Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 523: $80 million

Work efficiency is very fast.

In the evening local time in Tokyo, Qualcomm's stock price rose, with a total market value of 40 to 50 billion US dollars. Su Yehao's team helped him cash out more than 50 million US dollars in just over an hour after the opening.

Such a large order only made Qualcomm's stock price drop a little, and soon rose again.

I have to admit that the capital flow of the Nasdaq stock exchange every trading day is terrifying, and even the New York Stock Exchange has become a younger brother when compared with it.

Su Yehao felt that it was almost the same, and began to plan to change the track. However, other people who took over were still optimistic about Qualcomm, so this time the cash was not even splashed.

In addition, it also cashed out more than 20 million US dollars from Cisco, adding up to a total of nearly 80 million US dollars.

Su Yehao called Jincheng Xianren, and transferred the money to the account of No. 1 Quanye Securities through First Quanye Bank, and started making the Nasdaq index overnight.

As for individual stocks.

To be honest, from October last year to the present, for nearly half a year, those Internet companies in Silicon Valley have risen sharply, and the signs of bubbles have been clearly revealed.

The most obvious point is that the stock price of companies such as Amazon has been soaring, and the growth rate of performance seems to be very large. In fact, the main reason is that the previous base is too small.

This means that the stock price has grown far more than the company's actual profits have increased.

Now, Amazon's total market value has exceeded 20 billion US dollars. When Su Yehao first started paying attention to it in 1997, its total market value was only hundreds of millions of US dollars.

Putting aside the "future performance" of the pie, it is a bit scary to achieve such a high increase in such a short period of time.

This time Su Yehao cashed out, not because he felt that the bubble was about to burst, or he was not optimistic about Qualcomm and Cisco.

It is simply the bulk of the income growth, which has been successfully eaten by him, and now continues to go long through leverage, which can further magnify the income.

Dad is waiting for the rice to cook. He wants to realize the "city of thousands of cores" plan and burns a lot of money. A large number of entrepreneurial and investment projects are waiting to be fed. The development of a wafer foundry alone means a lot of money, plus oneself Wanting to look for excitement, Su Yehao started another round of big bets while meeting Jincheng sages...

At eleven o'clock in the middle of the night, sitting on the bed.

Su Yehao took a laptop and checked the trend of the Nasdaq index. By the way, he went to find other potential companies, mainly focusing on electronic stocks and biological stocks.

Unfortunately, the understanding of US stocks is limited, and it seems that it is still Apple, Intel and the like.

Interlaced like a mountain, relying on the experience of the three melons and two dates, it has been lucky to grow up to today.

It's a bit embarrassing for him to personally discover potential investment targets and further kill the Quartet in the stock exchange market. It is not easy to earn money beyond the scope of his knowledge.


Nong Qingying was sleepy, pushed him and said, "It's so late, I'm going to bed, I have something to deal with tomorrow."

"Go to sleep first, I'll go to the living room to do some work, so as not to disturb you by typing."

Su Yehao pinched her face with a smile, and said, "We sleep whenever we want. Those traders who do business in the US stock market are miserable. During the trading day, they can only reverse the day and night. They are helping me process orders."

"Well, but making more money is better than the night shift at the convenience store."

"This is..."

He got out of bed lightly, took his notebook to the living room, and suddenly found that there was no network cable here, so he had to go upstairs to the study again.

On weekdays, this kind of transaction is handed over to his subordinates. Su Yehao rarely stared at it himself, only to find that he added ten times leverage to buy Nasdaq futures contracts worth 800 million US dollars, and it was done in just a few minutes.

Obviously, it means that the transaction volume behind it is very large.

Thinking that the old gambling king once said that other people play cards and the table is the best, at this moment Su Yehao started to search for news about the reform and listing of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Except for a few news that were being studied and discussed, there was still no movement.

It has been a while since Vice President Zheng Yongwen told him about this, and the efficiency of work is really slow to make people desperate.

Taking advantage of the stillness of the night, Su Yehao thought about it carefully, and increasingly felt that if there was a chance in the future, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange could refer to the model of the Nasdaq Stock Exchange and adopt a set of listing rules to support the Internet, biology, electronics and other industries. .

Once it is done, even if it only attracts companies from the mainland to go public, if the investment channels between the mainland and overseas are opened up, I believe that the transaction scale will be very considerable. For the exchange itself, it will undoubtedly be a big profit.

For the truly high-quality enterprises in the Mainland, it also means precious development opportunities, and the opportunity to keep more dividends of economic growth and social development in the hands of the Chinese people.

Both public and private are good things.

After posting for a while, there was a message on the screen that there was a new email. Su Yehao clicked to open the news that it was Jincheng sage.

The other party told him that he had opened a long position, and asked if there was any demand in buying and selling, that is, setting a stop-loss and take-profit point.

Invested $80 million in capital.

In Su Yehao's eyes, this figure was just... an ordinary amount.


After checking the chart of the Nasdaq index for the past year again, he replied to the email that "all the principal is lost and the position is closed, and you don't need to worry about it at other times."

I don't know what Jincheng Xianren on the other end of the network cable will think after seeing this sentence, but in any case, the word "rich" should always be in his mind...


Buying stocks and adding leverage to long stock indexes seem to be investments, but the latter is more stimulating.

Su Yehao, who lost more than 10 million US dollars overnight, didn't feel as good as usual after watching Nong Qingying doing yoga exercises after getting up in the morning.

Fortunately, the stock index fell, but some blood was recovered from Yahoo, and the stocks of Qualcomm and Cisco were not sold.

Still a small profit overall.

He took the initiative to call Jincheng Xianren and told him that another amount of funds would be transferred in the next few days, and the line for forced liquidation was still far away. The other party was not worried that Su Yehao could not pay the deposit.

Immediately afterwards, Su Yehao received a call from his father again.

It is said that they are inspecting the plot of International Trade in Sijiucheng, and they see an open space next to the third phase of International Trade. When the third phase will build super high-rise buildings, everyone will get together to form a building complex, which looks more spectacular.

Inside and outside the words, full of the meaning of reaching out for money.

Su Yehao understood, and told him that the place should be good, let Dad talk about it, it is best to give a sum of money first, and wait until the end of this year or the beginning of next year to pay the rest.

If it doesn't work, he can also guarantee it, and temporarily borrow money from the bank to acquire the land.

Hearing this, Father Su immediately knew that if he didn't go public for financing, Cosmopolitan International would not be able to spend too much money. With the support of his own son, he was instantly confident.

Just after eating breakfast with Nong Qingying, someone called Su Yehao again.

I told him that I had contacted the collector of the Min Fangzhu bronze ware. The other party quoted $6 million over the phone. After I told the old man about Mr. Tang felt that the price was not too expensive and planned to come in person. A trip to Japan, to see the real thing.

Grandpa was inconvenient for his legs and feet, so Su Yehao sent a private plane back to Hong Kong City to pick him up.

It's rare to be so busy in the early morning.

There were still road shows and parties waiting for Su Yehao in the evening. Nong Qingying took the opportunity and joked, "It's not easy. Today is like a big boss. You seem to be more leisurely than me."

Su Yehao sighed and replied:

"It's not a coincidence. A lot of things have come together recently. I'm going to accompany someone to visit a semiconductor company tomorrow to discuss purchasing computer parts. As expected, I should be lazy. Before the Kaomoji Group goes public, I'll take you on a ski vacation. …”


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