Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 545: Unexpectedly, within reason

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The night when the Kai Tak Cyberport project was signed.

Father Su came to Hong Kong City, and the family of three met for dinner at the Fulinmen Restaurant.

After Mother Tang was seated, she asked curiously:

"Is it only the three of us, son and your girlfriend, why don't you call them over too?"


"With your little morals, who can you hide, I've heard your grandfather talk about Jiang Yu long ago.


As soon as his mother finished speaking, Father Su also happily said: "Yes, Master Jiang complained when I played cards with me, saying that if the girl was not a middle school student, she might become in-law in the future. But no matter Jiang Yu or I Nangong, everything is pretty good, the house is clean, and he has a good temper."


Su Yehao Waterfall Khan.

After signing the contract this morning, I ate and chatted with the partners at noon. I drank a lot of wine during the period, and went home to sleep for an afternoon. Now my head is still a little dizzy.

He was not used to talking about this with his parents, and said embarrassingly:

"They have something to do tonight. They went to review the script, bought a comic from Japan, and asked the screenwriter to rewrite it for six episodes. If the two of them came together, they would be on pins and needles to see you, after all, it has nothing to do with others. Too much the same."

Mother Tang teased: "You still know? If you don't learn well, go to learn from your father. One day the house will become a pot of porridge. Don't expect me to help you."

Father Su smiled awkwardly and said:

"Our son's ability is much better than mine. Sure enough, he is better than blue. If I had this ability back then, I would not have lived my life as it is now. I regret it."

"Oh, hypocritical..."

Ignoring Father Su's words, Mother Su Yehao asked:

"Xiaohao, many people came to ask me today, the contract for Kai Tak Airport has been signed, right? It has invested more than 20 billion Hong Kong dollars in total. Do you have any burden on your side? You said that it was discussing before, but suddenly the contract was announced. There should be no problem here, right, the Li family simply gave up?"

Father Su interrupted and said, "What's so simple, obviously the above and the Li family were all stunned by our son's generosity. It cost more than 20 billion to acquire the land, which is an exaggerated amount, and I have never heard of it before. Even the development of the National Financial Center has not invested so much."

Su Yehao told them:

"Unexpectedly, it makes sense. My plan is really good, and the rice is waiting for the rice to cook, so I quickly reached an agreement two days ago. In fact, the specific design and planning plan is still being worked out, and I invited WinWin Architectural Design. The team of the company, if the bearing capacity of the foundation is found to be no problem in the later stage, the planned floor can be appropriately increased, and the money for the land acquisition can be made up at that time..."

Zheng Yongwen was mainly responsible for the specific negotiation, and Su Yehao also took care of it this time, and met with representatives of many real estate developers and banks.

After the approval of Japan's No. 1 Kanye Bank, it was decided to lend 5 billion Hong Kong dollars.

The Bank of China finally approved 7 billion Hong Kong dollars for him, and the three major banks of Industry, Agriculture, and Construction, with a total of 4 billion Hong Kong dollars, which means that the four major banks have participated this time, and they have paid a total of 110 million Hong Kong dollars. billion Hong Kong dollars.

The remaining share is divided by several Hong Kong-funded and US-funded banks.

The collateral taken for the loan, including the shares of the newly established Green Diamond Group, was equivalent to taking the land as collateral to borrow money. In addition, Su Yehao also used the more than three billion US dollars in his wealth management account to provide a guarantee.

As for the shares of Yanwen Group, since the company has been listed, the major shareholder's pledged loan needs to be disclosed to the public. In order to avoid turbulence, Su Yehao simply did not use it.

The entire preparatory cycle is only half a month. For such a mega project as Kai Tak Cyberport, it is obviously extremely efficient.

Now that the contract has been signed, the funding problem is almost resolved. We just need to wait until the land purchase money is actually transferred to the official account, and then we can develop it slowly in the future.

Considering the large scale of the project, this time, the regulations on the development cycle have been relaxed to a full ten years, so there is no need to worry.


His parents were amazed at the speed of his business expansion. Back then, when Father Su had been in the construction and building materials business for more than ten years, he dared to cross the border and reach out to the real estate field.

Su Yehao is better. He took a few pieces of land and bought two buildings before, but now he has made a proper land king all of a sudden.

The whole project covers a total area of ​​more than 1,700 mu, and it can also be built into low-density high-end projects. It must be known that the land on both sides of the Victoria Harbour is narrow, so the buildings are always built higher, and "pigeon cages" are everywhere.

The runway of Kai Tak Airport is a bit special. Because it is artificial reclamation and limited by the bearing capacity of the foundation, it naturally has certain advantages, forcing the above to plan it according to the normal land.

With the vision of Father Su and Mother Tang, we can of course imagine that after the development is completed in the future, it will be very comfortable to live in, and there is a chance to sell it at a higher price.

Seeing that his son invested more than 20 billion yuan, Father Su felt relieved.

After all, valuable Internet companies often do not make much money. From the perspective of value investing, their stock prices appear to be inflated.

Now that such a huge sum of money is put into the real estate industry, the couple felt that Su Yehao would stop after that, so as to prevent money from coming and going quickly.

Take advantage of the presence of the old man.

Su Yehao stared at his father with bright eyes, and asked him, "Are you busy recently? When the design is finished, the office buildings, shopping malls, hotels, and wharfs of Cyberport will start construction first, and infrastructure projects will also be tendered. I have no experience with these. , I may need your help."

When Father Su heard the words, he hurriedly said:

"It's okay to help you keep an eye on it, don't you expect me to be a big or small messenger, there are so many real estate developers working with you, and you are afraid that you can't find someone to help you? These days, my phone is about to blow up. , I want to take some orders to do, there will be too many troublesome things in the future."

After listening to this sentence.

My son, being a mother is distressed, Mama Tang said in a dissatisfied tone:

"Xiaohao has come all the way to this day on his own. What kind of help have you helped as a father? You push three and four for every little thing. How could you be attracted to you before? It's really unreliable."


Su Yehao wanted to give a thumbs up very much, but he was afraid to provoke the old man who was counting on the reunion, so he couldn't help laughing and said:

"It's okay, the mainland projects are also very busy, just find me a few more reliable managers. Kai Tak Airport is so close to my home, I just treat it as a game, and slowly develop it. Now I have accumulated some experience, go to It’s better to plan for a bigger business later.”

"As expected of my son, he is more courageous than others. Come, let's have a drink!"

So what if he When he met his child, Father Su still hesitated for a second, diverted the topic to avoid his edge, and talked about the experience and key points of the follow-up development work, such as putting money away Firmly grasp, as well as the selection of building materials suppliers and so on.

Su Yehao also worked as a supervisor in his previous life, but he did not lead the development of the entire large project. He listened to it with great interest...

Xiao Nizi took Jiang Yu again tonight to have a Western meal with Master Xing, and discussed the preparations for the script.

the other day.

Su Yehao suggested that he wanted to make a kung fu movie with an exaggerated plot. Based on this, Master Xing thought about it seriously and changed the background outline of the story.

When he came home after eating with his parents, the little girl handed the outline to him. Su Yehao opened it and was stunned.

Different from the kung fu he proposed, after being adapted by Xing Ye himself, it was replaced by a fairy tale drama with an ancient background.

Similar to the Westward Journey, but a little more down-to-earth.

in the script outline.

The story is about a soldier who was forced to join the army and escaped to find that his childhood sweetheart was favored by the fairy and went up the mountain to practice.

So he also went up the mountain to be a servant, and was taught the exercises. During the period, I always thought that the practice was wrong, but in the end, the talent exploded, defeated the villain, opened the devil's nest with the sword, welcomed the reincarnation of the soul of the beloved, and silently guarded the story of her side as a housekeeper.

Same routine.

The beginning of small people, the skin of comedy, the core of tragedy.

After reading it, Su Yehao first wondered whether the script could be popular.

After thinking about it again, I feel that "Kung Fu" is already tired of watching, even if it doesn't change, what's the point?

Might as well take a gamble, let Xing Ye play freely, and take some fresh shots...

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