Fighting For Famous Swords on the Summit, All Members of the Fleet Are Great Swordsmen

Chapter 238 Rosen, Do You Want To Kill Virgo Vice Admiral (Thanks To 13590.. Boss For Your Monthly V

Although it is unclear what the purpose of Ghost Spider and others is.

But since someone comes looking for trouble, Rosen naturally doesn't mind using tactics.

And the effect of Conqueror's Haki is also very good.

Although Rosen was just standing there, Conqueror's Haki was just surrounding him.

But Rosen could clearly feel the seriousness on the expressions of Ghost Spider and Vergo.

The Marines behind them who were originally shouting also fell silent for an instant.

"Rosen, what are you doing?"

"Put away your Conqueror's Haki?"

Hina frowned, and the hand on Rosen's waist directly twisted the area around Rosen's waist.

"Ha, Hina Commodore."

"I'm dealing with them stopping my partner right now."

"Everything is fine normally, but at this time..."

"Please don't disturb me!"

Rosen smiled and looked at Hina beside him.

The domineering look in her eyes made Hina unconsciously let go of her hand on Rosen's waist.

"I know...I know."

"There must be some misunderstanding. Just don't be impulsive."

"Think of Gion Vice Admiral, think of us... friends."

Hina pursed her lips. She was shocked by Rosen's dominance, and her tone couldn't help but slow down. She even subconsciously mentioned two friends.

At the same time, he also moved out of Gion to let Rosen calm down.

Although she was not very polite to Rosen, she was really worried that something might happen that would affect the relationship between Rosen and Marine.

'Friend? Hina already considers Rosen a friend?'

Hina glanced at Rosen, feeling a little dumbfounded, obviously surprised by the two friends she subconsciously mentioned.

"Don't worry, if there is any misunderstanding, I will naturally not do anything bad.

"After all, I don't want to lose my friend Hina Commodore."

Rosen glanced at Hina unexpectedly, immediately laughed and put away Conqueror's Haki.

Now that the shock effect has been achieved.

He is also unwilling to continue using Conqueror's Haki despite his innate Madara pattern.

"Say it, you two."

"What are you trying to do by stopping me?"

"I'm very pressed for time."

"If you two don't have anything important to do, how about we go over there?"

"Don't delay us from appreciating the scenery of The Fish Men Island and going to talk to the king of this country."

Rosen put his left hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist. Although Haki had already withdrawn it, the fierce aura of a great swordsman has not weakened.

"Captain Rosen, those two Marines want to take off their masks."

Nokigao walked up to Rosen and pointed at Robin and Kalifa.

"Oh, is that so?"

"Can you give me a reason, you two?"

Rosen raised his eyebrows, his heart skipping a beat.

At this moment, he even thought that Robin and Kalifa's identities had been exposed.

Aokiji and He revealed Robin's identity.

As for Gion, Rosen doesn't think she'll break her promise.

"We suspect that the two people behind you are Marine's bounty prisoners, so we asked them to take off their masks.

"Of course, if we guessed wrong, we will apologize."

Virgo said.

"Doubtful? Why do you doubt it? Is it just because they are wearing masks?"

"Virgo Vice Admiral, right? I hope you can give me a more specific reason."

"Is it unilateral suspicion between the two of you, or is it the Naval Headquarters who have suspicion about my partner."

"Depending on the situation, I will regard it as a provocation from you two against us."

Rosen snorted and said.

"If they are not bounty criminals, why are they wearing masks and hats? Rosen, you can help even Hancock. "We have reason to believe that you will also help other pirates and other bounty criminals."

"Ha, that's funny! Is there a problem just by wearing a mask? As far as I know, there are many people among you Marines who like to wear masks. Are they also criminals?"

"This is different! Marine is the embodiment of justice, but you... are a free man after all, and you helped the pirate Hancock."

"Hancock is a Shichibukai, Vergo Vice Admiral, do you mean that you don't trust the Shichibukai hired by Marine yourself? And, as a Marine, is it really the embodiment of justice, Vergo Vice Admiral?"

The corners of Rosen's mouth raised, and his eyes scanned Virgo up and down in front of him.

Virgo frowned slightly. He didn't know why, but he felt as if Rosen had seen through him at this moment.

I don't have any secrets in front of him.

He shook his head, shook the strange thoughts out of his mind, and said:

"Just look at the face behind the mask, why is Mr. Rosen so excited?"

"Is there really something wrong with them?"

After saying that, Virgo looked at the ghost spider on the side.

Obviously he wanted to drag the Ghost Spider into the water.

Ghost Spider snorted coldly and stood next to Vergo, as if he agreed with Vergo's idea.

Seeing this scene, Rosen was sure.

This time it was the Ghost Spider encouraged by Vergo who came to cause trouble.

As for the reason, it was probably because Doflamingo was beaten by Hancock, whom he had taught.

As for the identity of Robin and Kalifa, Aokiji and He most likely have not revealed it to the outside world.

Vergo simply wanted to cause trouble and sow discord between himself and Marine.

As for Ghost Spider, he really thinks that Robin and Kalifa may be wanted criminals.

Of course, the two of them are indeed wanted criminals wanted by Marine and the World Government.

"Get out of here and talk to us like you're interrogating a prisoner."

"Your Admiral, Senior Advisor, etc. are all polite and courteous when talking to me."

"You two are quite arrogant."

"The reason for wearing a mask? I'll give you one. My two friends' faces were injured and they don't want others to see the scars on their faces."

"If you are not convinced by this reason, there is nothing I can do."

"Get out of the way! If you block the road, don't blame me for self-defense."

Rosen waved to his friends behind him, and then took Hina to walk past Vergo and Ghost Spider towards the fish men island square.

"Stop it!"

Ghost Spider gave a sharp shout and was about to stop Rosen in front of him again.

However, he did not draw his sword.

Although he has objections to Rosen, Ghost Spider is not an idiot. He understands that he cannot push Rosen too hard.

Especially now that Rosen is useful to Marine.

However, just because he doesn't take action doesn't mean that others won't.

Virgo's eyes narrowed, he took out the bamboo weapon from his back and waved it towards Rosen.

‘Is this guy working so hard to mess up the relationship between Marine and me? "

‘Aren’t you worried that I will really kill him?

Rosen sighed inwardly.

Now, he really can't kill Vergo.

It would be nice if there was evidence to prove that Virgo was a spy, but without evidence.

Killing Vergo will only bring trouble to himself and his group.

Rosen thinks that this is what Viljian took a fancy to.

'However, I can't kill you, but that doesn't mean I can't teach you a lesson. ’

A cold light flashed in Rosen's eyes. After thinking so much, the outside world had only passed for a moment.

Just when he wanted to attack Vergo.

Two beautiful figures quickly passed behind Rosen, waving their weapons to block Vergo's attack.

It was Nico Robin and Kalifa.


Vergo's powerful attack struck the knives above Robin and Kalifa's heads, and a muffled sound was heard immediately.

The ground beneath Robin and Kalifa's feet also sank instantly.


Ghost Spider frowned and looked at Vergo. He couldn't understand why this character of Marine was more radical than himself this time.

"Stop it, Vergo Vice Admiral!"

"Rosen, no!"

Hina's beautiful eyes widened, and she immediately wanted to stop Vergo and others.

But as soon as she made a move, Rosen grabbed her.

Even Sadi-chan and Tashigi were caught on the shoulders by Nami and Nokigao respectively at this moment.

"Sorry, Hina."

"He did it first."

"I think even as a Marine, I can defend myself."

Rosen put his right hand around Hina's waist, and the strong force prevented her from taking a step forward.

Robin and Kalifa, after receiving Rosen's nod, broke out almost at the same moment.

"Breath of the beast·Fangs of Wu·Tearing wildly!"

"Flower Breath·Wu Shape·Fruitless Peony!"

Kalifa and Nico Robin each groaned, and the long knives in their hands danced with light blue brilliance and pink slashes and slashed at Vergo.


The fierce wind carried by the sword made Vergo's heart freeze, and he quickly used Armament Haki to wrap his whole body.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Kalifa and Nico Robin's slashes continued to fall on Vergo's body, causing a crisp sound of blows.

The stronger Nico Robin's slash even penetrated Vergo's Armament Haki's defense, forming bloodstains on his body.

Seeing that something was not going well, the Ghost Spider quickly drew his weapon and wanted support.

And this is what Weir wants to see.

He took the lead in launching the attack, just to get the Ghost Spider to join him.

As for Rosen actually killing him, Vergo didn't believe it.

However, as long as Rosen takes action, there will be many things that cannot be justified on Marine's side.

In this way, Virgo's goal was achieved.

"Stop it, you two!"

The Ghost Spider roared angrily, used his life return to control his hair, controlled several long swords, and tried to rush away Nico Robin, who could cause damage to Vergo.

In fact, several of the swords he controlled directly attacked Robin's cap and mask.

Obviously he wants to use violence to reveal Robin's true identity.

However, before she could rush to Robin.

A figure wielding a beautiful long sword blocked his path.

"Princess of Alabasta, please get out of the way!"

The ghost spider groaned and swung the knife towards Vivi, trying to drive Vivi away.

However, Vivi did not get out of the way. Instead, a huge chill erupted from her body at that moment.

'Absolute zero!'

A cold luster flashed in Vivi's eyes, and her body temperature instantly dropped to '-273.15℃'.

Cold light flashes!

Vivi swung several knives in succession within a second, attacking the long knives slashed by the ghost spider.

Then, Vivi suddenly unlocked the ability of Absolute Zero, allowing her body to

The temperature begins to rise rapidly.

The ghost spider hit by Vivi did not fare so well.

Because its long sword did not cover Armament Haki, the extremely cold temperature of Sode no Shirayuki in Vivi's hand instantly covered the long sword that was hit by Ghost Spider.

The blade instantly turned into ice.

Not only that, the ice was still spreading towards the ghost spider, but in just a moment, half of the ghost spider's waist-length hair was covered by the ice.

‘Damn it, what is this!

The ghost spider was shocked. At that moment, his life returned and he could no longer control the hair covered by ice.

He could even feel a threat approaching his remaining hair.

In desperation, he could only control his hair to break.

Soon, Ghost Spider's originally long hair was reduced to shoulder-length short hair.

The severed hair fell to the ground with the long knife that was frozen into ice, and shattered into pieces.

‘This...even the knife is frozen like this!

'Isn't this ability to control ice stronger than Aokiji Admiral?'

The ghost spider's eyes widened and he looked in disbelief at Vivi, who was directly opposite him and seemed to have just become the ice itself.

What he doesn't know is that the current Vivi can only use 'absolute zero' for one second.

In other words, she used Sode no Shirayuki to lower her question to -273.15°C for just a moment.

After this period of time, this ability will cause Vivi itself to be harmed.

"Thank you, Vivi, you did a good job."

"The time control is just right."

Rosen smiled at Vivi and said.

I am quite satisfied with the effect of Vivi using Absolute Zero's ability for the first time in actual combat.

"Hehe, this is all thanks to Captain Rosen's explanation in the bathhouse."

"Otherwise, I might not be able to make good use of this ability."

Vivi had a playful smile on her face.

Sode no Shirayuki's Wanjie gave her a deeper understanding of Sode no Shirayuki's abilities.

I was also finally able to use Absolute Zero in Sode no Shirayuki Shikai's state.

But she understood that without Rosen, she would have used absolute zero herself.

You may end up in the same bad situation as when you first used Wanjie.

"Rosen, tell your partner to stop."

"Do you want to kill Vergo?"

At this time, Wei Spider suddenly yelled at Rosen from a distance.


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