Fighting Against the Odds: Teaching a Disciple Returns Ten Thousand Times, Dan Emperor Gu He

Chapter 20 The remaining map of the Pure Lotus Demon Fire is obtained

As the stone door moved upward, a faint light emanated from the inside of the stone door, driving away all the darkness nearby.

Looking at the bright stone door, Xiao Yixian smiled slightly, but took two steps back, then raised her snow-white chin to Gu He and chuckled, "Teacher, let's go in."

"Yes." Gu He smiled slightly, then walked into the stone door.

Seeing Gu He stepping in, Xiao Yixian smiled and followed closely.

When the two stepped into the stone door, their vision suddenly became wider.

Inside the stone door was a large stone room, which looked a bit simple and empty. On the wall, there was a moonstone used for lighting, in the center of the stone room.

There was a chair, on which a withered skeleton sat, with a sunken skull falling on the pale thigh bone. This appearance, in this quiet atmosphere, looked a bit eerie.

In front of the chair, there was a rather wide and long bluestone platform, on which three locked stone boxes were neatly placed.

In addition, in the three corners of the stone room, there were actually a lot of golden coins and other precious treasures piled up. The number of such large gold coins was probably no less than hundreds of thousands.

Gu He had no shortage of treasures and money, and the original owner of these treasures also placed them casually like this, and it seemed that he did not value these yellow and white things too much.

He turned his eyes away from the golden gold and stopped at the withered bones.

The remaining picture of the Pure Lotus Demon Fire was on this withered bone?

The Little Medical Immortal stopped at a corner of the cave, with a faint joy on his face.

In the last corner, a small flower bed was piled up with mud. Various flowers and plants were planted in the flower bed, and a strange fragrance lingered around it.

Looking at these flowers and plants, Xiao Yixian's pretty face was full of excitement, and she quickly walked towards the flower bed.

Although others didn't know these things, she knew it well. These seemingly ordinary flowers and plants were much more valuable than those piles of gold coins.

"Purple-blue leaves, white spirit ginseng fruit, snow lotus seeds..."

Her beautiful eyes stared blankly at the small flower bed, and the names of rare and hard-to-find high-grade medicinal materials came out secretly from Xiao Yixian's rosy mouth.

"Ice Spirit Flame Grass!"

As her eyes moved across the small flower bed, Xiao Yixian's pupils suddenly shrank, and finally she stared at a plant with alternating white and red leaves in the center of the flower bed.

The leaves of this plant are white and red. The white branches are covered with objects similar to ice crystals, and on the fiery red crown, it is like a ball of flame burning. Two completely opposite colors and attributes are strangely grown on a plant, which is really magical.

A faint mist lingers around the plant, and it looks like it is in the clouds.

This strange grass leaf is called Bingling Flame Grass, which is generally very difficult to find in the outside world.

Today, Xiao Yixian has accepted the sixth-grade alchemist's perception taught by Gu He, so she can naturally recognize this Bingling Flame Grass at a glance.

Among this flower bed, this spiritual medicine is the most valuable.

"If you like it, dig it all up." Gu He looked at the unconcealable joy on Xiao Yixian's face and smiled.

"Yeah." Xiao Yixian responded excitedly, then hurried to the flower bed, took out tools and started digging herbs.

Seeing Xiao Yixian start digging herbs, Gu He's eyes moved around the stone room again, but this time the search did not yield any results. At the moment, he had to cast his eyes on the three locked stone boxes on the bluestone table.

Slowly walking to the stone table, Gu He touched the metal lock, but it was slightly warm at the touch, and he couldn't help but frowned slightly.

After so many years, it can still maintain its temperature. This is obviously not an ordinary metal, so the method of using brute force to unlock it is not feasible.

"Where is the key?" Gu He muttered, and his moving eyes stayed on the dry bones behind the stone table. His eyes moved down, and his eyes lit up. He saw three black keys hanging on the bones in the palm of the skeleton.

After rubbing his hands, Gu He walked forward, looked at the withered bones, and gently pulled them.

"Crack..." Due to the passage of time, the arm of the withered bones was actually broken by this little force.

Looking at the broken bone arm, Gu He smiled awkwardly, then picked up the bone arm from the ground and wanted to connect it.

Holding the bone arm, Gu He's eyebrows suddenly raised. He realized that the weight of the withered bones in his hand seemed a little wrong...

Gu He glanced at the bone arm in his hand, and through the fracture above, he faintly discovered that there seemed to be a small scroll hidden in the gap of the bones.

Looking at the looming ancient scroll, Gu He was happy. This should be the remaining map of the Pure Lotus Demon Fire.

Gu He carefully examined the scroll in his hand. It was a piece of parchment made of an unknown material. On the slightly yellowed parchment, there were some lines drawn that seemed to have no regular pattern. He pointed a finger at a line and then moved it slowly. In the end, he moved the parchment out without finding anything else.

Then, Gu He slowly spread out the parchment completely and looked at it carefully. When his eyes suddenly fell on a vague thing that looked like a lotus in the corner of the parchment, his face changed slightly. He leaned down again and carefully observed the mysterious lotus-shaped object.

This lotus-shaped thing, perhaps because of the years, looked faintly yellowed and a little blurry, but it was still possible to see its general drawing.

The lotus was black, and on the surface of the lotus, there seemed to be a thin layer of black flames attached. Looking carefully, the whole lotus actually gave people a faint sense of weirdness.

Looking at this weird lotus, Gu He's pupils shrank slightly.

It was indeed the Pure Lotus Demon Fire!

Resisting the excitement in his heart, Gu He directly put the remaining picture of the Pure Lotus Demon Fire into the ring.

After doing all this, Gu He kindly removed the dust from the bone arm, and then returned it to the person earnestly.

Flipping the black key in his hand, Gu He smiled and slowly walked towards the three stone boxes on the stone table.

When he came to the stone table with the key, Gu He touched the warm metal lock again, and then inserted it directly into the empty position of the lock.

With a slight crisp sound, the metal buckle on it was slowly opened.

Gu He opened the treasure chest directly, and then a colorful scroll came into Gu He's eyes.

Gu He picked up the colorful scroll, and then opened it, and immediately a big word appeared in Gu He's eyes.

"Colorful Poison Sutra!"

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