Fighting For Famous Swords on the Summit, All Members of the Fleet Are Great Swordsmen

Chapter 23 Hina set sail; Arlong on alert (seeking evaluation ticket)

Logue town, Marine Base.

Inside Smoker's office.



Smoker slammed the desk hard.

Tashigi and Hina, who had just opened the office door and walked into the room, looked over with some doubts.

"What happened, Smoker?"

Seeing that her friend was worried, Hina came over with great interest.

"It's you, Hina, why do you have time to come to Logue town?"

Smoker raised his head and glanced at Hina somewhat unexpectedly.

"I just happened to be on a mission nearby, so I plan to come here to see my old friends."

Hina sat down at Smoker's desk and asked:

"Let's talk about what happened just now, did anyone else offend you?"

Smoker took a puff of his cigar and said:

"Actually, just now, a Marine soldier reported that his boss, Colonel Mouse, had colluded with the Evil Dragon Pirates in the waters under his jurisdiction."

"It caused more than 20 villages to be cruelly ruled by pirates for many years."

Hearing this, Hina raised her eyebrows.

"Huh, there is such a thing, but why report it to you?"

"Smoker, your current position is on the same rank as Colonel Mouse."

"If I were that Marine, shouldn't I report it to the higher-ups?"

"Smoker, what do you think about this?"

On the side, Tashigi also came closer.

Obviously, she is also quite curious about this matter.

"When the Marine soldier spoke, there was a distinct trembling in his tone."

"If I guess correctly, he may have been threatened."

"I have previously called the Marine Base under Colonel Mouse's jurisdiction to confirm that he has gone to sea and the number of the Marine soldiers who spoke to me earlier."

"That Marine soldier is real."

Smoker said in a low voice.

"So, are you going to investigate, Smoker?"

Hina looked directly at Smoker, with what she knew about Smoker.

Knowing that once he knew about such a thing, he would never stay out of it.

"I do want to investigate, but I'm in charge of Logue town right now."

"You can't leave at will."

"Just in time for you to come, Hina, why don't you help me guard Logue town for a few days?"

Smoker looked up and said.

"Forget it, it's not against the rules."

"Instead of doing this, I might as well go to Colonel Mouse to have a look."

"At the speed of a warship, it will take about two days to arrive."

Hina said.

"If that's the case, then I'll trouble you."

Smoker laughed, as if to prevent Hina from going back.

He looked at Tashigi on the side and said:

"Tashigi, you go with Hina."

"The situation on Colonel Mouse's side, you have to report to me as soon as possible."

"The location is in Cocosia Village."

Looking at Smoker's appearance, Hina shook her head:

"What a troublesome man."


"Thanks." Luo Sen patted the back of the Marine who was talking to Smoker just now, with a smile on his face.

"The report is good, maybe Marine won't punish you too much."

"I think you should thank me."

Marine soldiers forced a smile at Luo Sen.

I can't thank you enough!

Of course, he didn't dare to show any dissatisfaction with Luo Sen.

Luo Sen alone took care of all the marines and pirates present.

If Luo Sen really got angry, he felt that he would be killed on the spot.

"Okay, drag your colleagues aside."

"I'll be watching here."

"You don't even want to leave the Evil Dragon Park until Marine from Logue town arrives."

Luo Sen gave Marine soldiers a command, and then looked up at the gate of the Evil Dragon Park.

"Aren't you coming out yet, Ah Jian, how long are you going to stay there?"

As soon as the voice fell, Ah Jian's head popped out from the gate of Evil Dragon Park.

He first glanced at the tragic state of the pirates in Evil Dragon Park in shock, and then quickly ran to Luo Sen's side.

" actually knocked them all down?!"

Ah Jian thought Luo Sen was joking, and also worried that Luo Sen would anger the members of the Dragon Pirates and spread to Cocosia Village.

So after a little hesitation, he came to Evil Dragon Park alone.

But he didn't expect that when he arrived, the members of the Dragon Pirates, including those with Marine, had already fallen to the ground.

Thinking that Marine was actually cooperating with the Dragon Pirates, Ah Jian couldn't help but glance at Colonel Mouse who was being dragged by Marine soldiers not far away.

"Your name is Ah Jian, right?"

"As for my defeat of the Evil Dragon Pirates, please help me keep it a secret."

"I told Nami and Noqigao before that I want them to defeat the Dragon Pirates."

"I don't want them to know the matter has been resolved."

"In this case, it will not serve the purpose of training them."

"Speaking of which, if it wasn't for the cadre of the Evil Dragon Pirates who committed the murder in Cocosia Village before."

"I didn't intend to shoot directly."

Luo Sen said.

Hearing this, Ah Jian was slightly taken aback.

Only then did I remember that when I met Luo Sen in Hokosia Village, Luo Sen mentioned that he was helping Nami and Nuoqigao to practice.

"I see!"

"No matter what, you are the benefactor of Cocosia Village."

"I won't tell anyone what's going on here."

Ah Jian nodded heavily.

Luo Sen patted A Jian's shoulder and turned to look at Arlong.

"Don't pretend to be asleep, Arlong."

"I know you're awake."

Although now Arlong is still lying on the ground with his eyes closed.

But Luo Sen's Observation Haki could clearly perceive his breath.

Sure enough, Luo Sen's voice fell.

Arlong opened his eyes and stood up from the ground on his hands.

He first looked at the fallen members of the Dragon Pirates around him, and then looked at Luo Sen with great fear.

"Human, what do you want to do with us?!"


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