"Unbeknownst to Hina, Hina is also looking for Rosen and his partners.

"By the way Tashigi, have you seen Sadi-chan?"

Hina asked confused.

"I didn't see Sadi chan, but I heard from the guards at Dressrosa that they saw Sadi chan heading towards the coast before."

"Perhaps, Sadi chan went to Rosen's ship."

Tashigi said.

Hearing this, Hina frowned slightly.

"Could it be that Rosen's other partners also went on the expedition?"

"But why can Sadi chan come with us? Isn't she with us?"

Hina frowned.

Even so, she already had some conjectures in her mind.

After all, Sadi chan's performance was too obvious.

"Rosen, seems to take special care of Sadi chan."

"As expected, Rosen likes mature and sexy women."

Tashigi looked at his slightly flat chest and murmured.

"Hmph, if you want to be mature, Hina won't lose.

"There must be other reasons for this."

"Tashigi, Hina wants to go see the port."

"Are you coming with Hina?"

Hina asked.

"Well, of course"

Tashigi nodded heavily.

As the first Marine to know Rosen, he was also the first to like Rosen.

Now that he is gradually being overtaken by Sadi chan, Tashigi feels a feeling of unwillingness to admit defeat in his heart for no reason.

Wrapped in this emotion, Tashigi naturally followed Hina and walked towards the Dressrosa port.

What the two didn't know was that not long after they walked away.

The door where they were talking was slowly pushed open, and Bellobetti's figure appeared at the door.

'Interesting, it seems that Rosen takes good care of a Marine. ’

‘In other words, even if she is not her partner, she may still give special care?

'Or is it possible that the Marine named Sadi chan will become Rosen's partner in the future and break away from the Marine organization?'

Thinking of this, Bellobetti couldn't help but have some more ideas in her mind.

‘Perhaps, even as a revolutionary soldier, I can get more care from Rosen. "

"Um, Miss Bellobetti, what are you thinking about~"?"

At this time, a crisp voice sounded from behind Bellobetti.

She turned around and saw that it was Rebecca who had taken over Violet's job to entertain her.

"It's nothing, Miss Rebecca, I just thought of something interesting."

"Really?" Rebecca tilted her head cutely, "By the way, Miss Bellobetti, does Mr. Rosen really want to teach you swordsmanship?"

"I'm not sure whether I will learn swordsmanship, but Mr. Rosen did promise to help me improve my strength."

"That's great. It would be great if Mr. Rosen could also help me increase my strength."

"Miss Rebecca is the daughter of Mr. Cyrus. As far as I know, Mr. Cyrus is already Rosen's partner. Doesn't this still allow Rosen to teach you?"

"Teaching is teaching, but actually I want to board Mr. Rosen's ship and sail with him. If possible, I also want to get the same teaching methods and weapons as Aunt Violet."

"Indeed, Miss Violet has special care from Mr. Rosen."

Bellobetti has also heard some reasons why Violet can join Rosen.

In addition to Violet's fruit ability being helpful to Rosen, there is also the fact that she is Rosen's favorite type, allowing Rosen to draw many dance-related works.

"."Miss Bellobetti, can you.........help me?"

"Miss Rebecca, if you need any help from me, please tell me and I will do my best to help you."

"Um...can you teach me how to be sexier?"


Even Bellobetti was stunned for a moment when she heard this.

"That's right." Rebecca nodded heavily and said:

"Mr. Rosen must be willing to teach you for this reason."

"Although I asked Aunt Violet to teach me, she said I was too young and asked me to wait for another two years to think about this issue.

"But I hope to gain the power to protect the country now, so please help me.

Bellobetti dumbly looked at Rebecca, who had a serious expression in front of her, and then glanced at Rebecca's figure, which was beginning to take shape.

"Since Miss Rebecca said so, let me tell you my understanding of sexy."

"Since Violet has such a figure, I think you will become bigger in two years.

"When Rebecca grows up, she can dress like me...A"

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