Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 508: Ride the fan

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Some reporters regard the police station as their home, waiting all day for the first-hand news.

Two million to buy a pig's heart, but it was caught on the spot. How could such a big news be concealed, and it was published in the newspaper that evening.


The news that the case involved Su Yehao was given a death order from above and kept it strictly confidential.

Su Yehao called his father. While introducing the cause and effect, he only said that he couldn't help, and promised to arrange a lawyer to bail the young master Wu. There was nothing else he could do, and he had to leave it to the doctor in the hospital.

But to say that according to what Mr. Tang mentioned, Wu Weixiong would be sent to the United States or something... Su Yehao is not such a warmhearted person. Not to mention breaking the rules, the cost is quite considerable.

If you want to do good deeds, you might as well spend your money helping others.

The "donation" calculated in millions of dollars is enough to save dozens or hundreds of people. After all, there are differences in relatives. If something happened to Xiao Nizi or Jiang Yu, he would definitely try to think of a way without blinking.

Spent a day in the hospital.

The next morning, my back didn't hurt much anymore.

After cleaning up and leaving the hospital, Jiang Yu accompanied Su Yehao to a small restaurant in Sheung Wan for breakfast. Xiaolongbao was served with soy milk, and a bowl of Hu spicy soup was delicious.


Linda Yun received a call and reported, "Ahao, Wu Weixiong has just been released. He asked the lawyer to ask you if he could find a way to get him back to Italy, so as not to miss the opportunity to wait in line for transplant."

"I used to call him Young Master Wu, but now I call my full name. Is it so realistic?" Su Yehao asked with a smile.

Linda Yun told: "Who knew he was so bad, I heard that people who do that are particularly hateful and care about people's lives. In order to survive, he is willing to spend money to buy it, and he wants to pull you into the water and call you son again. The two words are definitely inappropriate, no matter how handsome he looks, he has a bad mind, so what's the use."

After hearing this, Su Yehao sighed and didn't know what to say. After thinking about it, he said:

"That's why I'm most afraid of the world."

"Now, the probability of me asking others is much smaller than the probability that others will ask me. Many people want me to help. If you are a bad person, you don't have to do anything all day, and you will be bored to death... "

"Also, let him go to my hospital to check first. There is still a lawsuit on his body, and it is illegal to help him let go. Let the lawyer go and talk to him. They say he can let him go, then buy a plane ticket and send him to Italy. This guy is really worrying... Said that I went to Treasure Island, so I can't help."

"Hey, do you want to find Nangong?"

Jiang Yu drank the spicy soup and continued to tease: "She just passed by yesterday morning, do you want to be so affectionate and clingy?"

"I have something to do over there. I'm looking for a suitable computer parts supplier and a computer manufacturing factory. If you want to meet her, I'll take you there by the way, and you can also take a look over there. Little school beauties, are you as beautiful as you are?"

As soon as Su Yehao finished speaking, Jiang Yu, not to be outdone, snorted and said, "I'll go too, you see the pretty girl, then I'll go to the pretty boy."

"Really, then I dare not take you there..."


Leaving the mess that Dad dumped over, he handed it over to an assistant.

Su Yehao said that he would leave. He really went back to Dalangwan to get his passport, and immediately took Jiang Yu to the airport.

While waiting in the VIP lounge, a manager from the airport hurried over and asked politely, "Excuse me, Master Su, can I disturb you for a while?"

"It's just fine, what's wrong?"

"It's like this. The previous first-class passenger missed the flight due to our mistake. The next flight has to wait for more than five hours, and she is in a hurry to go to the island."

The airport manager smiled and then asked:

"If there is still an empty seat on your plane, can you take her with you? We can give you a set of Jingde porcelain as compensation, worth more than 20,000 yuan. Of course, I know that Master Su must not be short of money. Have a little treat..."

"Who is it, serious?"

Su Yehao asked casually.

There are still empty seats on the plane, but bringing a stranger on the plane will inevitably be disturbed and not so comfortable.

However, when the private jet is not in use, it is actually a normal practice to be attached to the leasing company for external passengers. The airport will also help some super VIPs to travel by private jet.

It costs so much to keep an airplane, and there are only a few super rich who really don't take money as money.

The manager of the airport said: "I promise to be very serious. Miss Li is a VIP at the airport and seems to be doing business in Baodao. Once I saw the Hong Kong government, they arranged for someone to receive her and called a large number of reporters."

Hearing this, Su Yehao nodded and said, "Okay, one or two people should be able to sit down. I'll get on the plane in a while, and tell her to hurry up before it's too late."

After thank you again.

The manager brought the gift, handed it to Su Yehao, opened it and read it. In the box was a set of pastel tea set, the style was somewhat similar to the Yongzheng enamel poetic cup that was bought for the old man.

Taking out a small cup, Su Yehao smiled and said to Jiang Yu, "I'll leave this tea set for you to drink tea. In terms of aesthetics, Yongzheng is much better than Qianlong, including the large bottle of Qianlong Doucai that I photographed last time. Inside, the colors are all bells and whistles.”

With his ability to collect and collect, he just bullied Jiang Yu, who knew nothing about it.

In addition to throwing money at ordinary times, I don't have that aesthetic cultivation at I only know that antiques are used as financial products, and they are used as decorations, and at the same time wait for the appreciation.

Jiang Yu took the small cup and looked at it, and replied, "Then give it to me. It just happens to be in my study. Occasionally drink black tea with my mother."


A well-dressed, long-haired woman in a trench coat came with a LV suitcase.

She faced Su Yehao directly and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, but something happened to delay the plane. I didn't expect to be able to catch your plane. I'm really lucky. Let me introduce myself, my name is Marjorie, the marketing director of Huashuo Computer. , mainly responsible for the business in Greater China.”

"...You really missed the plane by accident? Why do I feel that some people have ulterior motives and dig a hole for me to jump?"

Su Yehao had never heard of this Marjorie, but of course he knew that Huashuo was a brand of computer, and had used its laptops, which the company gave them for office use.

To talk about the experience, it may be because it is cheap, so it is just so-so.

Marjorie smiled, shook her head and said, "It's really just a missed flight, why do you think I have no intentions?"

Staring at the thirty-year-old Marjorie, Su Yehao couldn't guess what this woman was thinking.

However, considering that he was sending someone to the island to seek cooperation, he happened to meet Hua Shuo's marketing director and also offered to take his private jet. If it was just a coincidence, he didn't quite believe it.

"Forget it, it's alright if I didn't ask."

For the time being, I don't know how the team sent out went to the island to talk.

Su Yehao thought of adapting to the situation, and gave Linda Yun a color, and motioned her to ask if she had been in contact with Huashuo Computer recently...

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