Fight To the Third Generation

Chapter 550: Jiang Yujia

The latest website: more than 5 o'clock in the evening.

Shangfeng Sheung Shui District in the middle of the mountain.

Master Jiang drove the Bentley azure convertible he just bought and returned home leisurely.

When he opened the door, he saw his daughter Jiang Yu watching TV and asked, "Why are you back?"


Jiang Yu, who didn't know why, was confused and said blankly, "Isn't this my home, where can I go if I'm not here?"

Master Jiang said angrily:

"Go out for dinner, go on a date, anyway, everything is good, it's better than sitting at home stupidly. Your mother and I don't care about you and Xiaohao, why don't you know how to hurry up, I didn't notice that the kid is getting more and more More promising? If you don’t lay a solid foundation now, when you cry in the future, you have to learn more from your mother. Look at me, my friends call me to drink, and I will not agree to go with them.”


With such a father on the stall, Jiang Yu was helpless, and calmly said:

"I had a busy day in the company today. Some trainees are really stupid. They dance like puppets. I have learned them all, but they still can't dance. At this rate, I don't know when they will pass the exam. Ah Howe has been busy with things at Kai Tak Airport recently, and he also has to manufacture personal computers and care about investments, so how could he be with me all day long."

Jiang Shiye has been walking with wind recently. Since he found that he no longer has to think about Jiang Yu's future, the cigars he smokes have been replaced by Cohiba, authentic Cuban goods. A box of 25 cigars costs 25,000 yuan.

The high-end version of the Bentley convertible worth more than 100,000 pounds, the same is said to change.

The conditions of their family are not bad, but with Jiang Yu's future has been settled, Jiang Shiye is more willing to spend money in terms of expenses. Unlike some people, they actually make a lot of money on weekdays.

At the beginning, Mr. Jiang invested seven or eight million Hong Kong dollars in the Ganghao Tourism Group, and the value has now increased by four or five times. As he became the leader in the tourism industry of Hong Kong City, he just hit the wind of the tourism industry. Every day, money is rushing. La's swarmed over, and the little days were improved to a higher level.

Come to Jiang Yu and sit down.

Master Jiang thought for a while and said:

"That's right, I'm so busy managing a company, Xiaohao's business must be more exaggerated. I just talked to an old friend about the Kai Tak Cyberport during the day, and they also think that the future of the land is promising. Don't be petty. To cause confusion... What to eat at night, isn't Sister Xian at home?"

Very upset at his father's partiality, Jiang Yu said weakly, saying:

"Sister Xian went out to buy beef tongue. She said there was something wrong with the washing machine. It cost more than 200 yuan to find someone to repair it in the afternoon. I have already given her the money. If you want something to eat, call her now, she should still be buying it. thing."

"Hey, the braised beef tongue is very good, and if you buy some white chopped chicken, it's perfect..."

Sister Xian was a nanny hired by Master Jiang. She was in her 40s, and she went to work during the day and stayed home at night.

Compared with the popular Filipino maids among the middle-class groups, the cost of hiring locals is a lot higher, but both the taste of cooking and the work attitude are much better than those of Filipino maids.


When Sister Xian finished buying the cooked food and helped to prepare the rice and soup, Jiang Yu's mother happened to come over.

When Jiang Yu saw her, he asked in surprise: "Hey, today is a working day, why are you free to come to see us, Mom? It happened to be a meal together, please give Sister Xian another bowl..."

"I can't come here again. You father and daughter will forget about me. It's boring to be lonely at home every day, so I submitted an application to change a job and became the financial director of Sihai Building Materials. The work place is in the Sihai International Building in Central."

Originally, her mother worked in the headquarters of Cosmopolitan International Group. With her husband and daughter coming to Hong Kong City for development, she was left to work in Casino City alone.

It's fine for a short time, but it will inevitably feel boring after a long time.

Master Jiang asked, "Isn't that considered a demotion? The deputy director of the head office is more powerful than the director of the subsidiary company. Now the first business is real estate, the second is construction, and the third is Universal Building Materials."

"Could it be that you don't want me to call over?"

The daughter-in-law glared, Jiang Shiye immediately smiled awkwardly: "How is it possible, I just asked."

"This is the demotion I applied for, mainly to continue to find something to do. The salary is only HK$400,000 to 500,000 a year, so I don't need to pay special attention..."

After Jiang Yu's mother finished speaking, she put down her handbag and sat down to eat.

One to two to go.

The topic turned to Su Yehao again.

Jiang Yu listened to his mother's question about the current situation, bit his chopsticks and replied, "Very good, no matter work or other aspects, everything is very good, the only trouble is the thesis, because I am busy with the company, sometimes I don't have time to go to class. ."

Her mother continued to ask: "So Xiaohao invested so much money, so he can easily give you the shares?"

"...Almost, he owns 60% of the shares, and I own 20%."

As for where the remaining 20% ​​of the shares went, of course, it was in the hands of Xiao Nizi. Jiang Yu was a little embarrassed. When he thought that his mother would always live here in the future, he just felt that he could not stay at home for a long time. treat.

Fortunately, Master Jiang suddenly interrupted, and suddenly said:

"Ah, by the way, daughter, how about you call Xiaohao out at night and let's go eat and sing together?"

"The three of us, plus him?" Jiang Yu asked.

"Yeah, my friend opened a new shop in Lan Kwai Fong. The recharge card he gave me has not been used up, and it has 10,000 yuan in it. He wants me to find more mainland customers, but Lan Kwai Fong's consumption is so high. , wouldn't it be sent to the door to be slaughtered, I can't do such a thing of giving birth to a son without Ding Ding."

Eating beef tongue and sipping frozen lemon tea, Master Jiang continued: "I just want to chat with Xiaohao about business. I have a fancy for a hotel and plan to find a way to buy it."


It was about eight o'clock that night.

Without the resentful Nangong Tian, ​​Su Yehao went to Lan Kwai Fong alone to sing with Jiang Yu and her parents.


Jiang Yu took advantage of going out to buy snacks, found an opportunity, and said apologetically:

"I didn't want to ask you to come here, but my parents are here. My dad also said that he wants to talk to you about business matters. You don't have to take care of me. If you think it's not possible, just refuse."

Su Yehao said with a smile: "It's okay, I will go to Pengcheng for inspection tomorrow, the project is more I may spend three or five days there, I was planning to take time to see you before I left. Does your father have any time? I mentioned to you, what business are you going to talk to me about?"

Thinking back for a moment, Jiang Yu told him, "He plans to buy another hotel. There are too many tourists and not enough rooms. It just so happens that it's the peak summer season. The hotel is right around the land you bought. It's called Kai De... What's going on?"

"Could it be the Regal Kai Tak Hotel, the airport hotel now renamed Regal Oriental?"

Su Yehao's voice just fell.

Jiang Yu nodded immediately and said, "Ah yes yes yes yes! It's this hotel. He said he is optimistic about your vision. It is an investment in hotels and real estate."

After listening, he calmly said:

"If it is this hotel, there is no problem. Anyway, the purchase price is not high, and the room fee should not be expensive. The future is still very promising."



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