Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 511: Small Forbidden City

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I have seen many stars during this time.

They're just normal people, no big deal.

The fame may not be as loud as Su Yehao's, and most of his family is not as rich as Su Yehao's. Compared with him, many heavenly kings would be ashamed.

After hurriedly browsing the information, he picked out a few resumes that he thought were more beautiful or handsome.

In this regard, Nangong Tian did not appreciate it at all, just smiled:

"Don't mess with you, what's the use of just looking beautiful, and finally forming a vase army? Talent is also very important, as well as emotional intelligence, whether you work hard, etc. All these need to be considered comprehensively. In other words, your back Is it all right?"

Jiang Yu looked at her, silently looking up at the ceiling, still remembering the drunken farce the night before.

Embarrassed to the point that the back was tense, and the little feet were digging on the ground.

Su Yehao just pretended that he didn't notice anything abnormal, but it's not good to talk about some topics. He said to Xiao Nizi:

"It's still a little sour, but it's all right. It's okay to focus on ability, especially if you can sing, dance, and act, that's the best. But since you're picking idols, your image must be put first, and there are already many teams that rely on ability to make a living. , the positioning of our company should be differentiated from them, if we pick out all-round handsome guys and beautiful girls, it will be a real treasure."

"I know, you've said it many times, now I'm just picking trainees, it's still too early to form a team, wait for a while, I'll take you to eat large intestines and small intestines, it's really delicious, and coffin boards, I yesterday Just wanted to try it."

The little girl finished.

Jiang Yu and Su Yehao were both stunned.

Su Yehao was silent for a moment, then said, "...Life is impermanent, the large intestine wraps the small intestine, I know that. But the coffin it made now or excavated?"

"I have bad teeth, so I shouldn't be able to chew." Jiang Yu said silently.

"It's a snack. Just based on the name, it will definitely not be sold in Hong Kong City. If you bring it home, you will be scolded by your parents. I have nothing to do in the afternoon. How about going to the scenic spots together? I was dealing with things yesterday, and I didn't have time at all. visit."

Xiao Nizi is just in charge of staring, and the specific work of today's interview is handed over to several dance and vocal teachers brought from Hong Kong City. She herself is not too busy.

In the past, she and Jiang Yu had a lot of leisure time, and they almost drank all the famous afternoon teas in Hong Kong.

Since opening a sweet fishing entertainment company, I have always been busy with things recently. In addition to finding trainees for the company, looking for management talents, finding training venues, etc., I also need to find "Boys Over Flowers" and "Fengyun" comics. Reliable screenwriter.

Funding is not a problem, and the work of preparing for the shooting can already be put on the agenda.

Su Yehao came here with a tourist mentality. Academician Ni and his team are a bit professional. With his knowledge of the computer industry, he can't get involved at all. At most, they can talk about prices, acquisitions, etc., and help them as a "mobile bank". It's okay to pay...


The people in Sijiucheng are still wearing cotton-padded jackets, and the short-sleeved shorts on the island are so hot that their foreheads are sweating.

Accompany you to see the little beauties and handsome guys, and go to Ximending for lunch at noon.

Fried oysters, pineapple cakes, chicken wings with rice... I bought a meal for three people and tried to eat as many as possible. I always felt that the snacks were not full. Su Yehao also ordered braised pork rice, while Xiao Nizi and Jiang Yu went to fry them Some crispy salted chicken and duo spring fish.

After eating, I went to the shopping mall for a walk, and then went to the Small Forbidden City Museum.

At this moment.

Cixi's jadeite cabbage was in the glass showcase in front of Su Yehao's eyes. He was slightly disappointed: "It's a little smaller than I thought, and the jadeite material is just average. It's not as good as the God of Wealth I worship at home."

"But it is much more valuable than your God of Wealth. Even people like me who don't pay much attention to cultural relics have heard of this treasure. Back then, the carvings were all by hand, how can it be compared to now."

It was Jiang Yu who spoke.

Su Yehao said with a smile, "That's right, it's okay to send it to the auction and sell it for 200 million Hong Kong dollars casually. After all, it is one of the treasures of the town hall. Today is the right time. Nephew's Manuscript", Su Shi's "Cold Food Post", "Traveling in Xishan", "Dwelling in Fuchun Mountains", and so many Ru kilns, especially the azure no-pattern narcissus pot, which is more beautiful than the one in my collection. I really want to pack up and move home."

"Is it more difficult to pack here than to go to the bank to pack? Brother Hao, don't dream. To be honest, I prefer the painting of "Hundred Horses". The horses in the painting are so realistic."

As soon as Xiao Nizi finished speaking, Jiang Yu said:

"It was painted by the foreigner painter Lang Shining. I saw one of his works at the old gambling king's house a few years ago. At that time, the fourth concubine was on her birthday, and the old gambling king sent her a picture of a group of deers. The style is similar to this one. ."

Master Jiang was in the casino city, and he still had a few thin noodles. Even if he didn't give him face, he should give some face to Father Su. It was normal for Jiang Yu to go to the banquet of the Wang family.

The eldest lady trained by elite education is really much more powerful than those so-called celebrities who can only take pictures with their mouths.

No matter Jiang Yu or Nangong Tian, ​​the circles they have been in contact with from childhood to adulthood are not comparable to ordinary people.

If it wasn't for the halo of Su Yehao's cheating all the time, in fact, most of them would be able to achieve a lot through themselves.

White-collar workers work hard to make money, and occasionally spend money in shopping malls, they will find it very enjoyable.

And these two girls have long been short of those, and they found it very interesting to accompany Su Yehao to the museum.

At this time, walking to the "Across the River at Qingming Festival" version of the Qing Palace Painting Academy, Xiao Nizi told: "The painting in Sijiucheng seems to be an authentic work, and there is actually one here. It is indeed a famous painting that has been handed down from generation to generation. "

"A lot of treasures were brought to the island back For example, the half of "Fuchun Mountain Residence", "Han Palace Spring Dawn" and "Hundred Horses" are also handed down. Famous paintings. There are many fine works in the copied "Qingming Shanghe Tu", especially some Ming Dynasty versions, which may be copied according to the original work. If there is a chance, I would like to take a picture for collection."

Su Yehao put his hands behind his back and looked at Zhang Daqian's landscape painting on the wall. He continued:

"The ancestors understand art and have passed down so many works for thousands of years. If I say the one I like the most, it must be Wang Ximeng's "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains". The color is absolutely amazing. It is estimated that many landscape paintings by Zhang Daqian, It's also inspired by it."

Xiao Nizi joked: "Brother Hao likes it, so I must buy it! When I make money, I will go to the auction for you to find it. By your 80th birthday, I should have saved enough money."

"...Forget it, keep your pocket money and spend it yourself. I don't have any desire to spend anymore, so don't grab it from me."

After visiting the Small Forbidden City, I bought some cultural and creative gifts, including silk scarves, postcards, mouse pads, etc., and then took the car back to the city and went to the hotel to rest first.

Jiang Yu was afraid of making a mistake, so he opened another room.

Wait until the evening to go to the night market for food. The grilled oysters for about 20 Hong Kong dollars, and the oversized fish skewers, are very enjoyable to eat.

During this period, I also accidentally encountered two tour groups from Hong Kong Hao companies, who came from the mainland and Hong Kong City respectively, wearing different hats on their heads.

Backed by Su Yehao, there has always been no shortage of capital injections, so how could Master Jiang's business not do well.

Not to mention anything else, the hotel invested last year has already made a fortune with the recovery of the Hong Kong real estate market...

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