Fighting For Famous Swords on the Summit, All Members of the Fleet Are Great Swordsmen

Chapter 6 Nami: Mr. Luo Sen, are you a capable person? (begging for flowers)

"The secret treasure in the sea?"

"Devil Fruit?"

"Does such a thing really exist?"

Nami asked suspiciously.

Devil Fruit, she had naturally heard of it.

However, she always thought it was just a legend.

"of course it's true."

"The fruit in my hand is the Devil Fruit that I accidentally got on an island."

Luo Sen threw the Devil Fruit in his hand and laughed.

‘Isn’t it? so lucky? ' Nami thought so, but he said, "Mr. Luo Sen is really amazing, he can get a great treasure by accident."

"Since it's a Devil Fruit, what kind of power does this fruit have?"

While speaking, Nami's eyes never left the Devil Fruit in Luo Sen's hands.

"Looking at the shape of this fruit, it should be a slippery fruit."

"As long as you eat it, the surface of the body can become very smooth, and even bullets can pass through the skin of the ability person without causing any damage to the ability person."

"Of course, it also has a very special function."

"That is, even if a fat woman eats this fruit, she can instantly become a slender and sexy beauty."

"So, if this fruit is put up for auction, there may be some women who love beauty who are willing to bid at a high price."

"The price will be higher."

Luo Sen laughed.

Hearing this, Nami's eyes lit up even more.

‘Definitely, take this fruit away. ’

At this moment, Nami was extremely firm in his heart.

Although I don't know if the Devil Fruit mentioned by Luo Sen is true, Luo Sen actually put this fruit in a gorgeous treasure box.

This made Nami, who was greedy for money, unable to let go of this Devil Fruit anyway.

Luo Sen glanced at Nami and could roughly guess what was in his mind.

‘Unfortunately, Devil Fruit needs Shikai to unlock Zanpakutō. ’

'Otherwise, it is possible to create a great beauty with slippery fruits. ’

After putting the slippery fruit that he accidentally got from some kind of island back into the treasure chest, Luo Sen turned around and continued to walk towards his bedroom.

After winning the Zanpakutō 'Yanling Pill' from the system, Luo Sen carefully watched the specific conditions for the liberation of Yanling Pill.

Unlike Zangetsu in Luo Sen's hands, for Zangetsu, as long as Luo Sen's strength as the master reaches the right conditions, he can play Shikai or even Bankai.

But 'Yanling Pill', or the Zanpakutō that may be drawn in the future, not only requires the master's strength to be in place.

It is also necessary to let Zanpakutō take Devil Fruit under the premise of the master's strength.

This also allowed Luo Sen to add the purpose of collecting Devil Fruit to the purpose of collecting famous knives.

‘Fortunately, after Zanpakutō’s master’s strength reaches certain conditions. ’

‘Stun or kill Demon fruit power, you can also use Zanpakutō to absorb the Devil Fruit power on his body. ’

‘This saves me a lot of effort to collect Devil Fruit. ’

Opening the door and entering the bedroom, Luo Sen thought while putting the slippery fruit into the lockbox on the counter.

Aside, Nami craned his neck to see the secret of the lockbox.

But when Luo Sen intentionally covered her body with her body, she couldn't see clearly at a distance.

Just when she was feeling distressed, her attention was quickly attracted by several bounties posted on the corner of the wall.

To be precise, it was one of the bounty orders for a murloc wanted.

‘Arlong! ’

Nami gritted his teeth, his fists clenched involuntarily.

"Okay, things are sorted."

"Nami, I will trouble you to control the sailing direction of the Explorer."

"Next, I need to exercise."

Luo Sen turned his head, just in time to see Nami looking at the Arlong bounty on the wall.

"Nami, are you interested in these pirates' bounties?"

Luo Sen raised his eyebrows and said.

"You misunderstood, Mr. Luo Sen, how could a weak woman like me be interested in pirates."

"By the way, Mr. Luo Sen, why did you post these pirates' bounties here?"

Hearing Luo Sen's words, Nami immediately came back to his senses and said to Luo Sen with a smile on his face.

"I also want to make money to eat, so I'll be a bounty hunter for now."

"Those who have been crossed by me are the pirates that I have killed."

"It's a pity that the pirates on the boat you stayed on just now were not rewarded."

"Otherwise, I'll be able to make more money."

"Okay, that's it, I should go to practice."

Luo Sen patted Nami's shoulder and said.

"Exercise?" Nami's eyes lit up, "Luo Sen, are you going to exercise outside?"

Looking at Nami's expression, Luo Sen still didn't know her purpose.

It is nothing more than wanting to study the password of the lockbox he set while he is exercising outside in order to steal the slippery fruit.

"No, I'm exercising in me."

Luo Sen glanced at Nami with interest, then raised his hand and waved two white lights in her surprised eyes.

The white light fell on the wall and immediately formed two pure white doors.

Above the two doors, there are three big characters, 'Gym' and 'Wu Jian Fang', respectively.

"This is... the door? Mr. Luo Sen, how did you do it? Could this door be opened?"

Nami blinked and asked in surprise.

"Of course it can be opened."

Luo Sen nodded, walked to the wall and opened the door of the 'gym'.

Through the gate, an extremely spacious, even stadium-sized room was revealed in front of Luo Sen and Nami.

There are various fitness equipment in the room.

Looking closely, next to the fitness area, there seems to be a place dedicated to showering and a bathhouse.

" spacious!"

"Mr. Luo Sen, why is there so much space behind this door?"

"Your whole ship isn't this big, is it?"

"The space behind the door, shouldn't it be fake?"

"Am I hallucinating?"

Nami's mouth widened and asked Luo Sen in disbelief.

"of course it's true."

Luo Sen nodded.

Although he was also surprised by the system's so-called 'gym' extra-dimensional space.

But Nami was next to him, and he certainly wouldn't be surprised.

"By the way, do you want to come and visit, Miss Nami?"

After Luo Sen finished speaking, he directly took Nami's hand and walked into the gym.

"It turned out to be true?!"

The surprise on Nami's face grew even more when he saw that he passed the gate without any hindrance.

"Mr. Luo Sen, aren't you some kind of Devil Fruit capable?"

At this moment, Nami began to believe that Devil Fruit really exists in the world.


ps: Ask for flowers, evaluation tickets, book reviews. *

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