Perona glanced at Kalifa, who was chasing Hawkins away, and then looked at the direction where Kalifa was pointing before leaving.

‘Exactly, take these people to try the power of Zanpakutō’s ‘God’. ’

After thinking for a while, she left Kira, who didn't know her life or death, and rushed to the location of the supernova Capone Bege and others.

Soon, she saw Capone Bege and others who were about to leave.

"Is this woman... chasing after you?"

Capone Bege raised his head and looked at Perona grimly.

"The ghost next to her is very difficult to deal with, we need to be careful.

Urouge grinned, the huge stone pillar in his hand smashed towards Perona with a strong wind.

Since you can't touch those ghosts, a long-range attack is fine.

X·Drake, one of the supernovas, saw Urouge attack directly, with a slight frown, he chose to rush towards Pe-27 Rona.

Under the attack of the two, they believe that even Perona will lose balance and fall into a contrarian trend.

However, although the idea is good, Perona does not only use the ability of the ghost fruit.

'You have to use swordsmanship, otherwise, if you get caught by that man Luo Sen who can only use Devil Fruit, you'll have to train me more.

Perona's mind sank, and Armament Haki quickly rushed to the black knife in his hand.

Under a deep breath, a scorching flame quickly wrapped around the blade of the black knife.

"Breath of Fire·Shape of Fire·The Wind of Sheng Yan!"

Perona spins and wields the black knife with herself as the center.

With the support of the kendo realm of Zhankongjing, the flying slash of the vortex flame flew out from the body of the Perona black blade.

Not only Drake and Urouge were involved.

Even Capone Bege and Jewelry Bonney, the only female supernova pirate who is hesitant to fight, get involved.

"This woman is still a powerful swordsman?!

Urouge's eyes widened, and he tried to control the weapon in his hand to smash toward the flames.

Drake was silent.

As an undercover agent arranged by Marine.

He naturally knew that everyone on Luo Sen's ship would use swordsmanship, and even those who didn't know how to use swords would not be able to use swords not long after they joined the Explorer.

Even so, Drake, who knew his current identity, chose to face the scorching slash with Urouge.


With a distant explosion, the swirling flame slash was finally smashed by Urouge and Drake.

"What, I'm pretty good.

Perona raised her eyebrows and looked at the few supernovas across from her in surprise.

Originally, did she not dare to face so many supernovae?

But because Kalifa explained that she was going to capture these pirates, adding the "scourge" has already brought Shikai's confidence.

Perona still chose to shoot.

The result of the shot was quite a surprise to Perona.

"Hehe, the swordsmanship taught by Luo Sen is still somewhat useful. 35

"I don't know if I will be able to defeat these people without relying on 'God's Retribution' if I turn on the Madara pattern.

Perona looked at the ghost beside her as if she was asking.

Seeing the ghosts around him, he held the black knife on his shoulders with a leisurely face, and looked at them with a mocking expression, Perona.

The faces of Urouge, Capone Bege and others turned black instantly.

"Hahaha, it seems that we are really underestimated."

"In that case, let me see what kind of power you have, little girl.

Urouge took off hundreds of millions, exposing his muscles like a rock.

The next moment, his entire body instantly swelled a bit, and waving the stone pillar was about to hit Perona again.

Perona glanced at Urouge, a determination flashed in her heart.

"Roar, God damn it!"

I saw Perona raised the knife and pointed at Urouge, and the next moment, an arm like me with a huge long knife suddenly appeared beside Perona.

Perona swung the long sword upwards, and the huge arm also held the long sword upwards.

Urouge's eyes widened, and he hurriedly changed the direction of the stone pillar and waved it to face the attacking broadsword.


With a loud noise, Urouge was blasted out with the person and the stone pillar.

"Then...what is that?

"Is it also her Devil Fruit ability?

Capone Bege opened his mouth wide and stared blankly at the huge arm beside Perona, not even knowing that the cigar in his mouth had fallen.

‘Is this also a knife modified by Luo Sen?’

Drake frowned, thinking of the information about Luo Sen he had received from Marine.

"Hey, big man, are you alright?

Jewelry Bonney threw away the big bones in his hand and looked back at Urouge, which fell on the ground.

In the face of Perona, who has repeatedly burst out with powerful energy, Jewelry Bonney does not intend to stand by.

"Cough, do you think I'm fine?

Urouge got up and finally spat out a large mouthful of 537 blood.

"The knife on the current arm is too powerful.

"If you fight hard, you may die!

Urouge said seriously.

At this time, his body has grown bigger because of absorbing the slashing power of the scourge.

However, he found that he could not completely absorb the power brought by the scourge.

When everyone heard Urouge's words, their faces instantly collapsed.

The ghost fruit is already hard enough to deal with, now add the strange arm and the strange broadsword.

Capone Bege and others all sank in their hearts.

On the other hand, Luo, after confirming that Luo Sen's partner would not attack him, stood in the tall building watching Perona's battle with great interest.

Jewelry Bonney, who caught a glimpse of Luo's behavior from the corner of his eye, immediately wanted to yell at him in disgust.

Just then, Perona moved.

I saw a number of negative ghosts suddenly flying around her, surrounded by Kakuzu towards Capone Bege and others.

And the huge arm around her has also lifted the huge long knife with her movement of raising the black knife.

"Everyone be careful!"

As soon as Urouge's voice fell, the long sword of the scourge was already pressed down.


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