"Gion, what are you talking about?"

Tsuru frowned, looking at Gion who was facing Luo Sen with a big smile.

Sister Crane, I am serious.

"Like what Captain Luo Sen said, I don't know how long I need to stay in my situation."

"As Marine's chief advisor, you can't stay here forever.

"Equally impossible for Kuzan Admiral."

' Nico Robin's situation, can't let other people know. ""

"So, it's best for me to stay here by myself.

"Your Excellency Luo Sen is a good person, he won't do anything to me."

"Maybe... at most, let me put on some weird clothes for her to paint? 35

Gion laughed.

Although they haven't been together for a long time, Gion and Luo Sen have a good understanding.

Luo Sen rubbed his face, feeling a little helpless about being sent a card by Gion.

Crane narrowed his eyes, looked at Gion, and then looked at Luo Sen.

"I...let me stay here for two days now. 99

"I'm leaving when the time is right."

After thinking for a while, the crane gave his answer.

Upon seeing this, Gion did not persuade him either.

If it's only two days, it won't delay Marine's affairs too much.

Gion also understands that Tsuru wants to see for himself whether Luo Sen can be trusted.

A few hours later, the Adventurer set sail again.

and Marine warships heading in two directions, respectively. 050

On the deck of the Adventure, Staff Crane and Aokiji Admiral stood side by side, watching the Marine warship go away quietly.

It was not until the Marine warship disappeared into the depths of the sea that the two turned around.

"Kuzan, you don't have to stay here with me.

"The girls next to Luo Sen seem to dislike you quite a bit.

"If you stay here like this, you will only be looked down upon."

Crane glanced at Nami, who was leaning against the door of the cabin, his eyes fixed on the two of them.

From those cold eyes, you can see Nami's dissatisfaction with Aokiji.

Kuzan patted his forehead in distress.

He can understand Nami's displeasure with himself.

After all, he had fought Nami's sister not too long ago.

Although the battle did not cause any damage to Nuoqigao, the two of them inevitably used some powerful tricks under that level of battle.

"I'll just stay here and watch for a while, Crane Vice Admiral."5

"I want to observe Luo Sen with my eyes.

"Also, Marshal Sengoku asked me to assist you."

"You haven't left, how can I choose to leave."

As Nico Robin's "caretaker", now she seems to have found her own partner, of course Aokiji wants to see Luo Sen-(chcd) pedestrians clearly.


Seeing that Aokiji was so determined, Crane could only nod his head, agreeing with Aokiji to stay.

"By the way, Kuzan, you said earlier that Nico Robin now wears the famous sword 'Kimpira' that he got from Gion.


"It even turned that kimpira into a sakura-like blade.

"I didn't have time to ask about this before, can you tell me the specific situation at that time and your analysis?

Crane asked.

"Actually, I have a rough guess about this matter.

Aokiji looked at Nami who was looking at himself at the entrance of the cabin, and then said:

"About Luo Sen's partners, and the knives in their hands..."

"As Gion once analyzed, Luo Sen's knife ate some kind of Devil Fruit.

"Like Luo Sen's knife, his other companions ate some kind of Devil Fruit.

"Gion once mentioned that Luo Sen's sword may have eaten the Devil Fruit of the phantom species.""

"But I don't think so.

"In Magic Valley Town, some people said that Nami used to guide Tianlei with a knife in his hand.

"On the long ring of Long Island, the knife in Nico Robin's hand turned into a Sakura flower blade. Although this seems to be somewhat similar to Nico Robin Flower-Flower Fruit, it is definitely not the ability of Flower-Flower Fruit."5

"Her ability, but not so sharp cutting power. 39

"It is also Longhuan Long Island. The knife in Master Nuoqi's hand shows the power like the awakening of Devil Fruit, which can help the surrounding environment and even convert my ice into blood. 35

"I even feel that once I am beheaded by it, my body will be assimilated into blood."

"And that Princess Vivi, who once showed the power to channel ice with a knife in Alabasta."

"This power may not be the kendo used by Luo Sen, but the special power of the knife in her hand.

"These knives, including Luo Sen's knives, have shown special power.

"But with so many knives, it's impossible that they're all Devil Fruits of the phantom beast species.

"I think Luo Sen must have used some method to incorporate some Paramecia Devil Fruit into those swords.

"After all, the knives of Nami and others, including Luo Sen, show the ability of Paramecia Devil Fruit."

"Of course, the Logia Devil Fruit is not ruled out."

"But this possibility should be very small. If it is Logia, they should eat it themselves and should not let the saber in their hands eat it."

Hearing Aokiji's serious analysis, Tsuru couldn't help but ponder.

"There should be no possibility of eating the Devil Fruit of Paramecia and Logia with a knife."

"But Luo Sen's ability... In the room of Wu Jian, there are stories of Luo Sen's partners fighting other swordsmen."

"Luo Sen's ability may not only be the ability to help people become stronger, but the ability to become stronger in one direction.""

"This direction may be related to the sword.

"Kuzan, maybe it's really what you said."

"Luo Sen is collecting famous knives on purpose. Perhaps with these famous knives, Luo Sen can use his own abilities to incorporate Paramecia and other fruits into these famous knives.

As the crane spoke, his eyes could not help but glisten.

Obviously interested in Luo Sen's abilities.

"I think so too, Crane Vice Admiral."

"The reason why Luo Sen was able to train his friends into sword-wielding experts so quickly."

"Maybe it's because his ability is related to the sword."

"As for those gym equipment, it should only be a superficial part of Luo Sen's abilities.

"The real highlight is still in Luo Sen's sword room, and of course, the ability to make famous swords eat the Paramecia fruit. 99

Aokiji said.

"If this is the case, Luo Sen's ability is indeed quite unique and powerful."

"If such a character could be used by Marine..."

Crane held his cheek with one hand, and recalled the description of Nami in Magic Valley Town and the description of Noqigao by Aokiji in his mind.

The two who set out from Cocosia Village were originally just people who had the ability to defeat the Evil Dragon Pirates.

Now he is able to fight against the Golden Lion and Marine Admiral Aokiji, the pirates with the highest combat power in the ocean. Such a phased increase in strength is completely beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

"If Luo Sen can become Marine, it will definitely greatly strengthen Marine's strength.

“Staff Crane, I don’t think we can really reveal Nico Robin’s identity, so that Luo Sen is on the opposite side of Marine. 99

"Nami and Nuoqi are so noble and so, Vivi's strength is fascinating, and that Luo Sen, absolutely superior to Nami and Nuoqi. 35

"If this team becomes a bounty in the future, it means...'

Speaking of which, Aokiji was not talking.

Crane raised his head and took a deep look at Nami, who was leaning against the hatch of the ship, and Nokigao, who walked towards him and Aokiji with a stack of dishes.

"It means that this sea will usher in a new emperor!

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