it is a team , I also need someone to set off, you can come over and try it first."

Xiao Nizi touched her chin with her hand and said while chewing gum, "It makes sense, so shouldn't the girl group pick people like this?"

"Well... men are a little more picky. If a girl is really strong and not bad, you can lower the standard a little in terms of appearance and figure. After all, it is not enough to be beautiful, and team strength is also necessary. ."

Su Yehao read through the pile of materials quickly, and said in a lazy tone, "Come with me for a rest, how about changing your clothes and going downstairs for a swim? You are too invested in this business. For the time being, you are just looking for some trainees. Don't be so busy."

The little girl smiled and said:

"I feel that the selection is more important. I don't worry about leaving it to others. I'll rest tonight and go swimming with you. It just so happens that Jiang Yu will come over later. She bought takeout and can eat a little more after exercising."

"Hey, what takeaway did she buy?"

"Looks like pineapple buns and egg tarts, maybe egg waffles..."

Wait until Jiang Yu drives over.

She was also very interested in the newly established film and television entertainment company, and went through all the information collected by the employees. For the time being, she picked out a few little girls and a few handsome guys, and was going to invite them for an interview.

Su Yehao only provided some reference suggestions, and left the specific decisions to them to make, and did not intend to intervene too much.

The three of them were at home, after eating and swimming for a while.

It was getting dark outside, and the little girl who had nothing to do suggested first, saying that she wanted to go to a bar for a drink tonight.

He promised to bring Buck Tooth Jun and the others to make a fortune, but the number of contacts has been relatively small recently. Thinking that everyone will meet and meet, Su Yehao took the initiative to contact Buck Tooth Jun and asked him to inform He Shaofan and Bamboo Pole to meet in Lan Kwai Fong.

Located in Lan Kwai Fong near Central, it only takes more than ten minutes to get there from Big Wave Bay.

This street is full of bars and nightclubs. When I came here at more than seven o'clock, it seemed deserted and the nightlife had not yet started.

In January of this year, He Shaofan just asked for money from his family and bought a stake in a bar called "myth (Myth, accounting for about 30% of the shares. It is said that it spent 7 million Hong Kong dollars, which is relatively large.

Su Yehao came to cheer him on.

When he appeared, he was quickly recognized by the younger brother watching the venue, and led him and Jiang Yu to the Qingba area on the second floor with a flattering expression. The music was not so harsh.

He casually gave a few hundred dollars to the waiter who led the way. Just after they ordered the cocktails, He Shaofan was dozing off, smelling of alcohol, and came over and said:

"So early to go to the bar, how about taking care of yourself? Lan Kwai Fong, of course, you have to come to play after 9:30, and the guests haven't entered the venue yet, but brother Hao, you bring your own beauty, it doesn't matter, anyway, it's not running I'm here for fun. I really envy the relationship between you two, the eldest wife and the second wife, the picture looks so harmonious."

"Bah, the dog can't spit out ivory. If you drink too much, find a place to lie down. I want you to talk more!" Nangong Tian said angrily.

Jiang Yu also said: "That is, if you learn badly and drag people into the water, whoever said that you must have fun when you come to the bar."

He Shaofan, who knew that he was wrong, laughed dumbly, pinched his brows and said:

"It's my fault, I'll punish myself for a drink later. Just now I accompanied my dad to entertain guests. People from the north can really drink it. Kakaka three glasses of white wine, I almost fell down when they just started. Tonight. Brother Hao comes to cheer, of course I will personally receive it, if I suddenly fall asleep, don't take it offense."

As expected, he often drank and practiced specially. When Su Yehao looked at this guy, he only felt that he was in a good condition.

Although he was drunk, he was not completely unconscious.

Su Yehao was worried that he would talk nonsense again, and said with a smile, "Buck Yajun and the others will come over later. If you really drink too much, you should rest first. It's not the first time I've come here, just watch the excitement."

He Shaofan said, "That's right. When a rich man like you ends up dancing, it's easy to cause a commotion. A bunch of drunk people crowding people may cause accidents."

"Even if I wanted to dance, the bodyguards wouldn't let me go. It was a real headache."

"Brother Hao, you are a celebrity now. I also want to experience the troubles of being a celebrity. It's a pity that I am not in charge of the family, and it is not my turn to inherit the family business. At most, you can drink soup and eat some minced meat."

He Shaofan often complains about this kind of thing, just listen to it.

There are many brothers and sisters in his family, and the old man above is still there. In the entire He family, you have me, and I have you.

For example, He Shaolin, who I saw last time, actually has a higher status than He Shaofan.

Because in his line, there is still a big brother on top of him, who is capable and excellent, and he is much calmer than He Shaofan, but He Shaolin is the eldest daughter in her line, and there is only one younger sister. She has been valued since she was a child. Carefully cultivated.

As for He Shaofan, it was like being stocked, so his father didn't care much about eating, drinking and having fun every day.

Hong Kong City and Las Vegas City do not have family planning, and it is the norm for big families to fight openly and secretly. The smooth and harmonious state like Su Yehao's family is very rare.

The advantages of the only child are obvious at a glance. Even Su Yehao's grandfather gave him part of the family property in advance, but it was only handed over to the family charitable trust foundation.

One person takes advantage of both sides, Su Yehao's situation, of course, will be envied by other heirs, so there is no need to worry about the future.

The relationship is in place, and it is okay to say something.


Su Yehao said to He Shaofan:

"If you want to be taken seriously, then cheer yourself up, guard the bar all day, what's the use of picking up girls and playing games. If you can't do it, you can fight for a breath, and do your own business. Buck-toothed Jun knows that you can't continue to play, you It’s time to grow up and start trying to develop a career.”

He used to be the backbone of the small group, and now that he has achieved success and was taught by Su Yehao, He Shaofan bowed his head and sighed, convinced.

After a hiccups, He Shaofan said, "This bar is not my business, and it's not so unmotivated. For example, I wanted to speak for my dad just now, but he was hired by him, which made me reason. "

After he finished speaking, Su Yehao asked interestedly, "Your father asked you to go to dinner, with someone in the north? Talking about business?"

"Yeah, learning from your family, my dad also plans to go to the north to acquire land. Almost all the real estate developers who passed by before made money, and the market has been very good recently. The real estate in Gangcheng has no future. "

Seeing that He Shaofan was like a plague chicken, his voice was listless.

Su Yehao smiled happily and said to him: "Okay, don't always blame others, I will talk to him when I see your dad recently, and try to get a start-up fund for you. Let's be brothers, if you have this life or not, When the time comes, I will try to give you a hand, take you to the north to get land, build some high-end apartments, and keep the kind of long-term rent collection, which is more convenient."

"...Huh? Really!?"

He Shaofan opened his eyes wide, grinned, and said, "I'm sure it's no use asking for money, but if you say it, he'll probably consider it."

"Business is definitely good But I've been a little busy recently, I'll talk about it when I get a chance next time."

When the topic changed, Su Yehao said to Xiao Nizi and Jiang Yu, "Let's drink it tonight, especially for expensive drinks, some people have to treat..."

Nangong Tian smiled.

Part of the reason why she likes Su Yehao so much is because he is so confident. Although he is not that big in words and deeds, he is becoming more and more powerful and charming.

Seeing that because of Su Yehao's words, He Shaofan's whole person was in a good mood.

Even with her, she felt that her face was bright.

It takes a lifetime for some people to find their ideal partner at a young age. Although there are still many shortcomings and regrets, Nangong Tian only feels that she is very lucky.



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