Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 548: I don't think you are poor, you don't think I'm low...

Take advantage of the housekeeper to get the power outlet and network cable.

Su Yehao sat on the sofa in the living room and first flipped through the thick stack of instructions.

Different from other manuals on the market, he has more than fifty pages of paper in his hand, indicating the simple production process and accessories buyers, market unit prices, bulk purchase prices, labor transportation costs, and so on.

It is equivalent to a production manual. The four big characters "Confidential Document" are written on the cover, and they are very thoughtfully changed into traditional Chinese.

They felt that this was taking care of Su Yehao's habit, but in fact it was superfluous and superfluous.

Through the catalog part, it can be seen that Mr. Ni tries to use domestic parts as much as possible, but the proportion is too small and the value is not high.

Seeing that the computer's processor uses a Pentium III, using a 0.25-micron, 1.3Hz main frequency, Su Yehao asked in a puzzled tone, "Pentium III, Intel's latest flagship product, do you intend to target the high-end market, do you want to be so extravagant? "

Chu Jun sat aside, took the tea cup personally delivered by Nangong Tian, ​​and explained after thanking him:

"This computer is specially configured for you. I have calculated it. The cost is about 17,000 yuan. It uses the best accessories on the market, and the price is of course a bit more expensive. Ordinary office computers are expected to use Intel The Celeron processor, which was just released on January 4 this year, is mainly aimed at the economical office and game markets. You can turn to the back for the specific information, and there are data on it.”

Su Yehao opened it according to the catalogue.

It was found that the so-called Celeron processor has the same architecture as the Pentium II, except that the two L2 caches are removed... He doesn't know much about this aspect. Anyway, the current processor is very pitiful in his opinion.

than the computer itself.

The fact that the processor uses 0.25-micron, or 250-nanometer lithography technology, makes Su Yehao even more interesting.

Computers are assembled, and even if they sell well, they are helping upstream component manufacturers to conquer cities and expand their markets, and make some hard money from them.

However, the more backward the lithography machine technology is, the more development time is left for him, and it is easier to survive in the next wafer foundry market. Facing this super big cake, even Su Yehao thinks that the prospect is amazing. Much better than assembling a computer.

Flip through this carefully prepared document.

Faced with numerous data and professional terms, Su Yehao was dazzled for a while, and simply asked directly: "Leave the document first, and read it in detail later when you have time. If you put a computer like this on the mainland market, you would probably sell it. How much? What about the short version?"

Since this year, Chu Jun has been helping in the project team.

In order to avoid attracting too much attention from Liangxiang Company, the company has not even been formally established, and only has the code name of "1999 Root Plan". department.

As for Su Yehao's question, Chu Jun was very clear and answered decisively:

"This has also been estimated. If the same configuration is used, how can Liangxiang Company sell for 25,000 to 6,000 yuan, maybe a little more, their company's net profit is very high, otherwise it is impossible for Hong Kong stocks to rise. Crazy. Computers imported directly from abroad, like IBM, Dell, HP, are more expensive, and the after-sales service is not as good.”

"Excluding the costs of sales, transportation, publicity, etc., if we operate a self-operated store, we will sell about 20,000 yuan, and the gross profit is 3,000 yuan, excluding labor, rent, publicity, operation, tax and other costs, about the same. 5% of the net profit can be guaranteed.”

"We made this top product mainly to show that the company has this strength. No matter how much it sells, it can enhance the brand image in the store. It is estimated that about 30,000 units will be produced, and there should be a lot of buyers."

"As for products with high volume, the low price can push the price to about 7,500, and the high price is almost 9,000. This is already the price of computer city assembly, and it can't be used at any lower price. Only by purchasing in large quantities can the price be The price difference of accessories is subsidized on the product.”

"However, compared with the assembled goods on the market, we can provide after-sales and quality assurance services, which is also an advantage. It is almost unmatched..."

While listening to Chu Jun’s introduction.

Su Yehao flipped through the file again and found the parts data of the high-end version of the gaming computer that he planned to use.

It is found that the motherboard and optical drive of Huashuo are used, the graphics card is from Nvidia, and the hard disk is the eighth generation of Quantum Fireball that has not yet been listed. Compared with the previous generation, the capacity is the same, and the price is lower.

In addition, a Mega 530 display is used, and a Pentium III processor is used, but it is different from the one in front of him. In the gaming computer with a lot of volume, the CPU frequency is reduced from 1.3Hz to 1.0Hz, and the price is compared with that of 1.3Hz. Hundreds of dollars cheaper.

An Intel processor costs more than 2,000 yuan, and looking at the eighth-generation Quantum Fireball hard drive, even if it is purchased in bulk, it costs 1,230 yuan.

Nowadays, the global personal computer market is in strong demand, and parts and components on the market are out of stock everywhere, and manufacturers do not have to worry about no customers.

From an image point of view, droughts die from droughts, and floods die from floods. The polarization is severe, and technical suppliers are particularly popular, and they work overtime to rush into production. According to data learned by Su Yehao, the global computer sales in the first quarter of this year increased by 40% compared with the same period last year.

With this kind of positive news underpinning, it's no wonder that Nasdaq tech stocks continue to move higher.

At present, it belongs to the seller's market, so there is really no way for the purchase price of parts to go down, otherwise, they can only use lower-level replacement parts.

The low-end version of the office computer only costs more than 7,000 yuan, which is particularly cheap in the market, lower than some assembled products.

For this reason, Chu Jun scratched his forehead and said with a guilty conscience:

"Mr. Su, I'll tell the truth, once this computer goes on sale, we'll be in the spotlight. Even the small vendors in the computer city will probably want to throw us in Shenjiang. Otherwise, add more. , how about increasing the net profit to around 10%?”

Su Yehao smiled and said:

"What are you afraid of... The big deal is that the company will pay for you to hire two bodyguards. It was originally to promote the development of the mainland Internet market. Profits don't matter. It doesn't matter what your peers think. You must shout out the slogan that you only earn 5%, and let customers Just feel the The inflated market price of the mainland computer industry has hindered the development of companies such as TAT, TOT, and Yinhai, and the scale of new users cannot keep up. Everyone is drinking the northwest wind. This I don't need to tell the truth, right?"

"Well, how could I not know."

Chu Jun sighed and continued: "It doesn't matter that people have high incomes outside, and it doesn't matter if computers are expensive, but the mainland is already poor, and if you add a little price, it will be more than some people's salary for one or two months, which limits the speed of the popularity of netizens. ."

The housekeeper brought the sockets and network cables, and Mr. Ni's students were busy completing the assembly and pressing the power button.

Su Yehao sat cross-legged at the coffee table, stared at the computer without blinking, and said with a smile:

"Then lower the threshold a little bit. It's enough to be able to access the Internet and play a few small games. The hard drive doesn't need to be too big. It's the kind that sells for three or four thousand yuan. We don't think this group of users has enough budget, and they don't think so. Our products are too rudimentary. In addition, we can't afford to buy a computer, and we can always afford a few dollars for the Internet. It's a little troublesome to open an Internet cafe by ourselves. We will recruit and join wherever the best broadband is developed. If you are a dealer, buy computers in bulk and get a discount."

The Windows 98 operating system interface was displayed on the screen. Su Yehao shook the mouse and went directly to the browser to search for his company's software and install mini games...

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