With their Dou Wang-level cultivation, they used Dou Qi wings to fly in the sky. In less than a quarter of an hour, they had already arrived at the flight station.

Under the envious and awe-inspiring eyes of the students in the outer courtyard, the two slowly flapped their Dou Qi wings and landed from the air to the ground.

The instructor who was in charge of order saw Xiao Ling and the others coming back, and smiled and greeted them: "It seems that you are ready to go. I have already fed the griffin beast just now. As long as you feed it again on the way, with its fourth-level magic beast cultivation, it should not be a problem to fly to the Jiama Empire within half a month."

Nodding to the instructor and throwing a porcelain bottle to him, Xiao Ling smiled and said: "Thank you for your care, instructor. There is a purple heart barrier-breaking pill in it, which can improve the cultivation of the great Dou Master by one star without side effects. "Thank you for accompanying me in the battle in the outer courtyard before, which enriched my practical experience. This is a small token of my appreciation."

Taking the porcelain bottle containing the Purple Heart Barrier Breaking Pill, the instructor accepted it without pretense, and said with a smile: "As expected of a sixth-grade alchemist, you are generous, so I will accept it shamelessly. Be careful when you are out there, and pay attention to your own safety."

Waving to the instructor, Xiao Ling took Zi Yan's hand, slightly circulated his fighting spirit, jumped up, and landed steadily on the back of the griffin beast.

After touching the head of the griffin, Xiao Ling pointed in the direction of the Jiama Empire, threw a second-grade pill into its mouth, and said, "Big guy, I'll leave it to you on the way."

It seemed that the griffin understood Xiao Ling's words, or for the sake of the pill in its mouth, it nodded very cooperatively, made a cry, and then jumped up, jumped more than ten meters high, and then flapped its broad wings a few times, and began to fly into the sky.

Feeling the breeze blowing in his face, watching the Canaan Academy under his feet getting smaller and smaller in his vision, Xiao Ling couldn't help but sighed: "The story of Canaan Academy is about to come to an end."

Holding Zi Yan's little hand, the two entered the room on the back of the griffin together, and the next ten days or so would be spent here.

After entering the room, Zi Yan shook Xiao Ling's arm and said with some expectation: "Xiao Ling, Xiao Ling, where are the pills for today?"

Reaching out and touching Zi Yan's smooth purple hair, Xiao Ling said dotingly: "Don't worry, I'm ready."

Taking out a bottle of pills from the ring, Xiao Ling handed it to Zi Yan and reminded her: "You can't eat them all at once. Even if you have extraordinary blood, but you take in too much energy, your body will feel uncomfortable. You can go to the next room to take pills and practice. I will practice fighting skills in this room for a while."

Nodding vigorously, Zi Yan raised her head and said in a funny way: "Don't worry, don't worry, I will be fine." After that, she took out a pill from the porcelain bottle, threw it into her mouth, and ran into another room.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Ling could only shake his head helplessly. What else can he do? Anyway, he can only dote on her. With Xiao Ling's status as a sixth-grade alchemist, it is more than enough to raise Zi Yan with pills made from some fifth-grade medicinal materials.

He walked to the table, pulled out a chair, and sat on it. He took out the "Distraction Control Method" extracted from the system from the ring. Xiao Ling first read the content completely, and then began to practice according to the steps recorded above.

The practice method of distraction control method is not complicated. Different people have different practice methods. As long as you can control yourself to do multiple things at the same time, you can be considered to be an entry.

To practice the distraction control method well, you must first have a strong soul perception. For Xiao Ling, who has broken through the spiritual realm soul, it is already a piece of cake. But to practice this skill well, to put it simply, you must be able to control multiple directions while being able to concentrate.

This is indeed a bit difficult for Xiao Ling. Everyone has a habit. When doing something, they used to concentrate on it alone. Now they have to control multiple directions at the same time, which is really a bit uncomfortable.

He raised his hands, opened his fists, and simultaneously activated the Fusion Beast Fire and Golden Emperor Burning Heaven Flame in his body. "Puff..." The blue-pink Beast Fire appeared on his left hand, and the Golden Emperor Burning Heaven Flame jumped out on his right hand.

Xiao Ling began to use his soul power to control the two flames at the same time to make different shapes, in order to achieve the effect of training multiple tasks.

At the beginning, Xiao Ling would subconsciously focus on one flame. After several failures, with his strong soul perception, Xiao Ling was soon able to control two flames at the same time. He separated another flame from the Beast Fire and began to control three flames at the same time, gradually increasing the difficulty, making the movements of the flames more and more difficult...

After less than an hour, Xiao Ling had already reached the realm of the Three-Aperture Control Heart. He could easily do three things with one mind, but the difficulty would increase exponentially when he practiced to a higher level. If Xiao Ling wanted to reach the Seven-Aperture Exquisite Heart, he still had to continue practicing.

Practicing this secret method not only allows you to do multiple things at once, but also increases your control over your soul perception. Using soul perception can achieve better results, which is indeed a good skill for alchemists. When refining low-level pills, you can refine more pills at a time, and extracting liquid medicine can also refine several medicinal materials at a time, which can greatly speed up the speed of refining pills. As long as you concentrate all your attention when condensing the pill, the success rate of refining the pill will not be affected.

During the rest of the flight, the days became more regular. I practiced the "Distraction Control Method" every day, practiced some alchemy skills, practiced Dou Qi at night, chatted and played with Zi Yan, and teased my monster Raquaza. , with the company of Zi Yan and Rayquaza, this not-so-short journey was quite interesting, which made Xiao Ling confirm that taking Zi Yan out with him was a wise choice.

Half a month passed by in a flash.

In the room, Xiao Ling sat cross-legged. In front of him were seven fourth-level medicinal herbs, which were being tempered by Xiao Ling using the Golden Emperor's Burning Sky Flame.

Zi Yan on the side stared intently at Xiao Ling's movements, fearing that by accident, she would burn the medicinal materials she had just snatched from several monsters.

After all the medicinal materials were tempered into liquid medicine, Xiao Ling took out a few special sugar pills from the Najie and threw them into it, and then condensed the liquid medicine into pills with a round color.

Zi Yan, who was staring at Xiao Ling, noticed this scene, her eyes instantly glowed with gold, she took out a porcelain bottle from the ring, uncorked the bottle, and shook it at Xiao Ling.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Ling couldn't help but twitch the corner of her mouth. This girl really cared about whether she had something to eat. With a gesture of her hand, the pills fell into the porcelain bottle in Zi Yan's hand.

When the last one was about to fly into the mouth of the bottle, Zi Yan opened her mouth wide and swallowed it in one gulp, making Xiao Ling look a little funny across from her.

After sealing the porcelain bottle with a stopper and putting it into the ring, Zi Yan smiled at Xiao Ling and said, "Thank you very much, Xiao Ling. Your method is quite good. The speed of refining pills is much faster than before."

Xiao Ling replied: "A soul perception control method that I have recently practiced is very helpful in refining pills."

Nodding, Zi Yan stopped talking about the matter and asked: "Can we go to Jiajia Empire today? I really want to see what your and Xun'er's families are like."

Picking up the map in his hand and looking at it, Xiao Ling replied: "With the speed of the gryphon beast, we can reach the Zhengui Pass in another hour. That is the southernmost part of the Jiaji Empire, and it is still far away from the Xiao family in Wutan City. Many cities.”

Putting the map into Najie, Xiao Ling looked at the direction of the Empire and thought: "First send a letter to the Xiao family and ask the family members to move to the imperial capital. This way, even if the Yunlan Sect wants to secretly attack the Xiao family, Relying on his status as a sixth-grade alchemist, he has to make careful decisions in a crowded place like the Imperial Capital."

He looked towards the direction of the Tagore Desert. There was an old man there who could be pulled out to work for him. It should be more than enough to help take care of the Xiao family. To this extent, he had done his best to the Xiao family. You can only protect yourself wisely, your own safety is the most important thing.

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