Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 520: Hands are a little tight...

Chatting over tea.

First let these experts see more good things, and when it is explained that they are invited to come here, it is actually to identify the animal heads of Yuanmingyuan, but it makes people feel like... throwing jade and attracting bricks.

Whether it is the blue and white plate of the Yuan Dynasty, or the two Ru kilns on the shelf, or the rare yellow-glazed tea cup in Jiajing of the Ming Dynasty, or the imperial gilt bronze statue of Guanyin in Xuande of the Ming Dynasty, it is much rarer than a single animal head.

The Twelve Beast Heads are not yet well-known. There are too many things that have been passed down from the Yuanmingyuan. Nowadays, there are some famous ones, but this thing can't be ranked.

Mr. Tang also saw the doubts of several experts, and decisively threw the black pot to Su Yehao, pointing out that he liked this thing, and by the way, he wanted to invite them to look for good treasures outside.

This made several experts suddenly realize.

It is reasonable to think that hiring them to dig treasure overseas is true, and the appraisal is just a bonus.

The old master immediately mentioned that there is a lid for a dish in the Mainland, but the body is in Japan. The price is millions of dollars. It is too expensive to buy it back.

The lid of the vessel is now in the mainland, and there are eight characters inscribed in it: "Dishianquan Zuofu Jizunyi", and the inscription on the body of the vessel that has flowed into Japan has the five characters "Dishunfu Zhazunyi", which is a representative work of late Shang bronzes.

Even if you don't return it to the mainland for a while, it's still in your own hands. A national treasure-level bronze weapon is now in the collection of the Japanese. What's the matter?

When he learned that the significance of this thing is not just an antique, it is enough to be an excellent witness to the long history of the splendid civilization of the Chinese people.

He can't afford that much money himself, but his thoughts are similar to that of Father Su. When he encounters a money-burning incident... It's enough to use Su Yehao's idea. Anyway, his grandson is very rich.

After learning about the whole thing, I asked Pan Fanglu's whereabouts, and learned that it was resold by profiteers, was collected by Rockefeller, and finally ended up in Japan.

Mr. Tang immediately called Su Yehao and said that he wanted to buy this national treasure, and asked Su Yehao to talk to a collector named Xintian Dongyi...


"Who is looking for you?"

When Su Yehao received the call from the old man, Nong Qingying was wearing a camisole and was lying on the sofa.

With a good figure and curves, people can't take their eyes off.

She flipped through the new Japanese fashion magazine, SK2 just advertised on it, and asked Nanako Matsushima and Noriko Sakai to jointly endorse.

Japanese stars are relatively cheap, and the price of endorsements is not too expensive. If you look for a first-line actress in the United States, you may not be able to invite them if the cost is doubled.

With SK2's current reputation, even if they spend enough money, Hollywood's big-name actresses are not necessarily willing to accept it. Compared with some international luxury brands, endorsement is a self-inflicted figure.

Hanging up the phone, Su Yehao said blankly:

"My grandfather asked me to find someone and buy the bronze ware in his hand. I don't know why, but it feels like a mobile ATM. It seems to cost millions of dollars. I'll buy it as soon as possible."

In the past, Su Yehao didn't know how to collect, mainly because his grandfather whetted his appetite and developed a new hobby.

Nong Qingying was already full, and now he has no desires or desires. Hearing this, he happily said: "Didn't he divide the family property in advance and give you a large amount of assets, now Uncle Tang doesn't have much money on his own, from you Yes, very reasonable."

"Don't mention it, the shares given to me went directly into the family charitable trust fund, and I didn't even see a shadow. The money I earned is the assets of the foundation, and I only have management rights, but compared with other big families, I have fewer family members. , the relationship is good, and a lot of troubles have been avoided, which is good."

Su Yehao got up and rubbed his waist, then said:

"As long as he likes it, of course I'm going to buy it. To be more careful, one for my mother, one for me, and one for my aunt is equal to two of the three assets given to my family. Fortunately, my aunt has no desires or desires, so she is very free and easy. , or it will turn into a giant dog blood drama in minutes."

Nong Qingying jokingly said: "It must be very interesting to make it into a TV series. My family only has a fishing boat, so I don't have any troubles in this regard. Because you are a man and your grandfather has no male to inherit the family business, it is normal to be biased towards you. ."

"Then let's give birth to a big fat boy as soon as possible, and then change the surname to Tang. When my grandfather is happy, maybe he will give you a mansion on the top of the mountain, one with a big garden that can run horses."

Su Yehao finished speaking.

I saw Nong Qingying hooked her fingers, winked and said, "Come here, I don't care anyway, I'm afraid some people have already surrendered."

Can this be tolerated?

At least for now, really.

Taking a few deep breaths, Su Yehao said harshly: "Wait, go eat sea cucumber at night, let me make up for it..."

Next, he was busy with the road show. There were also many other trivial matters. In addition, in order to avoid being regarded as a big dog, Su Yehao handed over the matter of buying bronze ware for the old man to his subordinates.

The name and address are already known. As long as the other party is willing to sell it, it should not be too troublesome to deal with.

In terms of funds, he had to continue borrowing money from the bank for the time being. Su Yehao's personal vault didn't have so many millions of dollars, and his company account was almost drained by him.

Like many other super-rich people, it is true to say that they have money, but most of them are just assets, and they have very little cash.

Considering that Su Yehao has few physical businesses involved, the demand for cash flow is not so high. It is almost the same with or without cash. It is better to take the money and continue to make money, and wait for the shortage of money to turn it over from the bank. This is the normal practice.

Leave this thing aside.

From Father Su's side, he also called Su Yehao that night.

Being a father asks for in a particularly amiable tone, and told the other end of the phone:

"Son, where are you busy? I met a few new friends from Four Nine Cities during a meeting. They just called again and invited me over and over again to get land. I feel that this area of ​​Guomao is very suitable. Talking business with people in Lin'an is just right. Eating at Guomao, surrounded by all directions, there must be money to be made, but unfortunately money is a bit tight..."

?? "...Understood, look at the land first, and then ask the price. Even if the land is acquired, it is best to pay in installments, talk to others first, and then start construction after three or five years."

Su Yehao was a little bald.

On the one hand, I feel that the funds are not enough, but on the other hand, I am very optimistic about the prospects of this place. The place of Sijiucheng International Trade, if it is invested now, it will be difficult to lose money in the future. It belongs to the serious central business district.

It's just a bit of a headache. It's true that there are many long-term investment projects. However, Su Yehao's debt ratio is not high, so he can't spend a lot of money on land first.

It's rare for the father to have the vision, how could he not support him as a son.

On the other end of the phone, Father Su said in a happy tone:

"With your words, I have it in my heart. It's no wonder that others are looking forward to their sons. It turns out that it's so wonderful to ask for money. If you have time, come to Sijiucheng to investigate together. Huang Daxian said that your fortune is skyrocketing, you Pick more suitable than me, after all, you will pay for it."


I was really worried.

Su Yehao replied:

"In Tokyo, you can't leave for the time being, or you can ask where you can buy it first, and I'll help you pick a piece of land? I've been to Sijiucheng'e several times, and I'm quite familiar with the neighborhood..."

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