at the party.

Except for a few acquaintances, most of the guests Su Yehao did not know.

He Shaolin took Qiu Yaohe's arm and came over to say hello. The two seemed to be in love, and they were considered to be well-matched. The combined assets of the two families exceeded HK$5 billion.

At present, the wealth of the Su family far exceeds that of the two of them, and they are no longer on the same level.

On the surface, it is polite.

To Nong Qingying's surprise, He Shaolin actually recognized her and said that she had attended her "wedding" in Hong Kong City.

The so-called slap in the face without slapping the face, from Nong Qingying's hearing, it was obvious that he deliberately exposed the shortcoming, and he complained to Su Yehao afterward.

After all, several families have some connections.

Su Yehao had no choice but to accompany Nong Qingying and mutter a few words to He Shaolin behind his back, that's all.

In fact, he did not have much affection for He Shaofan's cousin, she looked too shrewd, her utilitarianism was a little heavy, and her personality was not very pleasing. Compared with Zhao Yimeng, the eldest young lady who also studied business, she was far behind. .

Before, He Shaolin hoped to advertise their instant chat software through icq and tvt.

As the two sides are peers, the relationship is not as good as that, so it is strange that Su Yehao can take care of her. If he really helps, doesn't it mean that he is capitalizing on the enemy...

Go for a cutscene party, nothing to say.

That night, I accompanied Nong Qingying to the pub, ate supper and flipped through magazines. After researching, I decided to go to the ski resorts in the French Alps, play for two or three days, and then cross the Atlantic Ocean to ring the bell in New York.

The plane was still in Kyoto and stopped at the airport after delivering Mr. Tang.


Early the next morning, Su Yehao and Nong Qingying took a car, drove from Tokyo to Kyoto, and went directly to the hotel where Grandpa stayed.

The hotel is called "Togetsu Pavilion". There is a circular open-air pool in the courtyard of the room. The waiters of the hot spring hotel all wear kimonos and look very beautiful.

I can only say that as expected of the old man, he really enjoys it.

Seeing Nong Qingying accompanying her grandson, in fact, Mr. Tang thought the same, and asked her a few questions with a smile, nothing more than a few people in the family, what occupation they were engaged in, and so on.

Knowing that Nong Qingying cared about those past events, Su Yehao helped to say a few good words and quickly diverted the topic to Pan Fangzhu.

The collector of Pan Fangyu is very old, and his body is not very good. Last night, the old man accompanied him to eat a high-end teppanyaki, and it has been negotiated that today will be sold at a price of 5.5 million US dollars. Deposit money into the account of the other party's son who has immigrated to Los Angeles.

At this moment.

Mr. Tang asked Su Yehao and said:

"Isn't it busy today, wait until the lawyer draws up the contract, and accompany me to see Pan Fanglu in the afternoon? I have seen quite a few bronzes, and this one is really good. Unfortunately, the cover is in a museum in the mainland, so I gave it to you. It’s a bit reluctant to go back to the mainland, but it’s a pity that there is no cover, and it always feels incomplete. Anyway, it’s the money you spent, you can make your own decisions when the time comes, let me keep it for two or three years.”

The so-called reluctance does not refer to the price.

Mr. Tang also likes to collect, so he will inevitably feel entangled.

Su Yehao didn't care, he just told:

"After signing the contract, call my people and let them pay for you. It has been arranged. As for that thing, I'll have to wait until I return to Hong Kong City. Anyway, I can't escape, I'll wait. I have to go to France, or else you will spend two more days in Kyoto, and we will take a plane there first, and then arrange a plane to pick you up to Hong Kong City?"

"You guys are busy with your work. It's been many years since I came to Japan last time. It doesn't matter if you play for a few more days. You keep the private jet for yourself."

Mr. Tang continued to laugh and said, "If you walk around, maybe you will find antiques you like. Are you going to France to go public?"

"...The road show in Paris has already been contacted. I will go to find a ski resort and play for two or three days."

After Su Yehao finished speaking, he felt a little disrespectful. When other companies went public, most of the bosses were so nervous that they couldn't sit still, but he just wanted to take time off from work and have fun.

I met my grandfather in a hurry, and when the flight route was arranged, I immediately set off for the airport.

On the way, we arranged transportation and accommodation to the Megève Ski Resort in France with the help of the express company, and booked a wooden holiday house with a wonderful view from the window.


Time flies, six days have passed in the blink of an eye.

In the Su family's mansion in Dalangwan, Gangcheng, an alpaca accidentally gave birth to a baby alpaca. Before, people thought that the ewe was just fat, but they never expected it to be pregnant.

So when a vicuña was born, it was a surprise.

Brother Hao was not at home, and Xiao Nizi, as the hostess, only felt that no matter how spacious the house was, it would be boring.

He simply tricked Mrs. Nangong into Hong Kong City and accompanies her to eat and go shopping, barely to repair the mother-daughter relationship, lest the mother often complain about not accompanying her, saying that it was almost like she was already married.

Mrs. Nangong was only interested in the fact that Su Yehao helped Nangong Tian to set up an entertainment company.

Whether men and women really like each other can be seen from this kind of thing. If they just get along casually, why bother.

Not only the islands of the Maldives, but also diamond stocks, etc., and now hundreds of millions of funds have been spent to run the new company.

A wave of unexpected gains came from the goodwill of the mother-in-law.

So that Su Yehao was not at home to accompany the little girl, or there were often some flaws such as lace news, all of which were ignored by Mrs. Nangong, who never interfered in front of her daughter.

Tianyu Entertainment is still in preparation, and the initial recruitment is almost the same. The first batch of more than 30 trainees is also planned to start closed training in mid-April, and prepare to form a men's team and a women's team respectively.

Xiao Nizi is not busy today, sitting cross-legged on the carpet with nothing to do, eating fruit and checking the computer.

Her mother came close to read it, and saw the stock price of Yanwen Group displayed on the screen. In the morning of Hong Kong time, the market in New York had already closed.

Mrs. Nangong let out a small sigh and asked, "Is this Xiaohao's company, is it already listed? How can I remember that it was only listed tonight, eleven yuan and sixty-six about it?"

"Of course it's a big increase! It's really amazing, The opening price was nine US dollars, and it rose 29.5% on the first day. The total market value is close to six billion US dollars. Brother Hao has really made a fortune this time. !"

The little girl was excited to find out this morning's news, and handed the laptop to her mother for a look.

"Six billion dollars, so much money? How much shares does Xiaohao own?"

Madam Nangong asked in surprise that she was drinking and playing mahjong with her friends last night. She fell asleep at the Shek O Country Club after the spa treatment last night, and did not come back until this morning.

As for Xiao Nizi, who was at the computer last night, she had already sent a message to Su Yehao to congratulate her.

this time.

After thinking about it, Nangong Tian shook her head and said, "I don't know. Brother Hao should have a stake of more than four billion US dollars. When he returns to Hong Kong City, we will go out to eat. This time we must celebrate..."


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