Sadi chan is a smart woman.

Since Rosen said it, she naturally understood what Rosen meant.

"Although I don't want to leave your side Rosen."

"But since you need me to go back, I will go back.

"It's just that...before I go back, I want to ask you for something."

Sadi chan put her hands on Rosen's shoulders and her tone was extremely serious.

"Sadi chan, tell me what you want to ask for."

"If it's something I can come up with, I can give it to you."

"But let me remind you first, I don't have any excellent weapons at hand right now, so I can't give you a weapon like Hyōrinmaru.

Although it was just a temporary idea to let Sadi chan go to Impel Down to help him obtain information.

But in order to make this plan take shape, Rosen was naturally willing to pay a price.

"It's a pity that I don't have 18 weapons like the 'Primordial Fire' or the 'Wigangan Rod' in my hand."

‘If you have one, you can give it to Sadi chan. "

If Blackbeard really went to Impel down to make a scene. ’

‘With excellent weapons, maybe Sadi-chan can get into a higher position in Impel Down.

Rosen thought as he looked at Sadi chan in front of him.

"Don't worry, Rosen, you will definitely be able to get what I want."

The corners of Sadi chan's mouth rose, with a mysterious smile on her face.

Just when Rosen was confused, Sadi-chan's hands suddenly exerted force and pulled Rosen's head directly into her arms.

"Strange, why does it smell strange?"

"Shyarly, do you smell something?"

After recovering, Violet re-entered the Sword Enlightenment Room with a strange look on her face.

"Haha, look at the two people in front. Isn't this still clear?"

Shyarly took a puff of welding smoke and said with a smile.

Violet followed Shyarly's gaze and happened to see Sadi chan and Rosen who were also looking at them.

Soon, Violet had a hint of realization in her heart, and her face also had a slight blush.

"Sadi chan, you go and do your work first."

"Your practice has been completed."

"Before I leave this practice space, I still have something I want to talk to Violet and Shyarly.

Rosen said.

Sadi chan chuckled and nodded, blew a kiss to Rosen and then left the Sword Enlightenment Room with a little jump.

"It seems like Sadi chan got what she wanted."

"It's great to be young."

Shyarly sighed as she walked towards Rosen.

No wonder, after three years in the training space, Sadi chan is only 24.

But for Shyarly, her age has reached 31.

In the same situation as Shyarly, Violet is also in her 30s.

However, neither Shyarly nor Violet has aged because of age.

Even because of practicing breathing techniques, the two of them felt more capable.

"Yes, Sadi-chan is able to find someone worthy of trust at a young age. It's really enviable."

Violet sighed.

"Violet, you are already thirty, why not pay attention to the man in front of you, after all, he is quite good."

"Sister Shyarly, you are one year older than me. In terms of anxiety, you should be more anxious than me.

"I am a mermaid, and my lifespan is longer than that of ordinary humans. Calculated, Violet, you should be more anxious than me.

Hearing this, Violet couldn't help but twitch her lips.

Indeed, when it comes to the lifespans of humans and mermaids, being a human does not have an advantage.

"Okay two, you don't have to argue anymore."

"Although you are pregnant, you two are still beautiful. Ripe apples are more flavorful."

"On my side, I accidentally turned 29, and next year I will be 37,670.

"You really can't use the training warehouse too many times at this time, otherwise I might become bigger than you if I'm not careful."

Rosen shrugged and said.

Shyarly and Violet looked at each other. Although they didn't speak, they both understood that Rosen's words were right.

They only used the time training chamber once, but Rosen may use the time training chamber for other partners in the future.

In this way, Rosen is bigger than them.

What moved the two even more was that they were still able to practice in the time training warehouse.

But although Rosen has been here for three years, his strength has not increased.

He was just here to accompany them in training.

"Thank you very much, Captain Rosen. How about my sister give you some reward?"

Shyarly took Rosen's hand with a smile and said with a smile:

"I don't know if I will suddenly no longer be your sister in the future."

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