Fighting For Famous Swords on the Summit, All Members of the Fleet Are Great Swordsmen

Chapter 106 Looking for Luo Sen, the Crane Staff on Leave (Subscription)

"Hawkeye, what did you do to Gion?"

The crane turned his head and looked at Mihawk with a very serious face.

Vaguely, a strong murderous aura escaped from the crane's body.

Gion is her righteous younger sister, seeing her in such a weak state, even Tsuru, who has a quiet personality, lost his composure for a while.

"Oh, that's terrifying.

"Reminds me of the days when I was chased by the crane staff."

Doflamingo stepped in the footsteps of the six who did not recognize each other and came to the crowd.

However, his voice just fell.

Crane looked over with murderous eyes.

Doflamingo opened his mouth and smiled, turning his head to look in the direction of Hawkeye.

Crane also understood that now is not the time to ignore Doflamingo, she turned her eyes to look at Hawkeye again, her eyes became more serious.

"I'm just comparing swords with her.

"Also, I'm not a Demon fruit power."

"The state of her body, you should ask her about it.

Hawkeye inserted the black knife back into his back and said coldly.

For Gion's hair is now white, only the face still maintains a youthful appearance, as if suddenly aged many years.

Hawkeye is also quite curious.

"Sister Crane, it's not a problem with Hawkeye. 99

"That's my problem."

Gion fell to the ground with the help of Crane, his face a little complicated.

"Gion, what's the matter with you, why do I feel that your breath is constantly weakening?"5

Sengoku stepped closer, frowning tightly.

With his perception ability in Observation Haki, he could clearly perceive that at that moment, Gion's aura was directly weakened by a lot.

And up to now, the aura on her body continues to dissipate at a terrifying speed.

It gives the impression that it is like those warriors who have had an incurable disease.

"It's the Madara pattern." Gion raised his hand and pressed the crescent moon symbol on his neck. "I accidentally turned on the Madara pattern, that's why it's like this.

"Luo Sen once said, a swordsman who learns his kendo."

"It is possible to unlock the power called 'Madara pattern'."

"But this power will greatly burn the user's vitality. 95

"In general, people with Madara tattoos will not be able to live past the age of 25.

"And a warrior who opens Madara after the age of 25 will not be able to survive a day.

Gion recalled the situation of the battle just now. At that time, she did feel that her body had gained powerful strength for a moment.

It's just that she didn't notice that this is the power obtained after opening the Madara pattern.

"Twenty-five? Gion, you're over twenty-five now!"

"Aren't you going to..."

Crane's heart sank, and his eyes instantly began to turn red.

Aside, Doflamingo wanted to sneer, but saw Crane, Sengoku, and Zephyr standing in front of him.

In the end, he refrained from uttering the words that mocked Gion.

"It turns out that it is the power brought by the rapid burning of vitality"々. ""

"It's no wonder that your strength increases so quickly when you fight with me.

"However, there should be a solution to the so-called Madara pattern.

"Otherwise, this kind of swordsmanship would be too unfortunate."

Hawkeye Mihawk said.

Hearing this, Crane also cast a look of anticipation at Gion.

I want to get a positive answer from Gion's mouth.

"There is indeed a solution."

Gion nodded slightly and continued:

"The power of the 'Madara pattern' is actually not so easy to open if it is well controlled.

"I will automatically turn it on, probably because my strength has reached enough to turn on the Madara pattern."

"I was too excited to add to the fight I just had with Hawkeye. 35

She didn't tell the real way to unlock the power of Madara, after all, there were three Shichibukai in front of her.

After a pause, Gion continued:

"Luo Sen said that people who are born with Madara patterns will not affect their life expectancy because of Madara patterns."

"And if it is a swordsman who opens the Madara pattern under the influence of Luo Sen, the lifespan will not be affected by the opening of the Madara pattern."

"When I was in Alabasta, I saw one of Luo Sen's partners get Madara tattoos.

"Although the little girl named Nami is not 25 years old, Luo Sen is actually 25 years old.

"I don't think he would lie about the Madara tattoo.

Speaking of which, Gion couldn't help but sighed.

Before she and Hina left, Luo Sen had clearly reminded them both to pay attention to their heartbeats when using the breathing technique in Kendo.

Don't let your heart beat fast enough to turn on the Madara pattern.

But just a few days later, she unknowingly opened the Madara pattern because of the battle with Hawkeye.

It even led to the current situation of rapid loss of vitality.

Even Sengoku could feel the constant weakening of her breath, and Gion, who was the client, naturally felt it more clearly.

"Sister He, I think I might need to ask Luo Sen for a favor.

"In my case, I should not die within a day of opening the Madara tattoo. 39

"It may be because of the personal system."

"But it's not an option to keep going like this."

"Although my Madara tattoo was not initiated under the influence of Luo Sen.""

"But I think he should have a solution to this Madara pattern.""

After thinking for a while, Gion raised her head and said to Tsuru.

"Well, that's what I thought too."

"Next, I will personally send you to meet that Luo Sen."

"Sengoku, I need to take some time off.

"In addition, please use the power of the intelligence agencies to help me find the whereabouts of that Luo Sen.

Saying that, Tsuru helped Gion with all his strength and walked towards the coast.

"Don't worry, Crane."

Sengoku nodded heavily.

Gion is Marine's important fighting force.

Gion, who mastered Breath of the Moon, has grown in strength again, and is already an elite among the elite.

He didn't want Gion to die for something like this.

As far as selfishness is concerned, he doesn't want anything to happen to Gion either.

After all, the one who gave the order to Gion to go to Luo Sen to learn his kendo together with Hina was himself.

"Luo Sen's kendo, although powerful, doesn't seem to be that easy to learn.

"Even if you learn it, you have to consider the sequelae of opening the Madara pattern.

"Sengoku, let me go with Tsuru."

"Leave no trouble.

Zephyr waved at Sengoku, intending to follow in the footsteps of Gion and Tsuru.

"Wait, Zephyr." Sengoku put his hand on Zephyr's shoulder. "You have other tasks to do, so leave the task of escorting Tsuru and Gion to someone else."

"The Aokiji guy is on vacation for the first half of the Grand Line recently, so leave it to him.

Hearing this, Zephyr nodded and agreed after thinking for a while.

For the disciple of Aokiji, Zephyr was quite relieved.

""A few of you, can you leave here?"

Sengoku turned his head and looked at Hawkeye, Doflamingo and Tor-kun Bear with slightly gloomy eyes.

"Fufufu, it looks like our Buddha Sengoku is quite angry.""

"I'd better not stay here at this time.

Doflamingo laughed twice and walked towards the coast with figure-eight steps.

Storm-kun bear closed the book and also walked towards the coast.

"Is the innate Madara pattern, which means that Luo Sen can use that powerful power without any scruples?

"Being able to guide Gion's kendo to this level, I don't know what kind of power you have.

Hawkeye turned his head and took a deep look at the traces that Gion had cut at the training ground with the breath of the moon, turned and walked into the distance.

At this time, Luo Sen couldn't think of anything.

Gion, who had just been separated from herself for a few days, was about to embark on the journey of finding herself again because of Madara patterns.

the other side.

Gaya Island, Magic Valley Town.

"This town is a town full of criminals. 35

"Although most of these criminals are relatively weak people.

"But you still cheer up, don't trust others at will, especially don't accept other people's apples at will. 35

"Beware of poison.

Luo Sen was walking on the way to the biggest wine bar in Mogu Town (De Zhao), and he said to his partner as he walked.

He still remembered that in the original book, the ship doctor of the Blackbeard Pirates, Poison Q, once gave poison apples to people in Magic Valley Town.

Anyone who ate the poisoned apple exploded on the spot.

Although there may not be any Blackbeard Pirates in Mogu Town right now, Luo Sen felt that as the captain, he still had to remind the crew.

"Really, Captain Luo Sen, you are exaggerating too much."

"It's not a fairy tale, how can there be so many poisonous apples."

"Besides, even if it is poisoned, can't it be enough to let Nuoqigao help us detoxify?

"You're right, Nokigao.

Nami hugged Noki's high shoulders and said with a smile.

"However, if he was really poisoned, he would probably die on the spot."

"In other words, even if Nuoqigao has superb healing power, there is no way to help us.

On the side, Nico Robin, who was wearing a windbreaker covering his face, spoke in a calm tone enough to make Nami and Vivi tremble.

"Really, you are still like this woman."

Vivi complained and stepped up to Luo Sen.

"Hey, Captain Luo Sen, is the Captain of the Bellamy Pirates you mentioned really in this town?"


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