In order to speed up their arrival in Mocheng, Xiao Ling awakened the Rayquaza on his wrist, and the two of them rode the Rayquaza at full speed towards Mocheng.

One day later, on the eastern border of the Gama Empire, on the edge of the Tagore Desert, there was Desert City.

A slender creature galloped across the sky, and a blue channel was cut through the surrounding clouds, making it particularly eye-catching.

With Rayquaza's speed surpassing that of ordinary Douzong experts, it only took about a day for Shimo City to appear in their sight.

Xiao Ling said to Zi Yan on the side: "Let's walk over together. Don't be too conspicuous. Don't steal the medicinal materials from other people's treasure houses, so as not to get into trouble. When the time comes, others will say that I am a dignified sixth-grade refiner." It doesn’t sound good if the pharmacist steals medicinal materials.”

Zi Yan scratched her head and said with a guilty conscience: "I know, I know, don't worry, I won't do such a thing."

Seeing Zi Yan's appearance, Xiao Ling on the side shook her head helplessly. It was obvious that this was what this girl had just thought.

Patting Rayquaza's back, Rayquaza, who was connected to Xiao Ling's mind, gradually began to shrink in size, and then wrapped around Xiao Ling's wrist and got into his sleeve.

After stuffing a fourth-grade elixir into his sleeve, Raquaza swallowed it in one gulp, licked Xiao Ling's fingers, then put his head back and fell asleep.

After patting the little guy on the head, Xiao Ling said with some humor: "It's really hard for you to drive at full speed all day long, so take a good rest."

After the two fell from Rayquaza, they spread their fighting wings and flew towards the city gate.

When they were still a few hundred meters away from the city, Xiao Ling and Zi Yan's flying speed gradually slowed down. Their bodies trembled slightly, and the fighting spirit wings behind them turned into energy points and slowly dissipated. in the air.

Perhaps due to its proximity to the desert, the weather here is quite dry and hot. The blazing sunshine shines down from the sky, baking the earth under your feet, constantly exuding a smoky heat, and the heat rises slowly. , it also caused people's vision to appear slightly distorted and blurred.

After checking the situation inside his body, he found that the activity level of the fire attribute had a certain improvement effect. The soul perception in the center of the eyebrows emanates, and it is noticed that the air here is filled with a large amount of fire attribute and earth attribute energy. If you practice these two attributes here, the efficiency will be improved, but it will be different from the inner courtyard. Compared with the Tianfen Qi Training Tower, it is not worth mentioning.

As we gradually approach the city, there are more and more passers-by around us. Most of these passers-by are men with bare arms and dark skin. At first glance, they seem to be quite bold, and the occasional passers-by Although the skin of the woman is also slightly dark, it has a somewhat sexy bronze color. The woman here is not as reserved and shy as the women in the empire. A tight-fitting leather jacket just barely covers her breasts and the skin underneath. A little area is covered, but those slender waists are boldly exposed. The slender and tight thighs are also only wrapped by some short skirts or shorts. When walking, the waist twists like a water snake. It has a charming charm and style.

However, Xiao Ling only glanced at these scenes that could be regarded as stunning beauty to others, and then withdrew his gaze. Now Xiao Ling's eyes have been raised by Han Yue and Xiao Xun'er. The seniors at Canaan College were not as good as him, which naturally made Xiao Ling less interested.

Not far from the city gate, Xiao Ling took out the alchemist's robe and put on the third-level alchemist badge he had obtained before. He originally planned to use his identity as a second-level alchemist to avoid some trouble, but the third-level alchemist is still a bit conspicuous. After all, Xiao Ling doesn't like to be stared at by everyone, and there is no sense of accomplishment in pretending to be 13 in front of these Dou Zhi Dou Masters. It's a pity that he reached the third level not long after learning, and there is no lower badge. This is also a kind of helplessness of a genius. Bar.

At the gate of the city, a dozen soldiers in armor, holding long guns, were shouting at passers-by entering the city to pay the city entry tax.

Perhaps because of the hot weather, the soldiers guarding here were also a little irritated by the irritable weather. They shouted and cursed unceremoniously and kept urging passers-by at the city gate.

Because their temperaments and attire were quite distinctive, they were quickly noticed by passers-by and soldiers at the door.

Noticing Xiao Ling's alchemist robe and the third-grade alchemist badge on his chest, everyone around them cast their eyes of envy, admiration, and yearning at the two.

The pedestrians stopped and moved to both sides to make way.

Xiao Ling didn't say much, and walked straight towards the city gate with Zi Yan. When the soldiers guarding the city gate saw the two people approaching, one of the soldiers quickly stepped forward and bowed. His unkind look towards others just now also changed. He became flattering and said: "This alchemist, if you need to go to the city, please come in. You have a distinguished status and there is no need to queue up."

He nodded slightly, walked towards an empty passage next to him, casually took out a first-grade elixir from the ring, threw it towards the soldier, and then asked: "Where is the largest map shop in Mocheng. "

The soldier's quick eyesight and quick hands caught the elixir. He could not help but feel intoxicated by the scent of the medicine on it. He quickly bowed to Xiao Ling and replied respectfully: "There is a man named "Gu Tu" in Mocheng. There is a map in the map shop here. The approximate location is written on it. The alchemist might as well take a look." He immediately took out a map from his body and handed it to Xiao Ling.

When the soldiers around him saw that this man had benefited, they all looked at him with envy and hatred. They regretted that they had not gone up to please the alchemist just now and missed the opportunity.

Ignoring this person again, Xiao Ling took the map, took Zi Yan into the passage, and then slowly disappeared into the darkness in the city wall passage.

Holding the elixir in his hand tightly and looking at the envious eyes around him, the soldier couldn't help but sigh: "Fortunately, I am smart enough, otherwise this benefit would not be mine."

Following the map given by the soldier, Xiao Ling and Zi Yan quickly arrived in front of a store.

Xiao Ling took a look outside. This store was not as luxurious and flamboyant as other stores. Instead, it had a simple atmosphere. At a glance, he knew that the owner was not a simple person.

No longer thinking about other thoughts, Xiao Ling slowly walked into the store with Zi Yan. The interior of the store was not too spacious. The faint light of the two moonstones illuminated the store quite brightly. His eyes were on the interior of the store. After scanning it, there were not many people coming to buy the map, and it looked deserted. If Xiao Ling hadn't read the original book, he would probably wonder if he had gone to the wrong place.

After entering the store, Xiao Ling noticed the old man behind the counter. He was wearing a blue robe, with white hair hanging casually behind him. He had an icy aura around him. He was obviously a strong man who practiced ice attribute fighting spirit. .

This old man is obviously quite old, but even though he is quite old, the dry palm holding the black drawing pen is still steady and strong.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Ling couldn't help but murmur in her heart: "Hai Bodong, the Dou Qi mainland angel investor, finally found you."

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