[What a surprise!] ]

[With my current strength, the strength of the lower-level demons will actually have this level of perfect magic in advance, I am afraid that this only appears in those abyss magic systems and god domain magic systems…]



Although the content of the diary has not been completely clarified, many hidden existences and gods have vaguely guessed it, and the magicians in the wizarding world are almost ecstatic, as if they bought a lottery ticket, waiting for the moment of the lottery to come.


[Miracle magic! ]

[The real miracle magic is not quasi-miracle magic, it is corresponding to the magic magic of the demon king level!] ]

[It’s really a big gift, Yu Zhang Xun really gave me an incredible gift, when I saw this perfect magic, I was stunned for a long time before I completely came back to my senses, after all, in the memory fragments of the predecessors of the previous generations [Magic Creation Original Text], there is no miracle magic in the entire human magic world, and the highest is as long as it is like the [Quasi-Miracle Space Magic: Dimensional Jump Teleportation] and [Quasi-Miracle Magic Magic: False Reflection] cast before, it is all quasi-miracle magic…”

[It is precisely because there is no miracle magic in the entire human magic world that the end of the human magician has terminated to the quasi-demon king level, and there is no demon king level powerhouse…]

[…… Perhaps no one can guarantee 100% that as long as they have miracle magic, they will really be able to break through the quasi-demon king level and advance to the demon king level powerhouse, that is, that celestial blazing angel and underworld demon king and even the god king, the dragon king… These high and high existence have unique levels, but at least there is a glimmer of hope at the original end…”



“Sure enough, it’s miracle magic, these we humans finally have our own miracle magic?!”

An old-timer with a very high rank in the wizarding world couldn’t help but burst into tears when he saw this scene.

Hundreds of years!

It’s been hundreds of years!

From Abyss Magic, God Domain Magic… The human magic castrated in these top magic cultivation systems has always been at the bottom of the magic of the Three Realms, because there is not a single miracle magic.

Miracle magic!

It has almost become the inner obsession of these old guys in the magic world, and they also know that only the continuous emergence of geniuses and demons in the wizarding world can improve it little by little and give birth to true miracle magic, thus completely advancing the human magic training system to a top-level cultivation system comparable to the god and demon race.

It is also precisely because of this that after learning what the Gray Magicians Association did, it will attract so many old-timers in the wizarding world, including him, to fight the Gray Magicians Association.

This is all about digging into the foundations of the wizarding world.


The Son of God Watcher –

“Even with the secret provocation and suppression of the gods, mankind finally gave birth to miracle magic… Mankind truly deserves to be the only intelligent race favored by God…”

Azazel shook his head and sighed.

The reason why the magic world has not given birth to miracle magic for so many years is because the gods do not agree to the further enhancement of human beings, and the existence of the seven kings has already made many second-rate god systems sit still, if the magic world can give birth to a demon king-level powerhouse, I am afraid that the mainstream god system in the three realms will really suppress human beings.

Among them, the gray magician association supported by the underworld plays such a role intentionally or unintentionally.

However –

Fortunately, although six years ago, the owner of the diary created miracle magic through the gift of the fourth king of the previous generation, the king of Qingzhi Yu Zhang Xun [Magic Creation Original Text], but after all, it was only an isolated case, and a single miracle magic could not completely support the entire human magic cultivation system.

Moreover, there are no other miracle magic now, which is one of the reasons why many gods are slightly relieved.

“However, what kind of ability will this perfect magic created by the remnants of the remnant power of the previous generation of Qingzhi Yu Zhang Xun have?”

Azazel looked curiously at the contents of the diary and muttered to himself.

He didn’t know how much miracle magic he had seen, but the miracle magic that belonged to humans was the first time, not to mention that he was curious, other gods, demon kings, blazing angels… They all cast curious gazes one after another.


[[Miracle Magic: Blue King Order]! ]

[This is indeed a very unexpected magic, but it completely shows the “order” of the fourth king, the Blue King…]


This moment –

Both magicians and gods remember the name [Miracle Magic: Blue King Order], after all, this is the only miracle magic that has been born to mankind so far.


[[Miracle Magic: Blue King Order] The biggest role is the two words “order” in the name of magic, and what connects people together is bonds, memory, and history… To some extent, these constitute the most basic order of the entire human world, and [Miracle Magic: Blue King Order] can take itself as the core, compile an order that acts on people’s hearts, and can tamper with memory, history, and human senses…”

[Even forcibly modifying a concept can be successful, of course, provided that you put yourself at the core…]


[Moreover, the magic and spiritual power required for [Miracle Magic: Blue King Order] to perform is not simply determined by the magic itself level of [Miracle Magic: Blue King Order], and more is my own influence on the world, if I am a well-known figure of importance, the small order weaving is okay, if the order woven is modified too much, even the Demon King level powerhouse is enough to completely squeeze it out…”



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