When Zi Yan heard Xiao Ling's words, a satisfied smile appeared on her face. She nodded gently, and then continued to rock gently on the swing, enjoying the tranquility of the afternoon.

Xiao Ling's eyes slowly swept across the courtyard, and finally settled on the little medical fairy. His voice had a relaxed smile: "Xian'er, I will start refining the turtle spirit earth fire later. This The process may be long and very critical. If someone comes to me during my retreat, you have to block it for me and don’t let anyone disturb me.”

After hearing this, the little medical fairy nodded seriously, with a firm light in her eyes: "Don't worry, I will take care of it. You can retreat in peace, and I will make sure no one disturbs you."

Xiao Ling nodded with satisfaction, with a trace of relief in his eyes: "Okay, I knew you were the most reliable."

The little medical fairy smiled and said, "That's natural. You don't care who I am."

Afterwards, Xiao Ling gently hugged the little medical fairy and whispered: "Then I will go and prepare." There was a hint of reluctance in his voice, but at the same time, there was also a hint of concern for the refining process that was about to begin. expect.

Patting Xiao Ling's back, the little medical fairy said, "Go ahead, but there are risks in refining the strange fire, so you have to be careful at all times."

Then, Xiao Ling turned to Qing Lin and Zi Yan: "During my period of seclusion, you should also be more careful and practice well. After I come out of seclusion, we will discuss the experience of cultivation together."

Qing Lin nodded slightly, with a trace of reluctance in her eyes, but more of a trust in Xiao Ling: "Master, go with peace of mind, we will take care of ourselves."

Zi Yan waved her hand, with a hint of playfulness in her voice: "Xiao Ling, you must come out quickly when you are in retreat, otherwise I will die of boredom."

Xiao Ling smiled softly. He understood Zi Yan's character. She could always bring a sense of relaxation in a tense atmosphere. He nodded, then turned around and walked slowly towards the secret room of seclusion.

Xiao Ling crossed the courtyard and came to the door of the training room. The practice room is located in a secluded corner of the courtyard, surrounded by dense bamboo forests. It has a quiet environment and is a very suitable place for practice.

The door of the training room is made of thick black iron and is engraved with complex formations, which can isolate all interference from the outside world and ensure that Xiao Ling can concentrate on his training.

Xiao Ling opened the door and walked into the training room. The light in the room is slightly dim, with only a few rays of sunlight projected through the gaps in the windows, forming mottled light and shadow.

In the center of the training room is a circular stone platform. The surface of the stone platform is engraved with various mysterious runes, which shine faintly in the dim light.

These runes have the effect of gathering the energy of the surrounding heaven and earth to a certain extent. They are a special method arranged by Lord Tianhuo before.

Xiao Ling walked to the center of the training room and took out the jade bed made of Ice Soul Cold Hell Jade that he had obtained from the ruins of Venerable Turtle Spirit from the Najie.

As soon as the jade bed appeared, it exuded a faint blue cold air, like thin frost in winter, permeating the entire practice room. The temperature in the room seemed to drop by dozens of degrees in an instant. The water vapor in the air condensed into frost and floated in the air, like a dream-like scene. A biting cold air filled the air, as if even the air was about to be frozen.

Xiao Ling touched his chin, a glimmer of satisfaction flashed in his eyes. He said to himself: "With the assistance of this Ice Soul Cold Prison Jade Bed, the process of refining the Turtle Spirit Earth Fire should be much easier."

The Ice Soul Cold Prison Jade Bed not only provides an extremely cold environment, helping Xiao Ling resist the high temperature of the strange fire when absorbing the Turtle Spirit Earth Fire, it also has the effect of stabilizing the mind and improving the efficiency of cultivation.

Xiao Ling placed the jade bed in the center of the stone platform, then sat cross-legged on the jade bed. Suddenly, a chill spread from the jade bed to his body, and the strange fire in his body circulated slightly, easily resisting the cold air.

The coldness of this Ice Soul Cold Prison Jade Bed may be unbearable for ordinary people, but for Xiao Ling, who has conquered four strange fires, there is not much discomfort.

Then, Xiao Ling waved his hand gently and summoned the turtle spirit earth fire from the system space. The dark brown flames jumped in front of him, as if alive, and gradually condensed into a small and exquisite dark brown turtle.

This little turtle, transformed from the turtle spirit's earth fire, looked at its surroundings curiously as soon as it appeared. Its eyes were smart and alert. It didn't gradually calm down until its eyes fell on Xiao Ling, and it seemed to feel a familiar sense of security.

Xiao Ling looked at the little turtle, a smile flashed in his eyes. He stretched out his finger, tapped its little head gently, and said: "Little guy, don't be nervous, I won't hurt you. Next, I will guide you to merge with my power, which is good for both you and me. An important transformation."

The little turtle seemed to understand Xiao Ling's words. A glimmer of wisdom flashed in its little eyes, and then it nodded, indicating that it was ready.

Xiao Ling looked at the little turtle that was transformed from the turtle spirit fire, a smile flashed in his eyes, and he secretly admired in his heart: "This little guy is quite spiritual."

With a gentle smile, Xiao Ling teased the little turtle that was cremated from the Turtle Spirit Land again, then gently put it aside and began the final preparations before refining.

He took out two exquisite jade bottles from the ring. These two jade bottles emitted a faint light and were obviously not ordinary containers. He gently uncorked the bottle, and two pills slowly rose from the bottle and floated in front of Xiao Ling.

The pill on the left is a deep and mysterious blue, like a frozen sapphire. There is a layer of cold air flowing on its surface, as if it is a thin layer of frost, exuding a hint of coolness. If you look closely, you can find that there seem to be countless tiny ice crystals flowing slowly inside the pill, flashing a faint light, giving people a pure and powerful feeling. Its shape is round and smooth, without a single flaw, exuding a noble and cold breath.

The pill on the right is a pill shining with dazzling golden light. Its color is like the bright sunshine, full of warm and powerful power. The surface of the pill seems to have a layer of golden flames beating, exuding a fiery breath. In the golden light, there are also some faint red lines, like burning veins, full of mysterious breath. The shape of this pill is regular, exuding a heavy and holy temperament.

Xiao Ling's eyes carefully examined the two pills. One is the Binglan Fire Control Pill, which can regulate the coldness in the body when refining the strange fire, maintaining a delicate balance to resist the hot invasion of the strange fire. It is made of rare materials such as polar ice soul crystal, cold wave flower, and frost spirit grass. It is like an ice-covered guardian, providing a layer of safe protection for practitioners who refine strange fire.

The other is the Yanmai Protecting Spirit Pill, which forms a solid energy shield on the tendons and veins of the practitioner to prevent the fierce burning of the strange fire. This pill combines precious materials such as Yanyang Divine Stone, Protecting Veins Spirit Vine, and Jinyan Spirit Fruit. When the practitioner faces the threat of strange fire, it can quickly stimulate the inner potential and build an indestructible protective wall to ensure that the tendons and veins are not damaged, so that the practitioner can master the power of the strange fire more stably.

These two pills were his harvest in the ruins of the Guiling Venerable. The grade is as high as the seventh grade advanced. It was prepared by Guiling Venerable for the inheritor to refine the Guiling Earth Fire. Now, Xiao Ling can use them to help himself.

Xiao Ling carefully put the two pills aside, they will play a vital role in his refining process. These two pills can significantly reduce the severe pain he endured when refining the Turtle Spirit Earth Fire.

Although he has extraordinary recovery ability, the less pain he can relieve in the process of refining the strange fire, the better. Xiao Ling is not a masochist.

He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, using this method to adjust his state, ensure that he is focused and ready to meet the challenge. As his breathing stabilized, Xiao Ling's mentality also became calm, and he was ready to start his journey of refining strange fire.

Xiao Ling stared at the two pills in his hand, took a deep breath, and then decisively put the Binglan Yuhuo Pill into his mouth. As soon as the pill touched his lips and tongue, it immediately turned into a cool liquid, flowing down his throat, and in an instant it turned into a wisp of cold air that spread in Xiao Ling's body. He felt a long-lost chill spreading in his body, as if the whole person was covered by a thin layer of frost.

Then, Xiao Ling swallowed the Flame Vein Soul Protecting Pill. As soon as this pill entered his stomach, it began to slowly release its medicinal power, and the gentle energy gradually spread to his limbs. These energies formed a thin protective layer on the tendons and veins in Xiao Ling's body, providing him with additional protection.

This layer of energy protection not only enhanced his ability to resist the high temperature of the strange fire, but also greatly reduced the feeling of coldness brought by the Binglan Fire Control Pill, making him feel a comfortable balance.

Xiao Ling closed his eyes and carefully felt the changes in his body. He could feel two forces interweaving in his body, one cool and stable, and the other warm and protective. This state is extremely beneficial to his upcoming refining work.

He opened his eyes and looked firmly at the Turtle Spirit Earth Fire on the side. The dark brown little turtle was quietly suspended in the air, as if waiting for his call.

"Come on, little guy, it's time to start." Xiao Ling said softly, with a hint of gentle encouragement in his voice.

Hearing Xiao Ling's call, the little turtle transformed from the turtle spirit earth fire seemed to understand his intention. Its little eyes flashed with a lively light, and then nodded, indicating that it was ready.

Its small body began to change, gradually returning to its original flame form. The dark brown flame swayed gently in the air, exuding a hot and powerful breath.

Xiao Ling took a deep breath, then slowly opened his mouth, indicating that the turtle spirit earth fire entered his body.

The flame transformed by the little turtle seemed to understand Xiao Ling's intention. It did not hesitate at all, and quickly turned into a dark brown streamer, flashed, and went directly into Xiao Ling's mouth.

As soon as the origin of the turtle spirit earth fire entered the body, a burning heat quietly spread from the body, and Xiao Ling quickly sat cross-legged. On his body, the blue-gold flame and the dark brown flame continued to erupt from the pores.

Xiao Ling felt a hot energy spreading in his body, and this power gave him a feeling that was both friendly and novel. Familiar, because he had refined four strange fires before and was not unfamiliar with the fusion process of strange fires; novel, because the energy of the Turtle Spirit Earth Fire was stronger than any strange fire he had refined before, and its flame characteristics were also unique.

Although the Turtle Spirit Earth Fire did not show any signs of resistance, Xiao Ling had basically mastered its control, but this did not mean that the refining process would be easy. The Turtle Spirit Earth Fire was ranked quite high on the list of strange fires. Even though it had been refined once by the previous Turtle Spirit Venerable, and had no chance to freely absorb external energy after the Venerable's death, the power it contained still exceeded any strange fire Xiao Ling had refined before, including the most powerful Fallen Heart Flame.

Xiao Ling knew in his heart that it would not be a one-day job to completely refine this powerful strange fire. Recalling that in order to refine the Fallen Heart Flame, he had been in seclusion deep underground for nearly a year. Although the situation this time might not be so extreme, he also knew that this would be a protracted battle.

As Xiao Ling closed his eyes and sat cross-legged, he began to operate the Burning Technique route, focusing on refining the Turtle Spirit Earth Fire in his body. During this process, the blue-gold fire cover that originally surrounded him gradually dimmed, and finally completely dissipated, as if it had never existed.

Xiao Ling was the only one left in the practice room, and his figure looked particularly quiet in the dim light. Time seemed to become irrelevant here, Xiao Ling's breathing became slow and deep, and the whole person was completely immersed in the practice of refining the strange fire.

Everything in the outside world seemed to have nothing to do with him, and his mind was completely focused on the surging power in his body. Every breath, every heartbeat, was synchronized with the rhythm of the Turtle Spirit Earth Fire. His body was like a sophisticated furnace, constantly refining and fusing this powerful energy.

As time went on, the energy fluctuations in Xiao Ling's body became stronger and stronger, and a layer of faint blue-gold light began to appear on the surface of his skin, which was a sign of the fusion of the Turtle Spirit Earth Fire and other strange fires in his body. This light flickered slowly with the rhythm of his breathing, like the brightest star in the night sky.

Then, the blue-gold light in the practice room gradually stabilized, and Xiao Ling's breathing became more and more peaceful. His figure was almost unrecognizable in the dim light, and the whole person seemed to be integrated with the surrounding environment. On his body, the blue-gold light gradually weakened and finally disappeared completely, and the training room fell into silence again.


During the time when Xiao Ling was in seclusion, the situation in the Gama Empire had undergone earth-shaking changes. The threat of the Three Kingdoms Alliance was like a sword of Damocles hanging over his head, making the atmosphere of the entire empire tense and solemn. However, in this tense atmosphere, the Gama Empire ushered in a series of exciting news.

First, the guardian of the royal family, Jia Xingtian, finally broke through the bottleneck of Dou Zong after taking the Po Zong Dan for the second time to practice in seclusion, and became the first Dou Zong powerhouse in the Gama Empire in nearly a hundred years. His strength improvement undoubtedly added a guarantee to the safety of the empire. Immediately afterwards, the great elder of the Mitel family, "Ice Emperor" Hai Bodong, also reported the good news of breaking through Dou Zong. The appearance of these two Dou Zong powerhouses made the people of the Gama Empire feel extremely proud and excited.

And what surprised the people of the Gama Empire the most was the breakthrough of Yunshan, the ninth generation leader of the Yunlan Sect. Yunshan, an old-generation warrior who once left a strong mark in the history of the Gama Empire, finally succeeded in breaking through to the Dou Zong realm after more than ten years of seclusion. As soon as his news came out, the entire Gama Empire was boiling. Yunshan's breakthrough not only represents the improvement of personal strength, but also consolidates the reputation of Yunlan Sect as the first sect in the Gama Empire. It is also a leap in the overall strength of the Gama Empire.

Counting Yunshan, who has now broken through the Dou Zong, the number of Dou Zong warriors in the Gama Empire has increased to three. If the Queen Medusa of the Snake People is added, the Gama Empire is no weaker than the Three Kingdoms Alliance in high-end combat power, and is even slightly better.

During Xiao Ling's seclusion, the strength of the Gama Empire has also been significantly improved. In addition to the addition of three new Dou Zong warriors, many practitioners have successfully broken through their own realms with the help of the elixir provided by Xiao Ling. The growth of this force has boosted the morale of the entire empire.

The people of the Gama Empire are immersed in jubilation, and they are extremely excited about the increase in the strength of the empire. On the streets, people were talking about this event, as if they had seen the glorious future of the empire. Everyone was talking about the legends of Dou Zong masters and the news of those who had recently made breakthroughs.

However, behind this joy, the top leaders of the Gama Empire could hardly share the optimism of the people. Their brows were furrowed, and their hearts were full of worries. The threat of the Three Kingdoms Alliance was like a shadow, looming over their hearts. Every day, they were nervously paying attention to the dynamics of the border, alert to any possible disturbances.

Although the Gama Empire was not inferior in the number of Dou Zong-level masters, there was still a big gap between the Gama Empire and the Three Kingdoms Alliance in terms of the combat power of Dou Huang and Dou Wang. If a conflict really broke out, the outcome would be unpredictable. Even if it won, it would be a miserable victory. The vitality of the Gama Empire was seriously injured, and it would be difficult to recover.

The Three Kingdoms Alliance was ready to move, so the top leaders of the Gama Empire were always on alert. They must always be prepared to deal with possible wars.

Although the situation in the Jia Ma Empire was tense, as the overall strength grew, people felt more confident. Whenever they mentioned those powerful people who had made breakthroughs and the newly promoted Dou Zong, people would always sigh with emotion. They knew that all this was closely related to Xiao Ling, the young sixth-grade alchemy master.

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