Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 525: Tokyo Roadshow

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Just as Su Yehao entered the hotel with his forefoot, a BMW 7-series approached.

The man in the back seat of the car is the senior vice president of KOKO Ventures, who runs the Silicon Valley office.

His name is Lin Youfeng. He just passed his 40th birthday some time ago. He graduated from Paris Business School with a Ph.D. in Business Administration. He has worked for a multinational company in Singapore for many years.

A few months ago, Su Yehao helped Nong Qingying acquire SK2, and Lin Youfeng was in charge of the entire project.

this time.

Next to Vice President Lin Youfeng, there was a young man with an Asian face.

The young man, Ye Ruiting, grew up on Baodao and later went to Stanford University to study.

Last year, he and several friends spent half a year jointly developing a racing game, which gained more than 400,000 users in just two months. Finally, it was acquired by TVT for $1.5 million to enrich the game. Game library.

This time, Vice President Lin Youfeng took advantage of the opportunity of the road show to take Ye Ruiting to meet Su Yehao by the way, and discuss in person a new project of preparing a large-scale online game.

After the two got off the bus, Ye Ruiting said with a smile, seeing the little girls in front of the Tokyo Palace Hotel, "Mr. Su is really amazing, so he is so popular in Japan?"

Lin Youfeng held the shelf and sorted out his suits, reminding him:

"It's true that Mr. Su is younger than you, but don't call him Mr. Su in person, but there is also Mr. Su's father above him. It's not wrong. Just be careful and it won't hurt you. ."

Thinking there was something important in it, Ye Ruiting nodded immediately, indicating that he understood.

The road show is scheduled to start at 6:30, and many luxury cars arrive one after another.

There are few Rolls-Royces and supercars. On the contrary, Mercedes-Benz is more popular. Many guests look like they are in high positions. As soon as the car is parked, there is a secretary or assistant who helps to open the door, which is full of temperament.

Seeing this, Ye Ruiting then sighed with emotion: "These are all invited to the road show. I can't tell who has money. The guests invited tonight will not be too bad. Why is there such a big gap between people and people? I heard that Mr. Su has not even graduated from the University of Hong Kong, yet he is already in charge of an Internet giant like Yanwen Group."

"It's useless to envy, Mr. Su's other investments are not much worse than this company, and the family business is also very rich. Where can I make sense?"

Pushing his glasses, Lin Youfeng sighed deeply and continued:

"It's hard to be a human being. It's normal to think you're poor, be afraid of you're rich, laugh at you for not having, and hate you for being there. It's normal to be envious, but at my age, I understand that it's better to try your best to be your best than to compare yourself with others. It's meaningless compared to a rich family like Mr. Su. Don't many people envy you, a programmer who made a million dollars in his twenties? I'll find a chance at the party later, you Talk to President Su about the game idea, as long as he nods, everything else will be fine, I think he will be interested."

"Then I'll borrow your auspicious words. To be honest, I'm a little nervous now. What kind of person is Mr. Su?"

Hearing Ye Ruiting's question, Lin Youfeng suddenly didn't know how to answer.

Although he came to KOKO Ventures and worked for more than a year, he had only a handful of contacts with Su Yehao. Except for occasional work reports, he had no personal communication at all.

Of course.

In front of Ye Ruiting, Lin Youfeng didn't want to admit that he was "marginalized", so he smiled awkwardly, and said vaguely, "You will know when you see it in person..."


once Upon a time.

Nong Qingying has also been in the upper class, pretending to be the daughter-in-law of someone else's family, and often attends various parties, drinking parties and so on.

Since she was with Su Yehao, for various reasons, her life is still low-key, and at the same time, she tries to avoid contact with the circles she used to know, and now she often lives in Tokyo to do business.

The so-called "various reasons" are mainly for fear of being pointed at by others.

The group of women in the port city got up, and in a few minutes, it was clear to people what "people say is terrible". Just a superstition of Kefu is enough to make her unable to lift her head for the rest of her life.

Therefore, Nong Qingying, who seems to be careless, but is actually a little cowardly, rationally chose to live behind closed doors, saying goodbye to the past almost completely.


The event site of the roadshow was particularly lively. Wealthy businessmen, representatives of securities companies, representatives of banks, and some celebrities who were hanging out at the party were gathering in twos and threes to talk, talking loudly, and each found a chair.

In the next hall, the huge champagne tower and all kinds of gourmet pastries on the long table are ready, just wait for the end of the road show, and move over to continue the lively.

Reaching out to hold Su Yehao's arm, Nong Qingying rarely found the feeling that he had not seen for a long time.

In the face of countless greeting guests, smile and greet politely.

Women, there are those who don't like to be in the limelight. At this moment, the whole person is floating, like a proud little hen, with a straight waist and a slender neck.

Su Yehao took a chance and asked Nong Qingying in a low voice, "Are you cold, what kind of palace hotel, the equipment seems to be average, and the heating effect is not very good. I'll add a piece of clothing for you?"

Nong Qingying's face was almost stiff with laughter, but the duck's mouth was stiff, and he replied:

"What do you know, after such a long time, when I return to the upper class, I can't show my timidity no matter how cold it is. My backless evening dress cost me hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong dollars. Who can see with the clothes is not blind. I wasted money? And the diamonds you gave me are rare, so how can I stop them?"

"Tsk... Anyway, Zhuang Wei hasn't left the ward yet. The big deal is that you can lie down with her."

Su Yehao shrugged, knowing that beauty is a woman's nature, and he was too lazy to persuade her.

Just ask Linda Yun to inform the hotel management, turn up the heating temperature, prepare a lounge, prepare hand warmers, or a stove, etc. a speech later, It looked to him like a grandmother's footbinding, smelly and long.

It's all nutritious nonsense. If you really want to summarize it carefully, one page of PPT can summarize the core part.

There is no need to let Nong Qingying stay and listen to it. It is better to go to the lounge to warm up during the event, and wait until the party starts before showing off.

It must be admitted that the well-dressed Nong Qingying does have a charming charm.

Even Su Yehao admits that she is a little wronged occasionally. On weekdays, it is difficult for the two of them to show their affection openly and unscrupulously. While they are in Tokyo, they should attend more parties.

After listening to Su Yehao's arrangement, Nong Qingying was a little moved.


Amidst the applause of the crowd, a blond Goldman Sachs representative invited Su Yehao to the stage to introduce the current situation and future plans of the Yanwen Group.

Su Yehao forgot about his position, his demeanor, etc. He just followed the script, read it from beginning to end, and answered a few questions.

All the money for hiring speech coaches is thrown into the water.

In fact, to everyone present, the current performance of the Yanwen Group is not important at all.

As long as the vast majority of investors believe that its prospects are good, it already means that it is worth participating in the subscription.

The world's No. 1 instant chat group, the world's largest social advertising platform, the number of users more than doubled last year, and a total of more than 20 million active users... Such gimmicks are enough to make this group of people fix their eyes and think about how much money should be invested. .

The popularity of Nasdaq Internet giants is no joke. As long as there are gimmicks, they can basically make a lot of money...

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