Xiao Yan is not stupid. After all, he is a person who went to college in his previous life. He is not like a certain reckless man named Lin who recognizes three of the five characters. This president of the Dharma family just wanted to make the Xiao family owe him a favor. He didn't like the Xiao family's reward when he went to see a doctor before. Now that the Xiao family has Xiao Ling, he wants to get close to him.

"I see, with your cousin Xiao Ling checking your body, it doesn't require the intervention of President Dharma. I heard from my great-grandfather that Master Xiao Ling's level of alchemy is even more advanced than that of Furukawa." Maybe I can heal your health by then." Yaoyue answered while touching her chin.

"But now that you have appeared in front of this princess, I would like to see what your strange physique is like. After all, this princess is also the most talented alchemist in the Gama Empire besides Master Xiao Ling. I am here You have refined a third-grade elixir at the age of twelve, maybe I can find some clues about your body." After saying this, Yaoyue suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Yan, looking up and down with curious eyes.

Xiao Yan's current cultivation level was only at the third level of fighting spirit, so naturally he couldn't react. When he saw Yaoyue suddenly appearing, he was frightened and took a step back.

Hearing that Yaoyue wanted to help him check his body, Xiao Yan didn't really believe that Yaoyue had this ability. Even her teacher couldn't find any abnormalities in his physique. As a student, how could Yaoyue detect it. However, considering that she was the little princess of the royal family, Xiao Yan still planned to cooperate with her request, so he asked: "Then, may I ask, Your Highness, how should I cooperate with you?"

Hearing Xiao Yan agreed to her proposal, Yaoyue nodded with satisfaction, pointed to the grass beside her, and said in a somewhat impatient tone: "Sit on that lawn and adjust your body to the best position." Status, let me check your physical condition."

After hearing Yaoyue's arrangement, Xiao Yan did not refute and sat on the grass.

Yaoyue released her soul power and began to look up and down at Xiao Yan's physical condition.

He felt a strange feeling spread throughout his body, which made Xiao Yan feel as if he was naked and being seen, and his old face turned red.

However, seeing Yaoyue's serious look, Xiao Yan also stopped his random thoughts and quickly calmed down.

After a while, Yaoyue on the side shook her head and said helplessly: "I carefully checked your physical condition and found that not only are you not sick, but the strength of your muscles is comparable to that of an ordinary fighter. I think it's because you have If you can recover your cultivation talent, the time it takes to become a Fighter will definitely be much faster than your previous training. Unfortunately, I haven't heard of any pills that can assist you in your cultivation. You can quickly return to your previous state by taking pills.”

Xiao Yan scratched his head. He didn't expect to get such good news. Although Master Mitchell said that he had no physical problems before, he never mentioned the condition of his tendons. He didn't know whether he hadn't discovered it or not at all. Too lazy to mention it.

Maybe cousin Xiao Ling has a pill that can be used in the fighting spirit stage. If you can take pills to restore your cultivation, it will be much easier than simply practicing.

After a slight pause, Yaoyue spoke again: "You should start practicing now and try it. I will check how your fighting spirit disappears."

Nodding, Xiao Yan formed the cultivation mudra, and the fighting spirit in his body began to circulate.

A trace of pale white air flowed from the air toward Xiao Yan's body, entered his veins, and began to circulate according to the method of practicing Dou Qi.

Just when those pale white airflows were about to circulate in Xiao Yan's body, the black simple ring on his finger suddenly flashed a white light without Xiao Yan and Yaoyue being able to detect it, and it was about to be absorbed. The fighting spirit also disappeared.

Feeling that a familiar situation was happening to him, Xiao Yan sighed helplessly. He looked at Yaoyue who was stroking her chin and thinking, and asked curiously: "Your Highness, did you notice something went wrong?"

Hearing Xiao Yan's question, Yaoyue did not answer directly, but said, "You continue to practice. I was not paying attention just now."

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yan could only continue to do as he was told. Anyway, he had no friends in the Xiao family and was unable to practice now. It would be nice to chat with the little princess for a while.

Forming the cultivation mudra again, Xiao Yan began to absorb the pale white gas in the air again, trying to refine it in his body.

But whenever those pale white ones were about to be refined by Xiao Yan, they seemed to disappear out of thin air, without a trace.

"No, no, I was distracted just now. You can do it again."

"It's just a little bit off this time. I'll find the problem right away. You can try again."

"I'm a little tired this time. I'll definitely find it next time. Let's do it again..."

In the neat room, the crimson medicinal cauldron was slowly rotating in mid-air, and the golden flames were violently tumbling in it. As the crimson cauldron rotated, the space around it also continued to emit waves. Continuous small energy ripples, with the medicine cauldron as the center, form a circle, and gradually spread out in all directions. When they are about to touch the wall, they quietly annihilate and disperse...

Inside the flaming medicine cauldron, a thumb-sized pale purple pill prototype slowly took shape in the burning of the flame. At a certain moment, a deep purple pill fragrance suddenly emanated from the cauldron, filling the room for a long time.

The fragrance of the pill was basically a sign before the high-level pill took shape. As long as it was not long, this sixth-grade evil-breaking pill would be successfully refined.

Xiao Ling did not leave a backhand in the pill like Xiao Yan in the original book. First, it was because this was a transaction. As a pharmacist, Xiao Ling did not intend to violate professional ethics. Second, even if Hai Bodong recovered his Douhuang combat power and wanted to snatch the half of the previous incomplete map, Xiao Ling was sure to subdue him. Xiao Yan was only a Doushi at the time, and if Yao Chen took action, it would consume a lot of soul power.

With a wave of his hand, the red-gold flames in the medicine cauldron suddenly surged up, and in a flash, it completely wrapped the purple pill prototype, and began the last round of fierce burning.

The red-gold flame only rose for the blink of an eye before it quickly extinguished. As the flame extinguished, a thumb-sized, light purple, round pill emitting a faint luster spun around and appeared in the medicine cauldron.

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